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2 Ynfynyty
Cherubs - 2 Ynfynyty
The Austin noise-rock legends Cherubs came out with their first album in almost a decade earlier this year. Everyone who are into noise-rock are…
Minor Victories
Mediocre Amalgam
Minor Victories are the new supergroup of people, comprising Rachel Goswell from Slowdive, Stuart Braithwaite from Mogwai, Justin Lockey from Editors…
The Hooten Hallers
Toot For The Hooten Hallers
To capture the magic of city Lupus, located on the coast of powerful Missouri, and its famous Chilli Fest, it is enough you play the newest album by…
All Night Long
Rochelle's catchy All Night Long
When Rochelle first entered the Dutch music scene, she seemed set to be our very own Beyoncé. She first got noticed after winning the…
Robbie Robertson - The Decades of Testifying
I really hope that this is a more current picture of Robbie Robertson on this new album he put out called Testimony. Well, new in the sense that it…
Return Of The Tender Lover
Return of tender smooth R&B?
People often say that real R&B is dead. Usually, when you investigate what they mean, they think today’s R&B has moved more…
The Nothing
The Last Dinosaur - Overcoming The Grief Through Music
Grief can be an exceedingly strong motivator and can produce some deeply sad, bad at the same time, life-affirming music. Remember, for example, Neil…
Gang Signs & Prayer
Gang Signs & Prayer
The debut solo album from the breakout grime MC is a detailed portrait and full-throated riot, switching between clapping back at lesser rappers and…
Sex for the Wealthy
Coitus Int - Sex For The Wealthy
Coitus Int are a legendary Dutch post-punk/garage rock/noise rock band, who started out back in the 1980s. Their albums tended to mix post-punk and…
Goose Snow Cone
Coping Mechanisms
The clinical frankness of the title of indie veteran Aimee Mann’s latest album Mental Illness (2016) is actually meant as a jab…
Dark Night of The Soul
Throwback Thursday: Death Behind Danger Mouse's Dark Night Of The Soul
There are not many albums with the history of making long as Dark Night Of The Soul has. From the start of the project to the final release of the…
Music for the Age of Miracles
The Clientele - Beating the autumn gloominess
When you start asking yourself what has happened to a certain band, missing their music, you can be certain that they have come up with something…
Every Country's Sun
Mogwai Shakes It Up A Notch
Scottish post rock veterans Mogwai created their ninth studio album Every Country's Sun as a quartet since one of the founders, John Cummings,…
The Jazz Side Of The Moon
The Jazz Side of the Moon
Playing and recording covers is a common thing among musicians. Actually it is one of the stages in learning how to play, compose, arrange and…
Everything This Way
Indie Rock for the 21st Century
Irish band Walking on Cars is the band I have been waiting for. First of all, the music talent runs through their veins. Without any pretentious…
2012 - 2017
When Nicolas Jaar Plays House, That Doesn't Mean He Plays Safe
It is generally accepted notion that when an artist is having fun while making his music, the listener is also going to enjoy it. Under the pseudonym…
American Band
The Most Candid American Band
There are not much bands with a discography that is competitive enough to beat the description of Drive By Truckers: American Band. Over…
Ali aka mind on the charge with ''Survivor''
Montoya Ali better known as ALI AKA MIND is an independent producer and mc Colombian born in Bogota. He began his career in 2006 with the creation of…
The third album from studied Brooklyn chamber-pop ensemble San Fermin benefits from a sharper focus. But its lyrics signify depth and meaning without…
Pijan slavej
The Drunk Nightingale and the magical world of Foltin
“Foltin” are one of the most exciting bands coming from Macedonia. Building their sound through all these years (from 1995 until…
The Open Road
Howe’s Road Is Still Open
¿Qué se puede esperar de Howe Gelb en cualquier momento? Cualquier cosa. Y más aún, todo. Si alguno de sus seguidores desde hace…
Gothic Session
Sonic Death - Gothic Session
Sonic Death are a Russian garage rock/psychedelic rock band from Saint Petersburg, who have released a number of albums through the years. Lately they…
The Most Lamentable Tragedy
Tragic Rock Opera
After three radiant albums, Titus Andronicus are back with another radioactive material for your rock brain cells. It is not a tragedy as the title…
Apocalypse Again
Apocalypse Now! Again!
Events from 2002 seem like a far away past, especially in the music world where trends come and go at the speed of light. Those who were born around…
Don't Let Me Down
The Chainsmokers and Daya don't let me down
Hace unos 5 años, The Chainsmokers fueron los primeros en utilizar un hashtag y la palabra autofoto en una canción. Odiaba la canción…
Clayman (Reissue 2014)
The Pinnacle Of Melodeath?
When looking back at their career, it seems like In Flames did something of a reverse alchemy; they turned gold delivered with every album into lead (…
Me(n)tal Disturbia
The most fascinating thing related to Immortalized is how did they manage to release the single out of nowhere and say that their new album is coming…
The Congregation
The Congregation
Leprous are one of those bands that you listen to and pre-order new records from because you want to see them evolve. I got into them in 2012, after…
The Wilderness
Emotional Explosions
Fasten your seatbelts; it’s going to be an emotional ride to the other side. The Wilderness is the fifth album by one of my favorite post-…
Go, Lera!
American singer-songwriter received worldwide recognition with her appearance in the TV show True Detective and contribution to its soundtrack.…
Madame Piaf
Avant-Garde Cabaret
The Tiger Lillies were formed by Martyn Jacquesa in 1989. This charismatic and unique trio (Adrian Stout and Jonas Golland are the other two members)…
Tross - 16:11
Tross is one of the more interesting Swedish psychedelic rock bands, whose latest album titled 16:11 was released by the great Swedish label H&…
Midnight Sun
The Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger - Midnight Sun
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Here we have a big apple that fell not far from the huge tree; the tree being John Lennon and the apple…
Are You Ready For More Ella Mai?
London R`n`b gem Ella Mai returns with a brand new EP, slaying once again double big time! This girl is simply…
Climbing The Colossus
Sunnata - Climbing The Colossus
Sunnata are one of the most well-known Polish stoner metal/stoner doom/sludge bands along with the likes of Belzebong. While Sunnata recently released…
Wilco Plays It Safe
After ambitious art phases, run by gut and fueled by and emotion, artistic process usually comes to the point of homeostasis. It is not a bad phase…
Goat - Requiem
The Swedish psychedelic rock greats Goat have just released their new album ''Requiem''. As is usually the case, then Goat albums tend…
Pure Comedy
The Political Statement byFather John Misty
Ever since Josh Tillman took a sarcastic alias Father John Misty, two great albums emerged from his psyche with love pains as major theme. On his…
Review: Pharrell's 'G I R L'
Pharrell’s second solo release, G I R L, is the culmination of his year-and-a-half-long winning streak. His unadulterated happiness is…
The Reverses
Magnificently Insane Industrial Sludge
Oh, how I love records like The Reverses, the newest album by Terra Tenebrosa, where a bunch of maniacs plays music which could probably be used as a…
In the Kingdom of Dreams
Ian Felice - Are memories just dreams?
When poets get to singing… For some it is a problem, for others, it is a blessing, Dylan, Cohen, Simon, Oberst and yes, based on his first…
No Good
Noir Pop
The world of pop music is populated with so many artists who are trying to copy each other. It is not a plagiarism, it is just a promiscuous idea.…
Star Treatment
Wovenhand, The Second Phase
Wovenhand is one of those band with a cult status, thanks to David Eugene Edwards and the band that existed before Wovenhand (and that is 16…
Hypnotic and mysterious (if that album title wasn't clear enough!)
From the very first seconds of Sphynx, the opening song from the second album of this French band two things are clear. On one hand, this is an…
Who Is This America?
Afrobeat for the new generations
Born in a Brooklyn warehouse in 1997, 12-piece ensemble Antibalas is credited with re-introducing Afrobeat to a wider global audience. A Brooklyn-…
Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols
Never Mind The Bollocks..Here's The Sex Pistols
Creating a sense of chaos throughout the 70’s, the Sex Pistols are everything punk rock should be – all about image, extremely…
The Story of Sonny Boy Slim
Eclectic Rhythm and Blues
After few solo produced albums released for an independent label, Gary Clark Jr walked to the mainstream stage in 2012 with his Warner Bros debut…
Hamjam - Do ham and jam go well together?
I certainly don’t know the answer to the question from the title, but I’ m not even bound to try. Doesn’t sound too appetizing. But what I did try out…
Coup De Grâce
Headbanging mode: ON
There is a funny thing about supergroups, a gathering of premier musicians usually results in releasing an album(s) that are disappointing for the big…
The #TuVozTuPoder concert was a complete success.
Yesterday, October 30, the concert organization No Gag was held in the alfredo sadel plaza, which is in charge of bringing all citizens, what are our…
Because The Internet
Because The Internet Track-By-Track Review
As one of hip hop’s driest summers in years draws to a close, Childish Gambino’s sophomore effort, “Because The Internet…
The Gamble
Refined Experiment
Reunions of past collaborators can often be disappointing, especially when it comes to art projects. Luckily, Nils Frahm did not fall into that trap…
ELO, Eldo... Eldorado
Beatlesque pop, classical arrangements, and futuristic iconography were the trademarks of the English band Electric Light Orchestra. Their fourth…
Dark Sky Island
Wake Up, Enya!
