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Bressa Creeting Cake (Deluxe Edition)
Bressa Creeting Cake - A Rediscovered Golden Nugget
The importance of the New Zealand’s Flying Nun label has been quite fairly recorded, particularly through the works of such seminal bands as…
Ty Segall
Ty Segall Never Slows Down
A golden rule in music is to take a break between records. In most cases, artists go to hibernation until boredom turns into inspiration, and…
The driving force of Madonna’s debut remains its palpable physicality, born out of New York dance clubs, a new pop mandate to move your body in ways…
Under the Radar, Vol. 2 (Deluxe)
Robbie Williams' Second Compilation of Rarities
Under The Radar was one of the best compilation of rarities which showed that Robbie Williams has a strong team capable of delivering so many stellar…
BØRNS Dopamine Album Review
Take a dreamy trip through electronic daze known as BØRNS. Garrett Borns better known by his stage name BØRNS, released his…
Born To Play Guitar
Born To Play Guitar
After B.B. King has passed this year, Buddy Guy is left alone as inviolable king of blues (all due respects to legendary protagonist of golden age of…
Vengase I
The Rawayana surprise us with a trailer for Trippy Caribbean
It is an incredible emotion felt by all the faithful listeners Rawayana to learn that less and less needed for the release of her third album Trippy…
Oh Wonder
Oh Wonder - Oh Wonder!
OH WONDER – OH WONDER Londoners Josephine van der Gucht and Anthony West describe themselves as an alt-pop writing duo. Perhaps the most…
Matter + Spirit
The Candles Burn on Lightly
When you take a first listen to The Candles album “Matter+Spirit” you might be lead into thinking that you are hearing a Southern or a West Coast band…
SweetSexySavage (Deluxe)
Sweet Sexy Savage
Kehlani first cast her charming spell on us with the 2015 release of her second (and Grammy-nominated) mixtape, You Should Be Here. While it…
Ray Sings, Basie Swings
Ray Sings while Basie Swings, both from Heaven
Ray Sings Basie Swings - this surely sounds like a 50’s record, maybe a 60’s one. I’m sure Ray and Count would have had a wonderful time playing and…
Somersault is the new Surf, According to Beach Fossils
Third album of Brooklyn based indie collective titled Somersault represents a step forward in comparison to its predecessors Beach Fossils…
La Saboteuse
Yazz Ahmed - World Jazz At Its Best
Quite a number of modern jazz trumpet players are adding various tonalities from different musical styles as well as from different parts of the world…
Thou - Heathen
Thou are a doom/sludge metal band from Baton Rouge in Louisiana and they have been operating as one of the more unique and better bands in the whole…
El Dorado
Shakira returns with El Dorado
After a long time away from the music scene, Shakira has decided to reappear to release her number 11 album from the repertoire titled El Dorado and…
Hyper Existential Indie Rock
Only a year after surprisingly good debut album of Nicole Saboune, we are getting another positive surprise called Miman. On the cover, we see a…
The Kinks legend uses Americana to blaze a path through both America's rock’n’roll history and his own. Its back-to-…
Sweet Creep
Are Hot Dogs Good For Your Songwriting?
