Remember Us to Life
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Regina Spektor Marks Her Territory

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She’s been off the radar since her 2012 album (except for that one song on “Orange is the New Black), but the moment she hints at a comeback, there is no doubt that it is going to be filled with the same amount of quirky pop/rock goodness that we can expectedly attribute to her. And sure enough, her first song off the album “Bleeding Heart” is clearly a fair sampling of what’s in store in her upcoming album “Remember Us to Life”.

It’s the kind of song she solidifies her ground with – her signature sound, replete with blatantly honest lyrics. And, even though the words “Bleeding Heart” may sound a tad bit cheeky for a songwriter who is famous for writing meaningful and heavyweight titles like “Fidelity” and “Samson”, and even the minimally deep “Us”, as we plunge into the song it doesn’t disappoint us on a journey filled with lyrical gems narrating a story of the outcast in all of us.



At first the song begins with a simplistic style but halfway through Regina starts weaving her web of meandering songwriting, and twirls octaves on her fingers like they were her favorite playthings. Where other singers might stumble, Spektor makes it her game point. At about 3 minutes into the track it dives into a change that seals the deal for a clear high point in the song giving it a brighter texture, before it slows down into its comfort zone yet again before fading out.

It does sound like a great big Indie picnic when Regina Spektor and Ingrid Michaelson, two of the best Indie female artists known for their songwriting prowess, announce their albums only a month apart. “Remember Us to Life” sees the light this September 30th. And, I cannot wait to unravel what it has in store beneath that intense title and how befitting a follow up it is going to be to “What We Saw From Cheap Seats”.

I’ll sign off with a “Never Mind, Bleeding Heart” – because as long as Regina is coming up with new music, I can’t think of anything that cannot be healed.


Track Listing to Remember Us to Life:

01 Bleeding Heart

02 Older and Taller

03 Grand Hotel

04 Small Bill$

05 Black and White

06 The Light

07 The Trapper and the Furrier

08 Tornadoland

09 Obsolete

10 Sellers of Flowers

11 The Visit