Eithne Ni Bhraonain, known as Enya Brennan or simply Enya is the most-sold Irish artist in the history of the world. Maybe she is born with it, and…
Saturn Over Sunset
Midnight Sister - Forward to analog with a style
Back to vinyl, back to analog seems to be all the rage these days. Most of it is some sort of retro posturing, and as far as the music itself is…
A Disinterested Listener Reacts To Preoccupations
Un oyente desinteresado reacciona a las preocupaciones por Joseph Kyle Debo admitir, que no / no tengo una opinión sobre el / la controversia…
Dos Décadas del Influyente Vagabundo Creado Por Robi Draco Rosa
Hace 20 años se gestó una de los diamantes musicales más importante de la era del rock alternativo en españ…
Different Creatures
Circa Waves Joins The Migration Crisis Awareness Movement
Four guys from Liverpool sound more confident, mature and powerful on their second full-length album, just as the frontman Keiran Shudall wanted and…
Phase 3
Skeppet - Phase 3
Skeppet are an interesting Danish band that venture in the realm of psychedelic rock, electronic music and space rock influenced ambient drones. Their…
New Energy
5 Favorite Albums of 2017
My favorite LPs of the year, in no specific order. Arca - EPONYMOUS Same as Mutant, this album is a hybrid of different genres, only this time they…
Winter Lives
Wintery Songs For Wintery Times
First things first: if you were wandering whether that PA im Matt Podn PA stands for Pennsylvania, the answer is yes. That is because Matt Pond, the…
The IndieBeat Staple Collection: Innovative Troubadour Rock
With the release of his first single Council, you immediately get the sense that Jeffrey Trainor's sophomore album is a move…
All of Me (Originally Performed By John Legend)
Chester See's All of Me
When All of Me by John Legend came out, I and many others loved it so much that it was bound to be a “replay track” in your audio…
Weathered Meat
Nearly Dead - Weathered Meat
Nearly Dead is a Canadian noise-rock band from British Columbia, and they have so far released a handful of fine noise rock albums. The latest of…
Holiday Of Love
Simply Well Done
Who doesn't want a holiday of love? Everyone wants a holiday and if it is one filled with love, I think everyone would want that. But what if we…
The Promised Land
Breaking Days release their first music video The Promised Land with the support of the record company Castro Music Ltd. The Promised Land by…
More Scared Of You Than You Are Of Me
more Scared Of You Than You Are Of Me Is Encouraging
If you are sick of studio albums of Bruce Springsteen, and you are looking for something similar but more powerful, The Smith Street Band have been…
Crosseyed Heart
Old Dipsomaniacs Just Wanna Have Fun
What is the difference between Keith Richard’s album and The Rolling Stones? Well, The Rolling Stones sound like Jagger and the music is…
The Ride
Nelly Furtado Goes Full Indie
You all probably remember Nelly Furtado. Yes, it's that Portuguese-Canadian singer who is mostly known for her high pitch and drastic changes in…
The Hunted
Watch 'X-Men: Apocalypse' Trailer feat. The Hunted by Snow Ghosts
'The Hunted' is out now, accompanied by a new re-worked version and a remix by Malcolm Axel. Tracklisting: 1. The Hunted (Apocalypse Version)2…
Pat Keen - Experimental Pop Digest
It has been a while since I heard so many musical things going on in around 20 minutes. So around from Minneapolis comes Pat Keen with Albatross, his…
Stu Larsen - Resolute: to do good
These days it ahem there is a proliferation of singer/songwriters inspired by a similar generation from the Seventies. Like then, today’s batch can be…
Sworn Virgins
Ambitious Omar Rodríguez López launches Sworn Virgins
Omar Rodriguez Lopez manages to be active constantly. Known as little dictator in The Mars Volta, brain At the Drive-In and fundamental part of…
Abysmal Thoughts
Abysmal Thoughts
The Drums continue to perfect their 1980s-inspired indie pop formula on their latest album, while adding some dark humor to the mix. Yes, that is&…
Last Year Was Complicated
Nick Jonas wastes talent with his new Videoclip.
Ultimately there are many young hopefuls in pop music, many soloists who are giving enough to talk for its good music, and Nick Jonas is no exception…
Penelope X (7 songs and Postludium from the musical "Odysseys and his Women")
A Fan Review For Penelope X by Nikola Kodjabashia
I believe, not many people have heard the name Nikola Kodjabashia. So it is my pleasure to introduce you this wonderful composer that comes from my…
A Sailor's Guide to Earth
Southern Rock
STURGILL SIMPSON One of the unwritten rock rules regarding the introduction to the album is: start strongly and then just roll however you want it,…
2014 Forest Hills Drive
Review: J Cole's '2014 Forest Hills Drive'
J Cole has crafted a slew of good albums, but he has yet to craft a great one. While each of his three major label releases contain scattered moments…
True Strength - Epic Music
John Dreamer as Part of 2013 Epic Music Collection on Youtube
I’d like to do this review on some epic music that I have seen lately by Epic Music VN. They sponsor the latest epic music from each year.…
Trap Or Die 3
Album Roll Out : Jeezy Trap Or Die 3
Trap Lord Young Jeezy, nowdays just Jeezy decided to Trap on us for the third time, droppin his latest…
Something More Than Free
10\10 for Jason Isbell
Jason Isbell is James Blunt for people who know what music is. Even though James Blunt’s latest album proved that he knows how to sound like…
Two Years
Two Years of Great Sound
Missing those Galaxie 500 albums? Low got too loud? Cowboy Junkies and Kristine Hersh nowhere to be found? Or, whatever happened to Kramer, the guy…
What Went Down
Foals Continue To Stand Out In The Ocean Of Indie
Making good music is not about putting notes together by simple, generic instructions like it is some kind of kinder egg toy. Boys from Oxford are…
A Crow Looked at Me
Attention! This Is How Grief Feels Like!
Fasten your seatbelts, dear readers, because what you’re going to encounter might be very intense. I am pretty convinced that you never had a chance…
Mane Music
Prison can change anyone. Enough time isolated from the world, treated as subhuman and discarded like garbage is soul-breaking and creatively stifling…
Harmonies Aplenty
Whoever thinks that it is easy making good sounding sampled music couldn’t be more wrong. First, you have to have a bottomless knowledge of music…
My Albums of the Year: Porches: Pool
It's amazing how quickly the musical landscape can change. Only a few year s ago I was drowning in gloomy artists talking about death and other…
The English Riviera
Metronomy <3
Happiness is just the matter of seizing the right moment to do the right thing. There are some things that are always right. Whenever I get depressed…
If Prisoner is Ryan Adams return to form, when did he lose it?
Ryan Adams new album, entitled Prisoner, is another accomplished st of songs from an artist who has many albums just like it. Now I love Ryan Adams,…
...Of the Dark Light
....Of The Dark Light
Long Island death metal stalwarts bring considerable technical aptitude to an album that works within the framework of their long-established sound.…
The Serenity of Suffering
Is This Korn or Their Tribute Band?
Long time ago, there was a year 1994. It was then when we heard the growl Are you ready and the riff that created what everyone started calling nu-…
The Wolves
The Sound Of Lethargy
Melbourne bases band Brighter Later is another evidence how Australia is a tough competitor on the world’s music scene. The project of Jaye…
A Singer Who You Can Trust
MAREN MORRIS She is driving a Mercedes with the crown on the rearview mirror and she mentions Amen and Hallelujah in the chorus.…
At the End of Summer
Majutsu No Niwa - At The End Of Summer
Majutsu No Niwa are a renowned Japanese psychedelic noise rock/garage rock band, who have released a number of pretty good albums within their…
Won't Be There
Luke Reed - One For The Summer
If you tried to count the number of gifted young musicians with a thousand song ideas in their head, playing and recording them in a number of bands,…
You Want It Darker
Leonard Cohen is a Swan
Good old Leonard drops albums at the speed of light, just as he would as he was at the beginning of his career. Three releases in the past four years…
Ocean's Kingdom
McCartney’s “Ocean’s A Kingdom Proves a Tear Jerker”
Juro que el Paul McCartney es el mejor! Su sentido de la melodía nunca muere. Su sensible a la armonía y el ritmo nunca desaparece. O de…
How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful
Why Florence Failed?
If Jin and Jang had a baby, it would definitely be Florence Welch. There are not a lot of musicians out there who can hold attention for so long.…
All You Zombies Dig the Luminosity
Burnt Sugar - Quite bright luminosity
Greg Tate has been at his Burnt Sugar project, one of the many he has on, for more than 18 years now. While he’s not guiding this musical conglomerate…
American Life (U.S. Enhanced-Non-PA Version)
#tbt: Madonna - American Life
Following does not need a big introduction, because the artists itself is so big, it does not demand an introduction whatsoever. I know, this was some…
Somersault is the new Surf, According to Beach Fossils
Third album of Brooklyn based indie collective titled Somersault represents a step forward in comparison to its predecessors Beach Fossils…
Fire! Orchestra - Ritual
Fire! Orchestra is a renowned Norwegian avant-garde psychedelic rock/free jazz band that is made up of Fire! and other artists they collaborate with.…
Roll With The Punches
Van Morrison May Not Deliver Masterpieces Anymore, But Who Cares, It's Still Good
Diligent ants are rarity in the history of rock. Neil Young, maybe Bob Dylan and Van Morrison were one of the few who marked each decade after 60s…
Bad Omen
Go Goth Or Go Home
After an extolling album from 2009 titled A Bitter Harvest, Lonesome Wyatt (Those Poor Bastards) and Rachel Brooke have joined their forces on a new…
Night Thoughts
Suede Knows Saudade
The wait is over and it wasn’t even a long wait. After Bloodspots in 2013, which represented a sound shift, the seventh album by Suede is…
A Sufi And A Killer
Two Sides Of Gonjasufi
A Sufi and a Killer was Gonjasufi's debut. Sumach Ecks is an author, DJ and yoga instructor from LA who is produced by Flying Lotus, The Gaslamp…
Matushka - II
Matushka hails from Saint Petersburg, and they are one of the more interesting Russian psychedelic rock bands of recent years. Their second album is a…
Night on Earth
Night On Earth
Tom Waits… his nicotine-stained voice always calms me down. Whether he sings one of his drunken ballads or howls avant-blues tunes, he…
Dodge and Burn
Sympathy for the Rebel - Dodge and Burn by The Dead Weather
The Dead Weather is a supergroup, where the star of the band is not actually fronting the band. Yes, I’m talking about Jack White, who is…
High Noon: Highlights & Rarities From 50 Years
High Noon To Be Fully Discovered - After 50 years
How do you make a meaningful retrospective of an on one side influential band, and on the other a band that, undeservedly, have never risen to the top…
HELLO 2016!