Jonny Fritz obviously loves hot dogs in any shape or form. He started his singing/songwriting and recording career under the name Jonny Corndawg (get…
Remembering Katie Melua
Few days ago, I have heard a song on a radio by Katie Melua so I have decided to write a review of one of her albums. I was a big fan of Katie Meulua…
Under My Skin EP
SPC ECO to Release 'Under My Skin' EP, Features in Teen Wolf Soundtrack
SPC ECO is comprised of alternative electronic maverick producer Dean Garcia, the musical mastermind behind seminal alternative rock band Curve, and…
Lloyd Miller & The Heliocentrics
East Meets West
It’s an indescribably fulfilling to hear how The Heliocentrics once again adjust to the playing style and instrumentation of their collaborator. In…
Robbie Robertson - The Decades of Testifying
I really hope that this is a more current picture of Robbie Robertson on this new album he put out called Testimony. Well, new in the sense that it…
Beats for A New World
Gramatik, a genius musician, and producer from Slovenia released a new album titled Epigram a while ago. It is an incredible combination of hip-hop…
Flower Boy
Tyler Hits Another Bull’s Eye
Okay, Tyler The Creator released his latest effort titled Flower Boy a while ago and since no one decided to offer a review of the album ‘…
Harry Styles
Harry Styles
El debut en solitario del miembro One Direction rinde homenaje al rock'n'roll clásico y muestra su voz excepcional, si no su…
Kings Of Generic
With refreshing garage rock, they attracted the world’s attention, whilst by commercializing their sound, Kings Of Leon have become one of…
Lilies On Mars: ΔGO
Lisa and Marina began writing ΔGO immediately after returning from an extensive tour throughout Europe and America. Filled with…
Mind Of Mine (Deluxe Edition)
Zayn on top with ''Mind of Mine''
The former member of the British band One Direction, Zayn, on March 25 released his first solo album called '' Mind of Mine '…
I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside: An Album by Earl Sweatshirt
#tbt: Earl Sweatshirt - I don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside
Rap album about self-awareness is jt a common product. Candor has also been absent from hip hop culture for a long time. Lyrics about prison you have…
Jen Gloeckner - Climbing Up The Vine
Downtempo (who still remembers trip-hop?) has become such a formulaic genre that whenever somebody lists a certain album or an artist under such a…
The Penny Collector
Carrie Elkin - The Soul Americana
That is soul as in giving it all and having a true feel for a certain music genre. It his case the folkier version of Americana. When trying…
Naxatras - II
Naxatras are an interesting Greek psychedelic/space rock band, who hail from Thessaloniki. Naxatras have previously released one album and an EP. Both…
Before Bon Iver, Thee Was Midlake
Melancholic dudes from Texas had recorded their fourth studio album when their chief and creative director Tim Smith had a breakdown and decided to…
The Electric Lady
Sophisticated Icon
Janelle Monae is a young glamorous lady who has rhythm, blues and soul running through her veins. There is no blood in her music. Everything is clean.…
Amplifier turn it up to eleven
Four-piece progressive rock band from Manchester, Amplifier produce expansive, reverb-washed alt-rock designed for better living. Think Soundgarden&…
Space Is Only Noise
Nicolas Jaar's Genre-Blending Ambient Soundscapes
New York-based Chilean producer Nicolas Jaar had already been garnering steady interest and critical acclaim via a scattering of singles, EPs…
La Gárgola
Chevelle's La Gárgola Album Review
Have you ever wondered what would happen if Tool and Queens of the Stone Age conceived and had a baby? Probably not...…
Night on Earth
Night On Earth
Tom Waits… his nicotine-stained voice always calms me down. Whether he sings one of his drunken ballads or howls avant-blues tunes, he…
Beck At His Most Colorful
It's been 23 years since the album Mellow Gold and the humongous hit Loser. Considering the nature of that album and the massive popularity of…
New Born Remixed
Sounds of Sputnik explore new vistas with their EP 'New Born Remixed'
Last year, Moscow shoegaze band Sounds of Sputnik re-released their debut LP New Born feat. Ummagma through hallmark U.S. shoegaze…
Dedicated To Bobby Jameson
Missunderstood Artist - Ariel Pink
Ariel Pink (Ariel Marcus Rosenberg) decided to dedicate his eleventh studio album to unfortunate pop musician Bobby Jameson, which can be concluded…
Cigarettes After Sex
Cigarettes After Sex are Like a Cigarette After Sex - Pleasurable
Cigarettes After Sex have become a YouTube sensation with the single Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby. As it goes, the views were rising, and the song…
We Need Monsters
Radiohead + Muse = Ewian
After the brilliant Good Old Underground, Ewian have rewarded us with another album only year later. We Need Monsters might have arrived a bit too…
A Little Death
My Jerusalem: Post-Punkers Have Finally Made A Hit Rock Album
My Jerusalem is a band who caught music world’s attention instantly. Founder Jeff Klein had played with The Twilight Singers and The Gutter Twins…
Canción Animal (Remastered)
Soda Stereo: A Sign of Better Times
Ask any 15-30 yr-old Latin american folk what Argentina, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica, Paraguay and Colombia have in common and…
A Head Full Of Dreams
Coldplay joins forces with The Chainsmokers
The British group Coldplay, always brings something up his sleeve; in this case it is a collaboration with the duet The Chainsmokeres, which have…
The King of DownTempo Cements His Reign
Downtempo subgenre of electronic music has been experiencing a lot of success over the past years, as it develops and progresses. Besides…
The Purple Album (Deluxe Version)
I almost never write bad reviews. If you can’t say anything good or encouraging, it’s better you don’t say anything at…
The Piano: Music From The Motion Picture
Michael Nyman’s The Piano
Michael Hyman is a respectable movie scorer and opera composer who is known for his use of otherworldly textures and harmonies. Use of sustain in one…
Caiga la Noche
Fall The Night of Los Mesoneros is now available
After a long wait, the Caracas grouping Innkeepers, now impeached in Mexico, have released their second studio album called nightfall whose album has…
Let The Dancers Inherit The Party
Let The Dancers Inherit The Party. Yes-yes!
