The Andy Williams Christmas Album
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All Things Wonderful

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It still is the most wonderful time of the year. If it weren't so, then this song first released in 1963 by Andy Williams would no longer have its airtime inside and outside our homes. 

Many covers later, I believe that William's original performance of the song is still the best. It doesn't sound like one from the '60s at all. 

The song has nothing less than a cheerful tempo in itself and it's detailed description of the things people do as well as associate with Christmas brings the song that close to home. Well, except for the "scary ghost stories" that a few or perhaps no one bring anymore to mind, by the fireplace or to the table come Christmas eve.   

I do think, however, that people also add to their own thoughts the reasons why Christmas time is that most wonderful time of the year, whether Williams mentions these in the song or not. Just that positive phrase is enough to bring to the listeners' minds all the good things one knows about and experiences during this season of the year. And I think that over all, that is the power behind the song. It calls forth all the beautiful things that Christmas gives, brings. 

For me personally, I am reminded of the gift of family and friends and the gift of a Savior whenever I hear this song. 

In a nutshell, all good things really come  to mind with this song. And so there is no reason not to play it and enjoy it this Christmas time.