Cuando algo se termina, miramos lo que dejamos atrás, y en ocasiones, también escuchamos. Durante el 2015 dijimos Hello, nos…
The Echo Of Pleasure
Pains Of Being Pure At Heart Return To The Right Sonic Path
Bands come and go, but their members keep on moving, especially If their music addiction is impossible to cure. There is no panacea for loving music.…
Body Language
#tbt Kylie Minogue - Body Language
Kylie Minogue was just a teenager when she became famous in her Australia. As the years have gone by, her fame was taking off to the new level, and it…
A Moon Shaped Pool
My Albums of the Year: Radiohead: Moon Shaped Pool
Well of course Moon Shaped Pool would make the cut, since I never shut up about Radiohead. There's a lot to be said about the album, which is the…
Carly Rae Jepsen, “E-MO-TION,” and The Uncrapifying Power Of Pop
So, I have this really crummy day, right? I’m talking wake up too early and can’t fall back to sleep, headache all morning,…
Are After 7 really timeless?
Any fan of R&B music of the 90s knows this group by one song: “’Til You Do Me Right”. It was at the height of the Babyface reign of smooth R&…
Dandelion Sauce Of The Ancients
Terminal Cheesecake - Dandelion Sauce Of The Ancients
The legendary British noise rock/psychedelic rock band Terminal Cheesecake recently came out with a new full-length album in nearly 20 years. Due to…
Great entrance: 'Porgy' by Labyrinth Lounge a Stunning Debut
Labyrinth Lounge is a high energy and quite a lot closer to jazz with a terrific funk and hyper-Gershwin Broadway vibe laced throughout it. Vocalist…
Blue Bird
Is it OK to write about your own music? That’s the dilemma I was struggling with during my first years of radio hosting and journalism. &…
Whatever It Takes
James Hunter is in Full Power
From the 80s of the past century, James Hunter has been making a true retro r&b. He caugh everyone's attention in the middle of the 90s…
Every Country's Sun
Every Country's Sun
With David Fridmann producing, the latest Mogwai album contains the same bratty conviction that defined their greatest records, like there’s something…
Marked for Death
Emma Ruth Rundle is The Princess of Drone Folk
MUSIC REVIEW 65 Emma Ruth Rundle Emma Ruth Rundle is a female musician and visual artist from Los Angeles, California…
The First Days Of Spring
Album or Film? Noah and the Whale - The First Days Of Spring
I would like to introduce if you haven’t heard yet of course, one of my favorite psychedelic and indie rock band named “Noah and…
A Band From Holland Resembles The Black Keys. Too Much?
There is a really great new song by The Black Keys titled No Good. An explosive combo of drums and guitars is cute like a Pokémon (yes,…
Quaeschning & Schnauss Unveil New Album Synthwaves
Thorsten Quaeschning and Ulrich Schnauss have teamed up to create a record of pure Berlin-school bliss which pays…
Ancient Sky - T.R.I.P.S.
Ancient Sky are a great American psychedelic rock band from Brooklyn, New York. They have released quite a few great psych rock albums through the…
SweetSexySavage (Deluxe)
Sweet Sexy Savage
Kehlani first cast her charming spell on us with the 2015 release of her second (and Grammy-nominated) mixtape, You Should Be Here. While it…
Blak And Blu
#tbt Clark - Body Riddle
Third album of a talented electronic musician Chris Clark who performs under simple name Clark was warm supersonic hug of cordial welcoming into the…
Secret Youth
Finland’s Winter
Callisto, one of the many, many post-metal bands that used to suffer from the main post-metal syndrome “you sound like dozens of other post…
Out in the Storm
Waxahatchee's Best Record Yet
A lot has happened in the career of Katie Crutchfield in the past five years, the girl who is performing under the name Waxahatchee (she got the…
Odd Nosdam - Odd, but not forgotten
Every Odd Nosdam, or should I say David Madson release should be greeted with a certain reverence. Life, his latest release is no exception. After all…
Alice Jemima
Thoughts on Alice Jemima's Debut
Alice Jemima's self-titled debut album consists of a surprising total of twelve songs that amount to only thirty six minutes. However, the album,…
Editors Need Editing
After flirting with orchestral and electronic sound which relied on Smith's internal content on their previous album In Dreams, Editors…
Return to Love
LVL UP Are On The Highest Indie Level
LVL UP have released their third full length album under Sub Pop label, which just proves how remarkable these boys are. American indie…
Peanut Butter
Riot Pop
The name of the band sometimes tells what we can expect from it. Joanna Gruesome is an ironic reference to folk singer Joanna Newsom but…
Lose Control
Glass Animals & Joey Bada$$ Lose Control
This week, experimental indie rockers Glass Animals meet New York rapper Joey Badass and create a surprisingly good collaboration track. As somebody…
Fabolous Funk'd Kidz
Heya, so i found this mini EP and i check it and i play it maybe little mix it and the freakshow dance party was on fire. This guy with tons of…
Good For You
Good For You
The Portland rapper’s debut album balances playful verses and cheerful wit with more revealing moments of introspection. On the cartoonish…
Why Adele's 25 Failed To Impress Me
I will get straight to the point and write straight from the heart, without any euphemisms and decorations. I don't like Adele's new album. It…
Intergalactic Dada & Space Trombones
Radar Men From The Moon - Intergalactic Dada & Space Trombones
Radar Men From The Moon are a great Dutch instrumental psychedelic rock/stoner rock band from the Netherlands. They have released quite many good…
Lemonade the relief of Bey
Of course since we are all aware that Lemonade is the new album Queen of R & B Beyonce Knowles, we also know that it was something totally…
Dark Tranquillity – Atoma [Review]
Along with At the Gates and In Flames, Dark Tranquillity shaped melodeath genre. Back in the 90’s three bands from Gothenburg, Sweden made an entirely…
Dovley's Single Prism Off Her Soon To Be Released Album Beautiful Chaos Is PHENOMENAL
Dovley's music is incredible.....a dance artist with a style all her own, she is not only gorgeous, but her talent easily rises to the top in the…
Alice Glass
Ex Crystal Castles Member Strives Solo
There are some bands that mark certain era and that is crystally clear to all of us on kurrentmusic. Back in the day, when I was in between high…
Alt-J Loses Coherence In Eclecticism
Let's talk about eclecticism without aroma. Five years and three albums are just enough for Alt-J to make his new release highly anticipated. A…
Have You In My Wilderness
Baroque trip-pop
Just imagine baroque pop influenced by Christine McVie from Fleetwood Mac successfully combined with jazz and trip hop. Now add emotional confidence…
The Elements
The Elements
The Elements is an album by American saxophonist Joe Henderson, released in 1973 on Milestone. 1970 began a decade of discovery for Joe Henderson, a…
Smooth Like Marble
Even with names like Zita Swoon being tossed around among music critics, the current Belgian music scene seems to be somewhat an unknown quantity to…
A Seat at the Table
Solange is at the table
Solange is stuck between a rock and a hard place. As the sister of, you're being watched closely. Especially when you, too, are in the same…
Carlton Melton - Aground
Carlton Melton are a renowned American instrumental psychedelic/space rock band. They have become known for their fine far out psychedelic jamming…
Lights and Shadows
Lights and Shadows
Girl group O’G3NE will represent The Netherlands at the Eurovision Song Contest this year. They are truly among the best of talent we have in The…
Folksy Synergy
Fans of Sydney indie-folk brother-sister duo Angus & Julia Stone who were concerned that the duo might be too engrossed in their…
Two Fish and an Elephant
Hypnotic Soul
Khruangbin is a mostly instrumental Texan trio: bassist Laura Lee, guitarist Mark Speer, and drummer Donald Johnson. Their band name means &…
This Christmas We Chill with Ari
Well, you know it`s all about them Holidays and like usual, every artist`s focus is exactly on that; giving you that new special feeling, a new…
Bludfire (Radio Edit) [feat. Sidney Samson]
Blood warming song
No matter where you are, lighters up We're gonna start a riot tonight, tonight, tonight Put your hands up to the sky Flames so red like bludfire,…
Running With The Wolves
Echoes of Howls
Theatrical development is coming from Norway and the singer Aurora is the cloud of new beginnings is the voice behide this new tide. 'Running With…
Stay Happy
Stay Happy Is Broken Social Scene's Best Message
With only a week out on the internet Broken Social Scene's newest track Stay Happy leaves everyone wanting more. Broken Social Scene always…
I'd Rather Be The Devil (Devil Got My Woman)
John Martyn would rather be the Devil
I love the Blues! It’s the basis for almost everything that happened in popular music from the beginnings of the 20th century until the…
Don't Touch My Hair
Militant Serenity
What you did indeed say is, “This is why many black people are uncomfortable being in predominately white spaces,” and you still…
Pushing the Right Buttons
Uncovering an international band is equivalent to finding your long lost twin. If that is too overly melodramatic, well that's how it feels. Lust…
Scene Girl
Noir Fatalism
Chicago rapper KAMI appears to be poised for solo success after breaking away from the SaveMoney collective (which also consists of Vic Mensa, Joey…
Jax and Demi's spicy instruction
I’ve not been too excited about the most recent releases by Demi Lovato in collaboration with others, but her recent collaboration with Jax…
Mr. Hitler
We're Gonna Tear Hitler Down
In times of global tensions and a possible new rise of fascist, racist, nationalist and fundamentalist movements, it’s imperative to…
Glorious (feat. Skylar Grey)
Can't hold Macklemore down, again
I’ve been hearing that Macklemore has been making some changes. After years of collaborating with Ryan Lewis since 2009, the two, apparently, have…
Make Me...
A Stronger Britney
Britney Spears has finally released the very highly anticipated new single, Make Me. Within minutes after its release, the song was featured on many…
Simple Song
A Simple Song Indeed
I was recently asked to perform Simple Song by The Shins as the bride at an upcoming wedding walks down the aisle. Although I am well acquainted with…
Deeper Than Love
Bobby Puma: Deeper Than Love
Rising electronic prodigy Bobby Puma isn't exactly a new kid on the block, but he ventures into house territory with his latest release, titled…
Teenage Dirtbag
That Teenage Dirtbag Baby!