For fifteen year, six-membered group from Brighton has been flying over British rock sky. In that time, they have released six studio releases with…
Folk-Country-Indie Album of 2016
When three magnificent female vocalists, such as Neko Case, k.d.lang and Laura Veirs are, come together to make an album, the result has to…
The Getaway
get away
I finished listening to the album when my neurons twisted lyrics for taking what they thought. I could not leave unscathed the auditory delight, he…
New View
Nonchalant Woman
Eleanor Friedberger is known as a vocalist of the band The Fiery Furnaces. The band released eight albums that were pretty successful in American…
Bloodroot Shouldn't Be Scary
At one point, French composer and pianist Eric Satie was considered too obscure and it was thought he would remain so. These days he seems to be one…
The Light In You
Meditation for hispters and experiments for indie rockers
Favorite Americana players, known for their dreamy sounds, are finally back. Seven years after releasing the Snowlake Midnight and Strange Attractor,…
Phase 3
Skeppet - Phase 3
Skeppet are an interesting Danish band that venture in the realm of psychedelic rock, electronic music and space rock influenced ambient drones. Their…
Abbey Road (Remastered)
Abbey Road - My Album Recommendation by The Beatles
Abbey Road is definitely the album that will cheer you up if you are a Beatles lover. It is their 11th studio album which includes incredible songs…
This House Is Not For Sale
Why Bon Jovi Is My Guilty Pleasure
It’s strange how I love the guy whose music I don’t even listen, and probably I know most of his hits. This peculiar relation is due to the bad…
Burst Apart
#tbt The Antlers: Burst Apart
Is there a bigger cliche in the world of music than an indie band from New York? Not many things come to mind and everytime something new and original…
Trippy Caribbean
Interview with the good guys from Rawayana.
If something is known Caracas band is for good talent, since in recent years have given much to talk about; first they surprised us with License to…
Chasing an Illusion
Chasing Illusion
Sorrowful lyrics against spirited playing create a magical crux on the experimental singer-songwriter’s latest, a powerfully maternal and spiritually…
The Beatles (Remastered)
#tbt The Beatles - White Album
Good boys The Beatles were anything but good on White album. Maraton recordings, changed in collaborators, departure of members, breaking of the band&…
Common Sense
Common Sense
The debut from the young East London rapper is a unique coming-of-age story that shapes the best of grime, Afrobeat, dancehall, and early ’…
Zoroaster - Matador
Zoroaster is a well-known and renowned American stoner doom/stoner metal band, who have released a number of fine sludgy stoner doom albums through…
Shangri La
Why Jake Bugg's Shangri La Is Testament To The Talent Of Young Generation of Musicians
Saying that there is nothing interesting in today’s music, and that the old guys are making the best albums is ridiculous. There are many examples…
Burn the Witch
Radiohead's New Album. How Do You Really Feel About It?
First of all, I want to say that I am the biggest fan of Radiohead. I even have a mouse-bear tattoo that served as a logo for their Kid A era. With…
Sounds Good Feels Good
Not another “boy band”
The boys from down under are back! And they have turned into fine, young men. I'm not quite sure if that is a good thing, though. I feel like I…
Angie Stone's Dream is like a musical story book
In a time where everything is about branding, you have to wear the brands, brand yourself, brand your product, pfff, it sounds so true to hear someone…
Fake Sugar
Fake Sugar
The debut solo album from Beth Ditto finds the former Gossip singer reconnecting with her southern roots. Despite some thin lyrics and odd production…
Will Johnson Is Painting With Words
Austin is a city well known for its folk and country. Support for such a notion came from Curnet Marie Andrews who released a magnificent album last…
Blood Mountain (U.S. Version)
Blood Mountain by Mastodon: Schizophrenic level of awesomeness
Mastodon es una banda peculiar. Fueron uno de los pioneros de los lodos de la sabana, pero no se detuvieron allí. Continuando con el…
First Ditch Effort (Commentary)
Candid NOFX In Rearview
Can’t you see my soul, on the record sleeve, it’s going out for sale as soon as it gets saved. (NOFX – Take Two Placebos And Call Me Lame) After the…
All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us
Yaassss, MetalCore!