American alternative rock band Wheatus was formed by Newport, New York musician Brendan B. Brown in 1995 with his brother, Pete Brown. The group is…
The Scientist
Revisiting The Scientist
No doubt, Coldplay's sound -- elegant, melodic, and very dramatic — bore plenty of similarity to mid-1990s Radiohead. But the group was…
Oceans (Where Feet My Fail) - Live/Acoustic Version
Jack (Juanito) The Giant and the Beanstalk
Imagine that one day you about a person providing the answers to your problems, but you have to give everything you have, get rid of what you think…
I Should Live in Salt
The National can't explain it any other way
The National are one of the only bands that, with every album, stay within the same sonic landscape. Each ensuing album explores this landscape…
I Want U
1 step forward, 2 steps back, but never back at one
There’s no way you could not know of Brian McKnight, even if you are just a little bit into R&B music. Brian has really build a name for…
The Man Who Sold The World - 2014 Remastered Version
COVERLAND Vol.11: The Man Who Sold the World
There are countless covers throughout music history; some were more successful than the originals, some were not, but there aren’t so many…
Sign of the Times
A Promising New Direction
The timing of ex-One Directioner Harry Styles' debut solo single Sign of the Times is strikingly apt; it was released on…
La Jetee
The Vryll Society - La Jetee
Psychedelic rockers The Vryll Society released La Jetee back in April and firmly established themselves as one of Liverpool&…
Duets, Chocolate, Love, Covers and Youtube
People likes love stories, she is interested in love, songs that speak of love and also called attention couples in love singing about love. What is…
Gold Lion
Songs that started it all: Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Gold Lion
Usually getting into a band is a conscious choice for me. If I come across great reviews of singles, shows, and albums, like anybody, it would get my…
Disco down with Blondie
When I heard that Blondie were about to release a new album, later this year, I had expected it would be a rock album. Last I heard…
Lil' More
Gimme A Little More
Hotel Motel may be a cleverly handy band name, however their track 'Lil More' has more going on than others would give them credit. Since The&…
Under The Pressure
8+ Minutes of Breathtaking Rhythmic Bliss
Under the Pressure - the first single of The War on Drugs' universally acclaimed third studio album Lost in the Dream&…
LCD Soundsystem continue to master their comback
James Murphy has always been a self-conscious performer who likes to pick apart modern culture with the skill of a comedian. Tonite, the third single…
Your Best American Girl
The Unhinged Catharsis of Not Fitting In
2016 may prove to be the turning point for Asian American representation in popular culture, with the proliferation of social media campaigns…
Shakespearean Folk-Pop
After toiling in obscurity for years, New York-via-Denver trio The Lumineers scored a breakthrough hit with 2012's Ho Hey: a fun, sweeping,…
Will He
Joji Detoxifies With will he
A man in a lean panda costume sways alone, among the passed out attendees of a surreal suburban house party. A melancholic singer sits in a bloodbath…
Rivers and Roads
The Song That Has My Head and Heart
This song. The first time I heard Rivers and Roads was when a friend performed it as his senior farewell. It is truly incredible. Besides…
Take Me
A Song for Mending Hearts
South Korean singer-songwriter MISO's debut single Take Me is the promising result of her artistic incubation with the Red Bull Music…
How Does The Lyricvideo Power The Music Video?
The video merge in the Karaoque 2.0, show us more of a story made song, voice and melody that makes up part of the band of your life. Surely when…
Secret Garden (feat. Merival)
Stepping into the Secret Garden with Izzard & Merival
The song I’m about to draw your attention to has brought me MAJOR joy over the past few days, and I am excited for you to have the same experience.…
El Mismo Sol
Under the Same Sun by Alvaro Soler
As its catchy chorus says, we are all under the same sun, only it gives them some brighter than others. This young Spanish artist of 24 years…
O Drops A New Grind Vid!
Long time since this sexy R`n`B superstar dropped some new flavor for our eyes. Two days ago, Omarion`s latest…
Is This Real Enough For You?
Real the track from Years & Years will strike a chord within you. Maybe it will be sutble, yet it will be effective. Released as the first…
When You Die
MGMT's When You Die: Surreal Tragicomedy
Synth-pop duo MGMT (Andrew VanWyngarden and Benjamin Goldwasser) appears to be making good on their promise to re-dominate our mind holes in 2017 &…
You Are the Right One
Ironic Summer Cruisin’
Oklahoma dream pop trio Sports (Cale Chronister, Jacob Theriot and Christian Theriot) traffic in a kind of ironic coolness that rarely found in indie…
Friendship (Is A Small Boat In A Storm)
Enjoy Chicano Batman's Friendship (Is A Small Boat In A Storm) ahead of March release of Freedom is Free
Chicano Batman came out of L.A.; four young men in vintage formalwear, playing songs that blended Brazilian Tropicalía…
S.H.C. Shocks Us With A New Foster The People
The third studio album from Foster The People is picking up steam. So far III EP and the third studio album III are massively different from their…
Learning from the Success of Adele’s “Hello”: Insights from MusicPromoToday
In case you have been living in a bubble, Google “Hello” by Adele and read the results. Besides the numerous links of fans sharing…
New York
New York = Love's Graveyard
Milk and Bone is a Montreal electro-pop duo (i.e. Laurence Lafond-Beaulne and Camille Poliquin) who earned critical acclaim with their debut album…
Holy War
Keep yourself open
I apologize for a short blog, but many things have been said about the events of today already. I don’t know about you, but my timelines on every…
New Phone (Who Dis)
Raging Lust
My first introduction to New Jersey rapper Cakes da Killa (Rashard Bradshaw) - and to the emerging 'aesthetic' of queer rap - took…
You've Got What I Need
Pop Artist Olivia Rox Drops New Hit Single Shooting Star And is Shooting Up the Top 40 Charts Alongside Taylor Swift's the 1
Olivia Rox’s new single “Shooting Star” is blasting its way up at Pop radio from her debut album “Poprox”. It’s currently on the Top 40 radio charts…
A Not-So-Typical Love Song
When people hear music that is deemed as a love song, most of them associate such compositions as having soft-sounding melodies and ultra-clich&…
Star Roving
Celestial Dreaming
On 12 January, English shoegaze and indie rock band Slowdive released their first track in 22 years, since their third album (1995). As they…
I'll Find You
Heart-melting Pill Of Encouragement For Cancer-Fighters!
Although just leaked via global net, Lecrae`s latest heart-mmelting single featuring Tori Kelly just raised the…
This Town
Casual and Impressive
Niall Horan dropped an anticipated song even though the world had no idea Horan was releasing material any time soon. Although unexpected, the…
My Way
Clavin Harris premieres song
The famous DJ Scot has made a surprise launch and is a song that has everyone wondering if it has something to do with his ex-girlfriend Taylor Swift…
Toronto's Ekelle drops new Hood Pop track Slide
Ekelle is a multi-genre artist and songwriter from Toronto who rhymes about what she knows best: her real-life experience. Money, sex, drama and…
In Undertow
Jangly Uncertainty
Canadian indie quintet Alvvays have released the first taste of their sophomore album Antisocialities (8 September), which seems…
I Found
Incantation of Voices
A composite of voices, echoing out as if they has been piling up in your mind. Amber Run plays on the tendency by playing with rhythms and…
Sombre Fayre - Demo
Final Fire
Look at this, a band called Neon Waltz has six people in their group. Yes, Arcade Fire can become a symphony but does that mean other bands can pull…
Prune, You Talk Funny
Gus Dapperton's “Prune, You Talk Funny” Epitomizes the Millennial Pursuit of Self-Expression
New York-based indie pop singer-songwriter Gus Dapperton can come across as a living, breathing embodiment of the Tumblr generation. His recent guitar…
Everything Is Embarrassing
Maybe If You Let Sky Sing
Yes, Pop acts are everywhere and they all happen to be models turn musician. Some can not even come close to having a hit single and other's go…
Habalona from Rxnde Akozta and Marrom
Randee Akozta is one of the most important Mc's that emerged from the underground scene of the island of Cuba, he became known thanks to the…
Tiller Drops New Visual For Self-Made !
After his amazing sophomore LP that Tiller dropped on us at the end of this May, the True To Self arrays…
Cage The Elephant Trouble
Popular indie rockers Cage the Elephant released a new single entitled “Trouble”. The guys haven’t released much since…
Million Dollar Doll
Sultry Urgency
After years of being a collaborator - first as a member of the band Luna, and then as one half of the husband-and-wife duo Dean & Britta -…
Ann Wants to Dance
Je Ne Sais Quoi
In 2015, Parisian indie duo Papooz (Armand Penicaut and Ulysse Cottin, who are childhood friends) appeared on the scene with their…
Snake Eyes
It's In the Eyes
La canción Ojos de serpiente trae interesantes letras y la melodía al álbum Wilder Mente de Mumford and Sons. A diferencia de su…
Music From My Country: OPM Series (Part 1)
Gilid by Moonstar88 is still probably one of my favorite Filipino songs ever. It talks about loving from a distance. The word “gilid&…
Let It Happen
WATCH: Let It Happen Music Video (Tame Impala)
Tame Impala's new and extremely disorienting music video features a plane crash, heart attacks, a shortened version of the song, and a trippy…
Best Fake Smile
Don't Be Fake Simply Said
Just like James Bay says, “No you don’t have to wear your best fake smile” in his song “Best Fake Smile&…
Chili Town
Chili Town with Hinds
Hinds, a female group you wish you where a part of. This Spanish band has collectively created a sound that uses 1960's girl groups, indie, smooth…
I Took Your Picture
Forward-Looking Nostalgia
I Took Your Picture - the second single from New York-via-California indie duo Cults' upcoming third album Offering&…
ILYSB Means More Than You Know To LANY
ILYSB or I Love You So Bad for those of us that prefer to type out each word. LANY confuses Pop for Indie and Hip-Hop sectors for Pop references. But…
What's A Girl To Do?