Following Architects sporadically, due to oversaturated genre, what happened is that Ruin and Daybreaker brought me more pleasure than Lost…
Substitute For MGMT and The Flaming Lips
If you don’t like what MGMT or The Flaming Lips currently have to offer, then reject their work and embrace Temples. I promise you are not…
Biased Advice
EXEK - Biased Advice
EXEK are an Australian garage rock/post-punk/noise-rock band from Melbourne. Their latest album ''Biased Advice'' came out a couple of…
HELLO 2016!
Cuando algo se termina, miramos lo que dejamos atrás, y en ocasiones, también escuchamos. Durante el 2015 dijimos Hello, nos…
An End Has A Start
Albums that turn 10 in 2017: Editors, An End has a Start
It may be hard to remember now but in 2007 Birmingham gloom rock band Editors were one of the biggest bands in Britain. After their terrific 2005…
Your Wilderness
Emotionally Filled Atmo Rock
I first heard about The Pineapple Thief three years ago when their vocalist, Bruce Soord, worked with Jonas Renkse (Katatonia&…
The Hooten Hallers
Toot For The Hooten Hallers
To capture the magic of city Lupus, located on the coast of powerful Missouri, and its famous Chilli Fest, it is enough you play the newest album by…
Definitely Emotive
If there is a better version of Lennon's Imagine out there, its on this record. Its a big call and I don't really mean it but I feel it is…
Is This The Life We Really Want?
Should Roger Waters Retire?
In two to three years old competition comprised of collections of songs named Ratthe That Lock and Endless River, Is This The Life We Really Want by…
Teens Of Denial
The Complexity of Teen Rebellion
Will Toledo is an unbelievably prolific author, the one who released ten albums in a period of just six years. Albeit he has been active…
Swear I'm Good At This
Swear I'm Good at This
On their debut LP, the eager duo fumbles that which makes indie pop so meaningful. It becomes a lively collection of empty gestures. The &…
Okills surprises with a video clip for Asesina
The Okills grouping has surprised us with the launch of its new video of the song Killer part of his album titled America Supersonic which has been…
Rebel Meets Rebel
Rebel Meets Rebel / David Allan Coe Meets Pantera
If you are somewhat a Metal head or are aware of popular heavier music, then you are aware of the band Pantera. Now, if you like country music then…
Still Testifying
My Darling Clementine - Keep On Testifying
It seems they’re a good time in putting out good Americana sounds. This time from the other side of the pond and a duo that represents some of the…
Endless Summer
Soley's Brighter Side
Soley revealed her light and sunny side on her third studio album. The title Endless Summer suggests it, and it proves that fairy vocal of the singer…
Hail to The Deftones
My biggest accomplishment on this album is the fact that I agreed to play on it, said Stephen Carpenter, a hairy metal guy who plays guitar in metal…
The Pinnacle Of Opeth's Discography
Opeth’s twelfth studio album is one of the most anticipated metal albums of the year, although it is a prog rock album. With their last three releases…
Acapella - Acapella Christmas - Acapella Group
Enjoying an Acapella Christmas
This is such a good Christmas album. So good that I almost felt regretful that it took me 4 years after its release before finding it. All is not lost…
Jimi the Bluesman
Jimi is probably the most influential musician in rock music. He changed the way rock guitar was played and gave the genre its fiery spirit. Hendrix’…
Venomous Blossoms
Making Psychedelic Pop Sound Fresh, Again
Modern bands fascinated by all things psychedelic do not only listen to the ‘old masters’ but probably also what each other is doing. And that is a…
Juggernaut: Alpha
Periphery Juggernaut Album Review
Periphery’s Juggernaut has been the album that progressive metal fans have been looking forward to for a long, long time. This album has…
Mestís Polysemy Album Review
The progressive metal band Mestis, released a new album entitled . Mestis is an instrumental group most notably including Javier Reyes from the band…
Need Your Light
Contagious As Always
Ra Ra Riot are born on American indie rock scene in 2006. They formed on a campus of Syracuse colleage in New York and recorded their first demo in…
Days of Exile
Days Of Exile, the new vinyl verse
Undoubtedly this year, he is being one of the best in the Venezuelan musical movement, since there have been many successes of national groups. In…
Silence Is The Only Sound
Metal Scandinavian Folk
The Third And The Mortal is one of the first metal bands in Norway that had female singer and it was Kari Rueslatten. After the band broke up, Kari…
Dark Harvest
The Harvest May Be Dark, But It Is A Rich One
Ok, so I never heard of Tim Meskers before. So, a know all music site tells me that he might be known to discerning music fans from a band called…
Of Monkees And Men
Monkeying With The Monkees
Scott McCaughey is no more a Young Fresh Fellow. In more ways than one. For one, this legend of the Seattle music scene is no more a spring chicken…
Man of the Woods
My Verdict Of Justin's New Album
Fifth chapter of Justin Timberlake's solo career begins with explosive verse: If you know what's good... In FIlthy, the first promotional…
Time To See The Unseen
If there was a band in recent times that could easily pick up the title of American Gothic, then it is the Handsome Family. Even more fitting is the…
Not A Little Bit
K Michelle says: K’s Over It!
OMG! How much I love this track. K Michelle dropped the audio for “Not A Little Bit” on YouTube, about 6 days ago, and I&rsquo…
Wings Approved
MUSIC REVIEWS 51 I am in love. It is not an immutable love, but it is surprising and powerful. The song Six Years and a Day will be…
If On A Winter's Night
Do you love Baroque Music? Then you must be fan of Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner Sting
Even we are in the 21st century; there are still a lot of sound fields and undiscovered magical moments left in the music by our ancestors. Sting has…
Modern Vampires of the City
The millennial angst of Vampire Weekend
If something does very well Modern Vampires of the City is to show the anguish of this generation. This album Vampire Weekend, formed by singer and…
One More Light
One More Light: Track by track
Nobody Can Save Me Much to my surprise this is actually a strong start. I groaned at the auto-tuned opening, but the track itself is an effective look…
Curve Of The Earth
Curve of Mystery Jets
Radlands by Mystery Jets is, in my opinion, one of the best albums that any British indie rock band released in the last couple of years. Curve of the…
Those Younger Days
Indie Family
When you believe in people, the whole world is a church. And when your family believes in you, your life is easy like indie song. Music runs in the…
Orange Garage
Miminokoto - Orange Garage
Miminokoto is a pretty well-known experimental Japanese psychedelic rock/garage rock/psychedelic noise rock band. They have released many great albums…
Carrie & Lowell
Reflections on Sufjan Steven's Latest Offering
It’s finally time to talk about what has been described as Sufjan Stevens’ most personal album to date. The mysterious, melancholy man behind the…
Pretty. Odd.
#tbt: Panic At The Disco: Pretty.Odd.
Spoiler alert: following throwback might appear more ambivalent than it really is. Emo is probably the only genre that not even those who place…
Mayhem in Blue
Hail Spirit Noir – Mayhem In Blue [Review]
Hail Spirit Noir play a trippy mix of psychedelic rock and progressive black metal, with a pinch of avant-garde. Their debut record, Pneuma, was a…
Beautiful Lies
“Beautiful lies” by Birdy - an emotional journey you won’t forget
Birdy is an incredibly talented and internationally recognized 20-year-old British artist that has won the Female Solo Artist International…
Dress To Impress
Keith impresses
Even though it's September and the summer is actually coming to an end soon, we're enjoying some really nice hot temperatures, at the moment.…
More Rain
Come Back, M Ward
My brain has a special grey area. It is an area where I feel peculiar empathy for all of those great artists who suddenly start losing…
Memoirs of a Geisha
Memoirs of a Geisha as told by John Williams
Prior to Memoirs of a Geisha, composer John Williams had never asked to compose for a movie before. Being the resident composer for Steven Spielberg…
America's Velvet Glory
The Molochs - Another Velvet Morning?