What's A Girl To Do With Her Fur And Gold
Natasha Khan will always be in my top five list of musicians to look out for. As each new album after Fur and Gold pours out effortlessly, it only…
Show Me How
Men I Trust Find a Calm Reassurance in an Asymmetrical Relationship in Show Me How
Montreal indie-dance/trip-hop trio Men I Trust (vocalist/guitarist Emma Proulx, guitarist Jessy Caron and pianist Dragos Chiriac) have perfected their…
Allie X Teams Up with VÉRITÉ for Casanova: A Glossy Evocation of Love's Ecstasies and Miseries
Allie X (Toronto singer-songwriter Alexandra Hughes) is simultaneously edgy and reassuringly familiar; her attention-grabbing visuals bring Melanie…
Perfect Illusion
Lady Gaga tells us how she lived a Perfect Illusion
Perfect Illusion is the title that brings the new issue of extravagant Lady Gaga, who until recently we had confused making us ask where they had…
Lights Out
Lights Out Adds A Darker Promise From Royal Blood
'How Did We Get So Dark?' the latest sophomore album from Royal Blood gives us the question within the album title. Certainly 'Lights Out&…
Te Aviso, Te Anuncio (Tango)
When Shakira dyed her hair blonde.
Although hair color has nothing to do with talent, part of the image of an artist. Shakira is undoubtedly one of the most famous Latin American…
Gossip Girl
The Gossip Girl With Grace Vanderwaal
Never ever doubt the age of a musician, in the case of 12 year old Grace Vanderwaal this could not be any more true. Vanderwaal's name became a…
Summertime Craving
It's fitting that Ontario indie rock quartet Tokyo Polica Club (vocalist and bassist David Monks, keyboardist Graham Wright, …
The Sounds of Silence
Be Awakened By The Sound Of Silence
This heartfelt song was originally written by Simon as “The Sounds of Silence.” “The main thing about playing the guitar…
Another Lonely Night
Strut it Mr. Adam Lambert
Now, I've actually missed his American Idol-rise to fame, so my first introduction of Adam Lambert was hearing him on the radio singing to me - in…
Empara Mi's Alibi Presents Dramatic Self-Purging
“Alibi” is the latest addition to a growing body of work by Empara Mi, a singer-songwriter who has positioned herself within the…
Forever Young
GOT7's Soulful Side
I’m sure a lot of us know it’s a bit rare to hear a slow song from our favorite Kpop bands. So, if anyone was ever to ask me what my favorite “non-…
Wild at Heart
The Electric Petals Share New Track “Wild At Heart”
The modern psychedelic rock of The Electric Petals came together in the summer of 2020. Hailing from Temagami, Canada, they produce in their old 1950s…
Labyrinthine Post-punk
“Memory” was the second song that we started working on for Preoccupations after “Anxiety”. It was unique to…
Love Yourself
Justin Bieber-fied!
Justin Bieber's “Love Yourself” is such a cool song. I cannot believe I used Justin Bieber and the word “cool&…
Humble And Kind
Tim McGraw: Humble and Kind Review
When we were all kids, we were always taught to appreciate the simpler things in life. We were raised to be humble and kind among others. …
Reverie After Dark
It has been five years since Brooklyn-via-El Paso ambient pop collective Cigarettes After Sex's first EP. After millions of…
Some Kinda Wonderful
The Cheeky side of Betty Who
She's the favorite of the underground, friends with many other artists and creatives, and she's a proud…
Stop Where You Are
Soft Whispers of Sunshine
A positive point of view is always a better way of looking at things, obviously. It’s when music sings and teaches listeners how to do this,…
Cathartic Comeback
In a 2013 interview, Kesha revealed that she had little creative control over her music and expressed her desire to showcase other…
The Bay
Stereo Honey's The Bay: Haunting and Strangely Uplifting Desperation
London alternative/indie quartet Stereo Honey only have one EP (Monuments, 1st December 2017) to their name thus far, but they have already…
You Know What I Mean
The Ultimate Love Song 'You Know What I Mean' By Cults
We are in the midst of summer. Some places are experiencing heat waves that shouldn't. But, this summer has upped the ante this early in the game.…
Nothing Compares 2 U
COVERLAND Vol.3: Nothing Compares 2 U
“Nothing Compares 2 U” is another one of those songs whose cover outshined the original. Everyone knows the version by Sinead O…
Stones From the Sky
Visit From The Metal Past
If a song comes on the radio, at first presenting itself as a whole other spectacle... not only will we listen but enjoy throughly. Neurosis have been…
Lay Up
Mai`s Official Lay Up!
A young lady with an extremelly mature vocal capabilities. Ella Mai, one of the greatest R`n`B suprise…
She Looks So Perfect
Girls Talk Boys the New 5SOS
Boys Girls Talk is the soundtrack of the new film Ghostbusters, or as we met in childhood Ghostbusters. In this new film we act comedians of the…
Oh Devil
Ominous Temptations
'Oh I know, oh I know/ same old thing, same old show': LA indietronica duo Electric Guest's Oh Devil acknowledges that it has the…
Amy Shark Pops Into The Mainstream With Adore
Last year Amy Shark's song Adore reached a mass audience by winning the Pop Song of the Year during the Queensland Music Awards in Australia. Also…
An Air of Mystery
Rangleklods is an electronic music duo (Esben Nørskov Andersen & Pernille Smith-Sivertsen) from Denmark who spend a lot of…
Another comeback
Alison Moyet was a pioneer in the 80s. She was at the front of the rise of experimental, high energy synth-pop with Yazoo (from which you probably…
Save ME
The Bangtan Boys are screaming charisma in the music video for Save Me!
The Bangtan Boys, a.k.a. BTS, are back with another surefire hit song and a brilliant music video with their patented awesome dance moves! …
Youthful Anxiety
Summertime is the first track from Moonguys' (an indie dreampop band from Atlanta, Georgia, led by Greg Gulbranson)…
Seven Nation Army
The song that you know but with another sound
Once I heard that music is the listener. When sound traps the crowd, this becomes one voice. language barriers are broken, gender mix and endless…
Good Lava
Exploring a Brand New Trip
Esperanza Spalding just dropped a new single from her upcoming experimental album “Emily’s D+ Evolution” called &…
Cigarettes out the Window
Sardonic Tenderness
San Diego indie pop duo TV Girl (Trung Ngo and Brad Petering) first shot to modest fame in 2010, when a song from their self-titled EP, If…
Color For The Human Conscious
Dream Rock Pop band Gypsy & The Cat not only bank on an odd name but their station on creative taste far expandes bands like MGMT. Full of…
Let me be very Di-Rect with you
It’s not often that I get excited by a new single from Dutch rock band Di-Rect. For the longest time, Di-Rect have been the most popular…
Walk Through Tescoland!
We can’t get arrested in the US. [My manager] told me it was because my music had subtleties that the Americans don’t get…
Shaun Martin's Debut
The second video from Shaun Martin's debut album, 7 Summers. Shaun is best known for his work with Kirk…
Mac`s Drake Type Of Sandwalk !
It`s Mac Attack with goofy dance time! American rapper Mac Miller bounces off the music industry with brand new forth studio album&…
Me Too
Meghan Trainor Fan or Enemy of Photoshop?
A few days ago Meghan has made the official release of the second single from his album Thank You which incidentally had been available exclusively…
Real Fake
Xinobi's Emphatic and Anthemic Dance Track
Xinobi is the stage name for Portuguese DJ and music producer Bruno Cardoso, who makes music under the Discotexas label with Moullinex. Real Fake is a…
Wherever You Will Go
The Oscar Awards and the Soundtrack of the Subconscious
One of the most famous awards in the world and the history of cinema, has always had a place for the Best Soundtrack for Film, a category that has…
Metropolis - Public Access TV
New York City may have an upheavel of bands coming out from the wood work since the last boom in the early 2000s. Already a number of publications…
You And I
Intense Interactions From You and I
In with the likes of Fiona Apple, Nernia Pallot and Cat Power comes a new voice Margaret Glaspy. Glaspy's song 'You and I' reads out in a…
Sexy Boy
A Sultry Transgression
Air's Nicolas Godin and Jean Benoit Dunckel burst onto the international music scene with the release of their space-pop debut Moon…
Post-Break up Chill
I can see why Atoms, a track from Roses - the debut album from Atlanta-based Awful Records' 'Darkwave Duchess' Abra -…
Above Us
Summer Dreams
In untitled poem #1705, reclusive Belle of Amherst Emily Dickinson boasted that she didn't need to travel to Sicily or South America to imagine a…
Sleep On The Floor
Should You Sleep On The Floor Or Not?
Have you ever wanted to runaway from it all? The Lumineers ask this question with their song 'Sleep On The Floor'. A few days ago The…
Truth Is a Beautiful Thing
London Grammar unveil album details along with new single
London Grammar are fast becoming one of my favourite bands. While their first album is nothing more than fine (it's first half is excellent, then…
Waterfalling For All The Girls : Verse Simmonds
Finally we can call back our enticipation, the new Verse is here and I am not talkin` about rap bars... Our supreme&…
Siberian Nights
The Kills release new album.
British / American band, The Kills, founded by Mosshart (vocals) and Jamie Hotel Hince (Guitar), in 16 years of experience have given the public good…
The Boxer
A Unique Highlight From Joan Baez 75th Birthday Celebration
Recently, Joan Baez had a big concert to commemorate her 75th birthday. The concert was a huge turn out, featuring many Baez original compositions…
Twilight Driving
Outback Yearning
I'm definitely adding Perth-based dream pop outfit Methyl Ethyl to my list of promising Australian indie acts (which also…
Stressed Out
Nostalgia on the Billboard Top 40: Twenty One Pilots' Stressed Out
Although Twenty One Pilots’ Stressed Out was released in April of 2015, it has enjoyed a spot on the Billboard top 40 since. Although many…
Self Destruction
Self-Distructive Comeback!