If the name The Molochs gives you a ring towards Velvet Underground, don’t worry, you’re completely right. The Los Angeles duo is rightfully paying…
Sound the Alarm
Less Than Jake Sound More Than Alarming
Ska punk boys from Florida known as Less Than Jake have once again skillfuly intersected downtempo ska rhythyms, midtempo punk=rock and…
Clapton Grass
A Religious Music Compilation to Enchant the Soul
The following youtube video referenced features some of the most breathtaking religious classical vocal music ever. It is a spellbinding compilation…
Mane Music
Prison can change anyone. Enough time isolated from the world, treated as subhuman and discarded like garbage is soul-breaking and creatively stifling…
Your Move Vol. 1
Mikey Young - Hot Chip On The Autobahn
Haven't you heard of Mikey Young before? Don’t worry, most of the people haven’t. There’s an underground scene anywhere, and Australia is no…
COVERLAND Vol.18: Hair
This time we’re going to talk about a cover album, not just a song. The interesting thing is that the remake was done by the composer himself, a…
Bible Belt
#tb When The World Met Diane Birch
When I first saw Diane Birch in 2010, my first impression was that she is a hybrid of Pattie Smith and Diane Keaton who tries to play the piano as…
Oczy Mlody
The Flame Of The Flaming Lips Is Still Strong
When you have sixteen albums in your discography, three Grammys and records that shaped a generation of listeners, no one expects you to deliver…
I'm Glad Trouble Don't Last Always
Luke Winslow-King: I'm Glad Trouble Don't Last Always (Bloodshot Records)
Durante la última década, Lucas Winslow-Rey se ha especializado en la música hilbilly vintage, mezclando folk y country y blues con…
Near To The Wild Heart Of Life
Big in Japandroids
Near To The Wild Heart Of Life is the third studio album of Brian King and David Prowse, a Vancouver based duo known as Japandroids. They self-…
Hammock - The endless sorrow of a loss
There are a lot of things you can think about and let your thoughts wander while lying in a hammock. Usually, you get into it to relax, have leisurely…
Emotional Mogwai
Scottish band Mogwai, one of the pioneers of post-rock genre, have eight albums in their discography, and Atomic is their fourth soundtrack. Work on…
Rune Husk
Rune Husk?
So you don’t know what Rune Husk is? But of course, it is the new Of Montreal EP! Oh, you want to know what that means? Well, then, you will have to…
Into the Water
Ritual Howls - Into The Water
The well-known Detroit post-punk/gothic rock/death rock band Ritual Howls came out with a new album in 2016, and it packed some pretty fine material…
The Origin Of Love (Deluxe)
Oh, Why Did Mika Go Downward
On his debut album, Mika pleasantly surprised all us with his exuberant amd catchy tunes. The follow-up The Boy Who Knew Too Much brought perfection,…
My Body
EP Battle : Palm Vs Nine Inch Nails
Palm Palm is super talented and mirthful four member group from Philadelphia. They have several EPs in their discography and one full length studio…
Little Games
Good old rock. Little games by The Yardbirds.
For a while, listening to the songs by “The Yardbirds”, I thought that these were the song by “The Doors”. The…
A Wonderful Seed
Mysterious Ms. Sandoval Reappears, Again
So, Hope Sandoval and her mystery are back with us again. It has been 26 years since she first appeared along with former Rain Parade co-leader David…
Ampacity - Superluminal
Ampacity is an instrumental psychedelic/space rock band from Poland. ''Superluminal'' is their second album and it came out back in…
#tbt: Sugababes - Free
Some people were superfans of Spice Girls, others were superfans of N'Sync, but I was always a superfan of Sugababes. In my humble opinion,…
Sing It Ugly
Despair Never Sounded So Optimistic
It’s been only two years since Vicious Losers came out and two prophets of light, as Lonesome Wyatt and The Minister call themselves,…
11 Short Stories of Pain & Glory
11 Short Stories of Pain & Glory
This is a cute folk-rock for the masses. That doesn’t need that the guys are not fun. Dropkick Murphys is a band who connects jocks, rockers,…
Lonelady: Hinterland
Julie Campbell aka LoneLady has rooted her music in the dark leaden skies of the industrial landscape of her native Manchester. The mist and vapour…
Alt-J Loses Coherence In Eclecticism
Let's talk about eclecticism without aroma. Five years and three albums are just enough for Alt-J to make his new release highly anticipated. A…
Celtic Revival
“Celtic Revival” By The Sky Family
The songs that make up “Celtic Revival” and the performance on each one is uplifting. But the recording fidelity of the entire…
What's up with Borders?
Lucky enough, it doesn’t happen all that often that a big news story actually makes it to my doorstep, or near enough anyway. For a few…
Paper Mâché Dream Balloon
Substitute for Tame Impala
King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard is an Australian band formed in 2010. They already have a bunch of materials behind themselves (this is their…
Adele 25
When asked to write about a single artist that shaped the month of November, at first I was stumped. So many mainstream artists have been having huge…
Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit
Is Jason Isbell Still On A Good Track
This is the third time in a row that we are welcoming Jason Isbell's new album in the middle of the uneven year. This tradition was initiated with…
The Swedish electronic artist Vanbot and two collaborators made this new album while journeying along the Trans-…
Blue & Lonesome
The Rolling Stones Make Blues Standards Sounds Fresh Again
I have to admit I was a bit skeptic about the new album by the legendary The Rolling Stones. The news that their newest effort will be comprised of…
NEW (Deluxe Edition)
Paul McCartney’s Still Got It With New
Paul McCartney has been a very bright light for years now with the Beatles, with Wings, and then on his own in a solo career. New highlights some of…
Random Access Memories
#tb The Standard of Modern Electronic-Dance
Recently, I have watched an episode of HBO’s brand new show Young Pope and in one scene, the main characters, pope, asked his advisor who does she…
Don't Put The Blame
Rory or Rag 'N' Bone Man trickled through the blues and soul circuit for years. After a single encounter from performing live and taking the…
Fifteen Minutes
Garage Punk In Your Face
Why is there not a punk genre label? So for now, Mike Krol will head towards alternative when truly Mike Krol addresses and could care less about your…
When Faith No More released the video for Easy, it became an instant hit and received heavy airplay on MTV back then, when the station was the main…
The Scientist
Revisiting The Scientist
No doubt, Coldplay's sound -- elegant, melodic, and very dramatic — bore plenty of similarity to mid-1990s Radiohead. But the group was…
Hush is one of those songs that have been a hit for more than one artist. The interesting fact is that it had its lowest charting position with the…
Shawn Mendes Unveils “Ruin”
After just one week of having released the video of his song Treat You Better the young Canadian, delights us with this new project. Ruin is called,…
Hopeless Romantic
Defying Expectations
“I was like, wait a minute, [Jenny Lewis is] on Warner Bros., and she just made a record that sounds like the record I wanna make.…
Sweet Venom: Anna Of The North vs. The Gold Digger
On “Money”, a recent single from electro-pop duo Anna Of The North’s upcoming debut album Lovers…
'97 (feat. Rich The Kid, Bobby Kritical & 1wayfrank)
K Slams The New `97 Trap!
ATL rap cat bangs up the Trap swag on his new single `97. He linked up with the coolest squad that he could for…
I Wish Everyday Was Christmas
One to watch: M'Lissa
There are many artists who only had one hit with a Christmas song. In some cases, the song is more famous than the person who sang it, but this year,…
Meghan Shows a harsh truth in her New Video
With the release of his new album Thank You, the artist gave us quite diverse themes and content, his first single No we see a more daring and sexual…
drink i'm sippin on
Yaeji Explores the Menace in the Mundane with Drink I'm Sippin On
Like fellow 88rising label-mate Rich Chigga, Brooklyn-via-Seoul singer/producer Kathy ‘Yaeji’ Lee's music videos hits you with…
Piece By Piece - Radio Mix
Kelly Clarkson's growing up in Piece By Piece
If you were thinking that her recent collaborations, with her sort of mother-in-law Reba McEntire, meant that Kelly Clarkson was now doing Country…
Gossip Girl
The Gossip Girl With Grace Vanderwaal
Never ever doubt the age of a musician, in the case of 12 year old Grace Vanderwaal this could not be any more true. Vanderwaal's name became a…
You Know I'm No Good
Far Too Good To Not Be Good
'You Know I'm No Good' references several of Amy Winehouse's own views about herself. Self-image, emotional stability and the rocky…
Poor Boy
Belle and Sebastian's Poor Boy is Ironically Infectious
Belle and Sebastian frontman Stuart Murdoch took a while to figure out the connection between the music video for Poor Boy and the song's…
Back to the Start
As sugary sweet Katty Besnard sings in this track 'Back To The Start', never once does the song come off as bubble gum annoyance. The french…
Get out of my Hair!