R`n`B musketeers are back toghether! American quartet, now a duo, reunites last month and brings two new hits for their thirsty fans. The two…
Kill Em With Kindness
Selena Shows Kindness
She always seems to come out with a new and engaging topic within her music career. Media always seems to get involved some way or another. …
Hasta Que Tenga un Hit
Folky is the reinvention of YEI
Telegram days, that caraqueña band that was part of the first wave of bands 2000 are over for Javier García. Singer-songwriter debuts in…
Don't Be so Sure
Tulipomania Presents Seahawks Remix of 'Don't Be So Sure'
Philadelphia-based Tulipomania have announced they will release a new single, the Seahawks Remix of 'Don't Be So Sure'.…
Sweet Disposition
Sweet Nostaglia
Whether it be a film, tv show or a sudden appearance of a long forgotten memory while shopping at the grocery store...The Temper Trap's…
Amy Stroup Certainly Has That Magic
Amy Stroup was an artist that I came across from the Nashville scene. Well, Stroup is currently located in Nashville, but do not write her off solely…
Sick of Losing Soulmates
The Only Song You Need on a Rainy Day and a Broken Heart
Sick of Losing Soulmates tells us an emotional story of how two people try to still be friends after a break up. This is one of Dodie Clark’…
Urban Thrills
Most of what I’ve learned about human nature in my twenties has happened after dark. People are just kind of more honest then. More…
On Hold
Disco-Tinged Bittersweetness
In The Key of Awesome's 2010 parody of Lady Gaga's Telephone, there's a line that resonates powerfully in the smartphone and social media…
My Smile Is Extinct
Youthful Melodrama
“My Smile Is Extinct is the second track from New Zealand singer-guitarist Kane Strang’s sophomore album Two…
Palace Garden, 4 Am
Chillwave Disco Sunshine
The Palace Garden, 4 am is one of the standout tracks from Seattle-based Beat Connection's debut album The Palace Garden (2012).…
For the first 10 seconds, the song sounds like it’s building to something monumental: thundering piano chords, sweeping synth washes, and a swelling…
Love on a Two Way Street - Radio
Kenney Polson - Love On A Two Way Street (Official Video)
Kenney Polson is an up-and-coming artist, an altoist and soprano-saxophonist who has his own sound. Producer and Grammy Award winner Don Mizell, a…
Tigers in the Dark
Cleopatra Records releases Rachel Mason 'Tigers in the Dark' single
Renowned performance artist and musician Rachel Mason, freshly signed to Los Angeles-based Cleopatra Records, has announced her forthcoming single…
Everything Now
Arcade Fire want Everything Now
Ever since I first listened to Funeral I've had this image that Arcade Fire are actually prophets of our eventual doom. Silly I know, but then…
Real People
Real People Together
After watching Straight Outta Compton, it’s great to look forward to watching the real Ice Cube (whose son did an awesome portrayal) on the…
Christina Begs for a change with her new Song
Christina Aguilera joins the group of artists who deeply regret the tragedy that occurred a few days ago in Orlando, Florida; Where some 49 people…
Dope Lemon Marches Onward
As a fan of lo-fi everything and anything, finding Dope Lemon was a bit of a savanger hunt. As 'Marinade' plays on, Drop Lemon have already…
Good Drank
All Glasses Up, Filled With Good Drank!
Georgia Trap master, 2Chainz dropped another one on us. His latest video includes a visual performance of the single Good…
Shawn Mendes Unveils “Ruin”
After just one week of having released the video of his song Treat You Better the young Canadian, delights us with this new project. Ruin is called,…
Body Say
Demi Lovato strips naked in nets
Sex sells and Demi knows, this time the former Disney girl has posted on his Instagram account, a series of portraits of her completely naked, and…
When the Bassline Drops
For the Ravers With The Bassline Drops
Have you heard about the latest comeback? It’s not about the Super Bowl 2016, nor the NBA All Star in Toronto, nor even couples getting back…
Venezuelan produces possible next Björk album
Bjork revealed that he is working on a new album, but this time a little more cheerful than Vulnicura the tortured work that took last year.…
Pizzicato Five
SONG OF THE DAY // Pizzicato Five - CDJ (Wildjumbo Mix Feat. Melodie Sexton)
Shibuya-kei group Pizzicato Five may be long gone (unfortunately), but this remix of their jazzy house classic CDJ is still fresh years after it was…
The ten years of C4Trío
At first there were three talents, Jorge Glem, Edward Ramirez and Hector Molina. The intention was to unite around the instrument that share, the…
Trick Daddy
Trina and Trick Daddy To Release Collab Album
Last year Fat Joe and Remy Ma reunited after a long time and dropped one of the hottest songs of the year All The Way Up. This was followed up by a…
Kanye West
Kanye is Angry
The date is December 31, 2015, and Kanye has come out of the dark with a new song titled, “Facts.” Kanye, who has been quite…
The Beatles
The Beatles Did You Know
So many stories about The Beatles have been told and heard. Who knows what's true and what's myth. Here's few I found most interesting: -…
Gustavo Elis
Woman of my Life new video by Gustavo Elís and Oscarcito.
And waiting for the video of these talented Venezuelans which was led by the young Nael And Justin is over. If we remember this issue was initially…
Missy Elliott
Missy`s 7UP juice kitchen ready!
Not so long ago, I took a privilege to write about our Superwomen double comeback when Janet Jackson and Missy Elliot&…
Michael Bublé
Michael Bublé premieres musical work
Canadian singer and actor, Michael Bublé, returned to the music dynamics with the album Nobody But Me, record that sum and nine musical works…
Debi Nova
The Big City brought by Debi Nova
Costa Rican singer Debi Nova and presented big city, latest album which termed as the most honest and autobiographical. The young artist is in full…
Charlie Puth
In danger with Charlie Puth
Did you know that singing is all about controlling your breathing? If you’re really good at controlling your breathing, which you could expect from a…
Ludwig van Beethoven
An Interesting and On-Top Performance of Beethoven’s “Missa Solemnis”
One of the most breathtaking pieces that make me sing for joy is Beethoven’s “Missa Solemnis.” It weighs very heavy on the heart from the “Kyrie” to…
Drissa Kone
The Music of Mali Vol.4 - Other Instruments
In the previous articles on Mali music, we said something about the kora and other calabash harps, which are the trademark of this culture. Today, I&…
Damn: 15 years of musical career
The Argentina band of nu metal and alternative metal born in the city of Buenos Aires, up to 15 years of training with nine musical productions in…
Typhoid Rosie
Typhoid Rosie Will Tie You Up in New Video
Music mainstays Typhoid Rosie are back with their seductive new piece for Baby I Want You. Taken off of their release, Hearts Bleed Goodbye,…
Nina Simone
Honorary Grammys for The Velvet Underground, Nina Simone and Sly Stone
This past Monday December 19, the Recording Academy announced that by 2017 the singer Nina Simone, Sly Stone and Tue Velvet Underground receive the…
David Crosby
Crosby Lights the Way with Lighthouse digital release
David Crosby, singer, songwriter, activist, lights the way with his new digital release, Lighthouse. The album was recorded at Groove Masters Studio…
Ed Sheeran
Ed Sheraan premiered video for Galway Girl with Irish protagonists
Singer Ed Sheeran showed the official video of his latest single Galway Girl, which was recorded by himself and both are Irish artists. The audio…
G-Eazy debuts song with Snoop Dogg
The rapper from Oakland, Calif., G-Eazy, celebrated his birthday with a premiere on May 26 with the new song Get Mine, which features vocal…
Am Your Eyes makes us high.
Is it possible for a track to make you lose self awareness? Can music transport you past sobriety? Mungbean answers these questions and more with the&…
Morrissey returns to South America
After three years of absence, Morrissey returns to South America, to the delight of all fans. His last stay in southern lands, had to be canceled,…
Lindi Ortega
Lindi Ortega @ East Village Arts Club, Liverpool, UK | January 29, 2016 – Review
Unlike many of the country artists gracing UK shores of late, Lindi Ortega has a storied history touring in Britain and Europe. Part of the reason for…
Hillsong Worship
Hillsong What A Beautiful Name
There is this fairly new song by the group Hillsong that I am just beginning to learn. It is called “What A Beautiful Name.” Just as the sunrise…
Selena Gomez
Selena Gómez surprises with a new song after two years of absence as a soloist
Some days ago the singer Selena Gómez mounted in her Social Networks an image of a mirror in which the words Bad Liar were written with painting…
Gloria Trevi
Gloria Trevi versus Alejandra Guzmán, an explosive and passionate tour
Explosive, passionate and vibrant will be the Versus tour said today in Los Angeles (USA) the queens of Spanish-language pop and Mexican rock Gloria…
Julia Westlin
Hello Julia Westlin!
We all knew as soon as Adele released her latest smash hit Hello many covers would soon follow like Regina Love's from&…
Pope Francis
The Pope Just Shutdown 5th Ave. and Announced An Album...
WTF! Yep, Pope Francis is dropping an album on November 27. Entitled Wake Up!, the collection of songs (sung in Italian, English,…
AC/DC's Brian Johnson could hear the stage again.
As we know recently iconic lead singer of the Australian band AC / DC, Brian Johanson, who since 1980 after the death of Bon Scott had to hold this…
Demetria McKinney
Officially a strong debut
Because of my love for (mainly 90s) R&B music, I’ve made a lot of musical friends over the years who are all professionally active&…
La Beriso
La Beriso on stage next to La Sole
How forget Ferro live at 360 ° and 4K with La Sole! enjoy it. With this message through their social networks Argentina rock band, The Beriso,…
Ludwig van Beethoven
Beethoven's Full Symphony No. 9
Beethoven Symphony 9--what do we say? Sure we all are familiar with famous “Ode To Joy.” That is certainly appropriate for the day…
Kanye West
Blowing a fuse
Somehow, the news about Kanye West escaped me yesterday. I was a bit 'Kanye-tired' after seeing all the rants on video, lately. I…
Blackmail new song by Shakira and Maluma
Blackmail is the new single that will be on his new album chart after two long years of absence from the musical world, it is noteworthy that his…
leave loving
Fifth Harmony
New Fifth Harmony Video
To make a brief overview of this group consists of 5 girls: Camila, Lauren, normani, Ally and Dinah. This girl group formed in The X Factor USA…
J Balvin
J Balvin achieves a Guinness record thanks to Ginza
Jose Alvaro Osorio Balvin Colombia is a successful music producer. His career to stardom succeeded with his third studio album entitled The Family…
Alabama Shakes
Austin City Limits shows Alabama Shakes presentation
Alabama Shakes will be during the first quarter of the year in South America: Stereo Picnic Colombia and Lollapalooza Brazil, Chile and Argentina. In…
Gustavo Cordera
Gustavo Cordera, between controversy and misfortune
How exciting that you / You should know / That tail is the most sought / apple And those breasts the food of my creation (...) So begins one of the…
A Tribe Called Quest
New album from A Tribe Called Quest!
Today is an excellent day for lovers of Hip Hop. the recognized group A Tribe Called Quest, one of the most emblematic musical genre, announced a new…
Olga Tanon
Olga Tañón awarded for her outstanding career
Olga Tañón was awarded by Guinness World Records . The singer has been recognized with two titles: the first, being the female artist with…
Ring the alarm: Monica’s Code Red is on fire!
Just after writing an article about Akon’s new music for my own website, I actually ran into my favorite (reasonably) new “Akon…
If You’re a Fan of K Michelle, Stream Blazar’s Newest YouTube and Spotify Single “Tomorrow”!
Where are My K’Michelle fans at? I’m talking to you: stream Blazar’s latest indie-pop smash hit “Tomorrow&…
Bebe Rexha
Bebe Rexha with G-Eazy for the second time
After the success that included the song Me, Myself and I singer Bebe Rexha rejoins with rapper G-Eazy to create a new song called FFF (Fuck Fake…
David Bowie
How Bowie's, and others fed the music industries darkest obsession
August 16th 1977 was the day that The King died. On that day 39 years ago one of the most morbid but resonant obsessions infiltrated its…
Travis Scott
No Justin For This Trap!
Trav Scott comes back strong this year with his second studio piece Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight, released on September…
Prince Royce
Prince Royce Blames the Heart
It seems that the artist Prince Royce is dabbling again in the musical genre Bachata, just send a message to fans who miss their tunes in Spanish,…
Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez temporarily retires from music due to illness
The former Disney star and now acclaimed singer, Selena Gomez announced through a press release that he will retire for an indefinite time in the…
The Ultra Music Festival 2017 was a complete success
Adrenaline, excitement and madness, is what is needed to enjoy an amazing and unique way in a music festival, and even more when talking about the…
The Weeknd
Listen to The Weeknd's new song: False Alarm
Only a week after the release of the first song from his upcoming album called Starboy the Canadian singer Abel Tesfaye Makkonen, better known by his…
Mac Demarco
My Opinion: Mac Demarco
Por lo tanto, sólo yo empecé a escuchar a este chico hace un par de meses. Uno de mis buenos amigos, Levi Roberts, me presentó a este…
Chuck Berry
In Memoriam: Gone in 2017
Every time a musician leaves this planet, a part of our souls eviscerate. To find out that some artist who helped you with his/her music is not with…
The Tenors
Under One Sky Hits it Out of The Park
I love the three tenor’s blend of sorts and how the different timbres blend into one all throughout the album in question. I also like how we get to…
Pink Floyd
Pink Floyd returns to vinyl
Pink Floyd has a new project that aims to give the opportunity to fall in love with one of the best bands on the planet. While the last album…
Lemmy in the periodic table.
Some 30,000 people had signed a manifesto calling Monday a recently joined the heavy metal periodic table bearing the name of Lemmio in honor of…
AJ Guel
AJ Guel ‘Real No One’ - Album Review
You might initially think AJ Guel is another kind of strident male singer like Jason Aldean or some kind of rugged guy that’s gonna run you…
Farruko and Espinoza Paz
After working alongside Mexican Alejandra Guzman and Luis Coronel, the reguetonero Farruko present a topic to duet with Espinoza Paz, who longs to…
Marc Anthony
The Versatile Marc Anthony
The Latin Grammy decided to appoint Marc Anthony as Person of the Year during the awards ceremony which will take place next November 16 in Las Vegas…
Rings of Saturn
Rings Of Saturn Alien Sweeping Brutality That Will Run RIngs Around You
If you have an ear to the world of Deathcore and Technical Metal, then chances are good that you have heard of Rings of Saturn for some time now on…
Thomas Rhett
Thomas Rhett ‘It Goes Like This’ – Album Review
For those who don’t know, Thomas Rhett is the son of Rhett Akins, who had a successful career as a chart-topping country artist, before switching to…
DJ Snake
DJ Snake and Justin Bieber release Let Me Love You video
Night, crime and neon lights distinguish the video clip artists DJ Snake and Justin Bieber just released to accompany the theme Let me love you, they…
Devendra Banhart
Devendra Banhart premiered a song from her next album
Its name means the god of the sky, lightning, thunder and rain according to Hindu mythology. Devendra Banhart, composer and musician just released…
Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus returns with more music and less controversy
The American artist Miley Cyrus announced, through a photograph on her official website, that her new studio album will be titled Younger now and…
Ladies of Soul
Soul'd Out
I recently got reminded what made me take up music by these amazing bunch of ladies. Ladies of Soul, as they call themselves, are a live performing…
James Brandon Lewis
James Brandon Lewis On The Rise
Personally, watching James Brandon Lewis Trio live at last summer's North Sea Jazz Festival in Rotterdam was a cathartic experience. I thought…
Miss Kittin & The Hacker
Miss Kittin & The Hacker
Leather boots, whips and chains. And a forgotten glamour. You are in this room with dim red light. This room is very cozy and disturbing. It&…
Lecrae: The Rising Light in Hip Hop
Rap has changed and evolved in many ways throughout the years. According to one’s liking, that could be good or bad. Interestingly…
Naturally 7
Fixing you with smooth vocals
Because my previous blog was about a popular song to cover, I thought I’d stay on-topic and also talk about “Fix You”, originally by Coldplay. This…
Johann Sebastian Bach
If it ain't Baroque, don't fix it.
Classical music has evolved alongside Western architecture, literature and the visual arts, with the music changing to fit the dynamic European (and…
Miguel Bosé
Anti-Trump Musicians
No easy he has seen the Republican candidate for president of the United States, Donald Trump. For several months, protests by musicians to keep…
Jerrod Niemann
Jerrod Niemann ‘High Noon’ – Album Review
Jerrod Niemann had a pretty good reputation among the group of country listeners who had heard him. With albums ‘Judge Jerrod & The Hung Jury’…
Kendrick Lamar
Lamar won best video at the VMAS
Rapper Kendrick Lamar won Best Video of the Year on Sunday thanks to his single Humble at the MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles. The Angelino…
La Vida Bohème
La Vida Bohème and its third album
The fight, the third album of La Bohème Life, a band that generates passions among the most assiduous followers of Venezuelan bands. Therefore,…
Corb Lund
Corb Lund ‘Things That Can’t Be Undone’ – Album Review
Back on October 9 Corb Lund and his band The Hurtin’ Albertans released their second album in just over a year; ‘Things That Can&…
The Most Innovative Duo Reigned Back!!!
Isn`t the best present you can get for a holiday, Christmas or New Year (or any of your free choice and belief), an official publishment of an…
Public Enemy
A Quick Review of Public Enemy's “Nothing is Easy in the Desert”
Public Enemy is one of the most impactful acts in hip hop history. Their career has clocked 30 years and shows no signs of stopping. They have…
Franz Liszt
Lizt's Hungarian Rhapsody is A Must for A Technique Challenge
Franz Liszt is known for his fanatical style and his virtuosity as a pianist. It shows in his many works for piano. His Hungarian Rhapsody Number 2…
Justin Bieber
Bieber fever is back
Being both, one the most loved but also most hated artists, Justin has really made an impact in the music industry. He has had some problems during…
Foyone: #RapNoCut XXVIII
'' Foyone '' is without doubt one of the MC's emerging Spanish attracting greater expectation in recent years…
Hologram Teen
Hologram Teen - Marsangst EP
Hologram Teen is the solo electronic motorik disco project of Morgane Lhote, known to many for her work as long-term keyboard player in the…
Paul McCartney
Paul McCartney confesses after splitting from the Beatles.
British musician Paul McCartney suffered severe depression following the breakup of the Beatles to the point that was given to drink for a while and…
Herbert von Karajan
The tradition of the Radetzky March
The Radetzky March is a work for symphony orchestra conducted by Johann Strauss Sr. in 1848. The story goes that the piece was composed in honor of…
Kanye West
What would a Kanye and Drake album look like?
Kanye West confirmed in a recent interview for Vogue magazine is working on an album with Canadian Drake. Although no release dates were announced,…
Rels B
Rels B, recognized European rapper is on tour throughout Spain with his inseparable Itchy and Buco, presenting Boys do not cry, his first…
David Bisbal
David Bisbal on DVD
The most international of the moment Spanish singer David Bisbal, happy once again their fans, this time with a special DVD that includes live…
Paulo Franco
Paulo Franco Shares the Eclectic The Last Card
Paulo Franco has definitely proven to be one of the most standout acts of 2016. Recently releasing his new album, The Last Card, …
Rebecca Black
TGIF : A Song That Became Popular For The Wrong Reason
Fridays have a magic, an energy that begins at 4:30 pm and upon reaching adulthood, when work is not just a hobby but a responsibility, it becomes…
Foo Fighters
Indefinite rest for Foo Fighters?
The statements issued by the Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins, where indicated the possible disintegration of the group earlier this year, would…
Leftee & the Right Wingers
Leftee & The Right Wingers from Michigan on a larger mission with the Influence of Tom Petty!
Leftee and the Right Wingers from Michigan on a larger mission with the influence of Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers! Posted By: Rick…
Ximena Sariñana
Ximena Sariñana will take a break
Ximena Sarinana Mexico has announced that it wants to stop for a while. After a year full of presentations, recordings and appearances on the…
David Bowie
David Bowie wanted more
Blackstar was not enough for David Bowie. If a week ago they were all surprised and amazed by the consistency of the artist with his work, now it…
Charles Ans
''Afternoons'' New video of Charles ANS ft. Gera MXM
Carlos Miguel Segura Ramirez (March 24 1991), better known as Charles Ans or Charles Skinny by followers of Hip Hop culture, has over 5 years…
WaxFeet Promises Chill Electronica and Delivers in Everything is Everything
The Santa Cruz based Chill-hop lofi electronica duo, WaxFeet, hopes to inspire a calm environment and relaxing sounds with their new song Everything…
Yandel joins Farruko for Encantadora (Remix)
Puerto Rican singer and composer Veguilla Malave Llandel, better known as Yandel, released a new version of its recognized song Lovely this time…
Rihanna released her new album “ANTI”
American singer continues to surprise his loyal fans. This time the sexy girl for free Barbados launched its eighth album called ANTI. The new album…
Diana Fuentes
The Cuban who is preparing to debut in the music industry
Diana Fuentes is another talented voices is coming out of Cuba. The island unveiled its new song La Fortuna where has the participation of respected…
Kory Bard
Kory Bard Moving to Southern California?
We have some good news for those enjoying the sun and music of Kory Bard out in California. The location of Kory Bard has been a…
Noel Gallagher
Noel Gallagher announced the date of his new album
Noel Gallagher is the largest representative of British music. In the 90 was the star of Britpop with his brother Liam and Oasis band. From that time…
Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande will return to Manchester to support the victims
After last May 22, the tragic terrorist event occurred at the concert of the American pop star Ariana Grande in Manchester , which caused 22 deaths…
Major Lazer
Havana vibrated to the rhythm of Major Lazer
José Martí Anti-Imperialist Tribunal, based in the city of Havana, is the name given to the place that, since 2000, it was proposed to host…
Tyrone Mr. Superfantastic
Tyrone Mr. SuperFantastic Shares the Love On “Long Road”
On first listen this offering can seem to be a bright and breezy semi-big band outing that strays into the past. There are familiar tunes and sounds…
Akapellah premieres ''Milki''
Return the young rapper from the city of Maracay, Pedro Elias Aquino, known by his pseudonym of Akapellah, this time with a new videocilp to present…
The Suicide Squad Mega Soundtrack
Suicide Squad, one of the most anticipated tapes of this 2016, has hinted what will be its soundtrack. And it is that the soundtrack of the film will…
Zayn announced new song with Sia
Former One Direction, Zayn Malik has announced that he will release a new single which will feature nothing more and nothing less than Sia in the…
Serenata Guayanesa
45 years celebrate Guayanesa Serenade providing music
The Venezuelan group is celebrating Guayanesa Serenata: arrive at their 45 years of existence as a musical ensemble. First, they were announced…
John Travolta
Is the word still Grease?
The first movie that popped in my head, when I heard we, at Kurrent Music, were doing a special on soundtracks, was ”Grease”. I…
Joe Budden
Joe Budden Ready To Drop 4th Album – ‘Rage & The Machine’
As of late Joe Budden has been making headlines for the controversy that surrounds him - most notably his beef with Drake. Being embroiled in so much…
Guns N' Roses
The return is getting closer for Guns N'Roses
The American band Guns' N Roses will talk about in 2016, as its members plan a return to the stage, as published by the Argentina version of…
Miley Cyrus
Why does a concert become a movie?
Hannah Montana, The Jonas Brothers and Justin Bieber were the artists that masificaron the Youth Pop Boom to turn their concerts into something…
Anthony Ramirez
Anthony Ramirez
Anthony Ramirez aka J Anthony is a latin and english rapper/singer/producer and lastly songwriter from oklahoma, Born August 14 1999. Anthony had an…
J Balvin
Urban music reigned at the Lo Nuestro Awards
Delivery of the Lo Nuestro Awards, held at a gala on February 23, awarded to the Spanish-speaking artists were better appreciated by the audience…
Alfredo Naranjo
Alfredo Naranjo and Rafael El Pollo Brito serenade Venezuela
They call land of grace and thus from the affection felt towards the terroir, devote the space born a subject which is, above all, a declaration of…
Keith Green
Keith Green’s Christian Music Career
Keith Green is one of those timeless Christian artists that has helped so many solidify their walk with Jesus Christ. “Your Love Broke Through” is…
Afrojack comes with a new style
Nick van de Wall, better known as Afrojack, it is not always in our corner of the world of music, the DJ and producer of Dutch origin offering a type…
Az Yet
Az Yet pull the rabbit out of the hat
Earlier this year, I blogged about a comeback that 90s R&B group Az Yet were planning for this year. A producer, who had worked with the group…
Public Enemy
3 Reasons Why June 2017 Has Been a Great Month for Political Rap
It feels like a lot of people have tried to include political messages recently due to last year’s US presidential election and movements…
David Bisbal
David Bisbal receives Gold Disc in Colombia
David Bisbal closed the year with great news is that his latest single Before No became Single Gold in Colombia for being a digital sales record this…
Green Day
Green Day and Bands Influenced By Green Day Playlist on Spotify! Follow & Share!
Green Day and Bands Influenced By Green Day Playlist on Spotify! Follow & Share! Click Here To Visit The Playlist On Spotify! Click Here To…
Kensington rocks you from the low lands
Globally the Netherlands is probably most known for providing top dance DJs to the music scene. The influence of the Dutch on dance music is profound.…
10 tragedies that occurred in concerts
On May 22, one of the most shocking mortal attacks in musical history was perpetuated. While the artist Ariana Grande finished performing her concert…
Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen, The Cadence of Summer, The Origins of Movements & The Sounds of Lives Changed
Summer has a certain cadence. There’s a rhythm of long days, the beach beckons and the pace of office life creates the illusion that time is…
Robert Vogu
Robert Vogu, one of the most important pop singers in Venezuela
2016 has been a successful year for the Venezuelan singer Robert Vog or who is also known by many as the first astronaut Venezuela. Press release His…
Jim Lauderdale
Jim Lauderdale On ‘This Changes Everything’ and a Lifetime – Interview
Jim Lauderdale has never been one without a sense of humor. Over fifteen years of hosting the Americana Music Awards, Lauderdale has had to ad lib in…
Dmytro Morykit
The love of amazing new classical music still exists
As Dmytro Morykit finds new ways of reaching fans, without fail they ask 'Why haven't we heard of you before?' His fans span all ages,…
“Splin” is a Russian rock band. It appeared in 1994. The band is a representative of the third wave of Russian rock. It is…
Stanley Clarke
THE LOW END Vol.7: Stanley Clarke
When we talk about the biggest bass players in history, then Stanley Clarke would satisfy both meanings of the adjective - he is indeed one of the…
Rae Sremmurd
Rae Sremmurd Releasing Solo Projects
Rae Sremmurd released one of the hottest albums last year, SremmLife with hits such as No Flex Zone, No Type, Up Like Trump and Throw Sum More. The…
Pearl Jam
Eddie Vedder interrupts concert to defend woman
The leader of Pearl Jam, Eddie Vedder, again make clear his greatness. Beyond his vocal range, ability and impeccable songwriter shows, Vedder…
Poppin' Tags: Future's newest
This time, it is the singer trap Nayvadius Demun Wilburn, better known by his stage name as Future, which took last January 20 the official video for…
Lorelei Taron
Lorelei Tarón will not give up… for her beloved Falcao García
I will not give is the album that promotes Argentina Lorelei Tarón singer, who also is the wife of Colombian striker Falcao García. And in…
Ricardo Arjona
Remiendo Al Corazón, the new Ricardo Arjona
Ricardo Arjona is in the middle of promoting his album Circo Soledad , a completely different production in which the artist bets on new sounds and…
Mali Nicole
All Da Way A Hunnid : Mali Nicole
She is not only a great-grandaughter of Ted Watkins, the famous African-American civil rights activist, creator and leader of the…
Los Mesoneros
Los Mesoneros premieres “Caiga la noche”. Part II
Innkeepers finiquitan the details of what will be his highly anticipated second album, coming after five years of the first LP 'Indeleble&…
Lil Supa
Lil supa keep on 'SERIOUS'
A few days ago the Venezuelan exponent aka Marlon Morales Little Supa 'introduced a new single of the content of his first concept…
Retrovisor returns with a new promotional single.
Mirror, is one of the new national bands that have emerged gradually, as they are times of crisis that live in Venezuela, and yet they keep making…
Discover the beautiful Ingrata of Juanes
Colombian singer Juanes today released their second single thankless Beautiful, which is part of his latest album. The issue, according to what I…
Noblesse Oblige
Noblesse Oblige
“It’s just the two of us, my coitus feels fabulous” Here are my favorite perverts. These two are like a good wine and…
Los Amigos Invisibles
Los Amigos Invisibles premiered the video clip for Nobody Is Healthy Here together with Los Auténticos Decadentes
Los Amigos Invisibles just released the video for the song Nobody here is Sano which drew together the mythical Argentina band Authentic Declining.…
Christopher Rouse
Christopher Rouse's Fourth Symphony--A Brief Review
Christopher Rouse is a very colorful composer who is known for his excellent orchestral work. I’d like to bring our attention to his Fourth…
La Vida Bohème
LVB I present the official video of its new single
The Venezuelan band based in Mexico, La Vida Bohème, introduced the first single from his latest album La Lucha, third album to be released…
Оргия Праведников
Total rock by Orgia pravednykov
“Orgia pravednykov” is a Russian rock band that appeared in 1999. It could be considered as a quite young band. Also it has…
Mick Jagger
Mick Jagger never ceases to amaze us
This time the singer of the Rolling Stones gave the big news that's going to be a father again at 72 years. The musician is expecting a baby…
Franco Micalizzi
Franco Micalizzi
Crime and violence! Murderers and bank robbers! Leather gloves, guns, bags with money and of course lots of beautiful women! Italian composers are the…
Alan Vega
Alan Vega
Ugly Words for Ugly People (Special Someone) I don’t feel like suicide, I feel like Vega, though, it was a hard and pretty…
Natalia Lafourcade
Sixteenth installment of the Latin Grammy
the biggest night in Latin music is coming, for the sixteenth installment of the Latin Grammys there are many surprises in store. The awards ceremony…
Madonna did the most expensive tour in the world
All artists make a lot of money through their albums, simple and especially their live performances. Following are what the most lucrative…
The Cranberries
New album to be released by The Cranberries in April.
The Cranberries releases new album Something Else, which launched on April 28 through BMG, an orchestral review of their greatest hits with new…
St. Vincent
St Vincent releases new song, Pills
Guns N' Roses
New tour of Latin America
Guns N 'Roses perform a concert in the Colombian city of Medellin on November 23, they confirmed today entrepreneurs in charge of organizing…
Jean-Jacques Perrey
What happens that this story does not go out of style
Carlos Angola
Carlos Angola, songs from a distance
Carlos Angola is not my favorite singers, however, strikes me the way it presents the singles from their next album. The singer was proposed to…