Once again, the lovely and sassy girls of Little Mix have found their way into my playlist. As usual, I was just chillaxing in a cab with a friend of…
Living Life and Dying Right
“Sister is the eight-minute centerpiece and third single from indie-folk singer-songwriter's Angel Olsen forthcoming album My Woman,…
I Just Wanna Live
songs that come back to you
There are songs we heard during a stage in our life, in adolescence, for example, the sounds we hear are often associated with our personality and…
Peter Salett Uses Sunshine To Possess A Single Kind Of Love
Peter Salett's acoustic number Sunshine could border on Country, however, Salett instead touches upon a more Acoustic Indie paradox. I came across…
Performance Art Fit For A King
Years & Years have been killing various music channels when it comes to their album Communion, releasing six singles, one single King…
Real Thing
Urgent Honesty
'But I just love to get out and get it onI don't wanna live possessed by a memory'. Baltimore indie pop band Lower Dens' Jana Hunter…
Dear Life
Beck's Psychedelic Existentialism
Veteran idiosyncratic singer-songwriter Beck poses a dreary existential question in the chorus of “Dear Life”, the fourth track…
Learning from the Success of Adele’s “Hello”: Insights from MusicPromoToday
In case you have been living in a bubble, Google “Hello” by Adele and read the results. Besides the numerous links of fans sharing…
Wrong Victory
Skin Deep
Skin tight latex body suits, bejeweled face cloth and golden paint. MS MR are no strangers to the weird, odd and fascinating aspects of music videos.…
The Weeknd has released a cinematic, action-packed clip for his new single and collaboration with Daft Punk, Starboy. The…
St. Augustine at Heart
Blood Orange pops up on the radar every so often just to completely floor us. 'Augustine' a form of chillwave, indie or smooth RnB…
About Today
Warrior gave us The National song that could not be beaten
Warrior is a complex film about the nature of family, abuse, and violence. It was billed as a sports movie but the fact that it starred both Tom Hardy…
Don't You Wait
Take Care For Now
Don't expect to group Cloves in with the rest. Every day it may seem like a melancholy songstress comes into view. Yet with Cloves their is a…
Kesha's personal prayer
Pretty much out of the blue, Kesha released her new single last week. One day, she announced a new video on Instagram and the next day, the video was…
So Good
A Killer Hook
Southampton trio Band of Skulls have been mainly criticized for their lack of originality; The Guardian's Dave Simpson…
Dismal Universal Hiss
System Corporation - Dismal Universal Hiss
New Zealand rock outfit System Corporation are released their debut single ‘Dismal Universal Hiss’ at the end…
You Go Down Smooth
Interchangeable Melody
Lake Street Dive comes together as organically as one band can. With the members in one way or another alread accomplished musicians or hailing from…
Recognizing Black Genius
2009: Taylor Swift's music video for You Belong With Me beats out Beyoncé's video for Single Ladies in MTV'…
Beauty and the Beast - From
Disney is playing it safe
Ariana Grande and John Legend have just released the title track for Disney's Beauty and the Beast. I think I was as skeptical of this…
Search For Your Love
Spacey Yearning
Garage space pop duo Gulp materialized due to a chance encounter: Scottish vocalist Lindsey Leven met Super Furry Animals bassist Guto Pryce…
Cocaine Cat
Tess Parks Interests Us With Cocain Cat
Tess Parks is the love child of Francoise Hardy and Mark Lanegan. Parks produces a gritty smoke filled vocal range that croons to the mishaps of life.…
10,000 Emerald Pools
Pleasure Center
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is released to give you, you know — it bathes the pleasure centers, basically. I feel like…
Crash into Me
DMB: Crash Into Me
In the past I have written about the magic that comes along with listening to some of the Dave Matthews Band music. It is very unique music in the…
Another funny nightmare from the minds of Radiohead
I'm not used to this. In 2017 being a Radiohead fan has been uncharacteristically rewarding. Not only am I still obsessed with last year's A…
Liberty Or Death
ThreePeace strikes chord of Support for the Troops with Liberty or Death on KUAC Alaska
ThreePeace was featured on KUAC Fm in Alaska with their song Liberty or Death. The song is a song written in support of the American Soldier who…
La Estrella Irregular
Afro-pop city in The Irregular Star by Cotton Egyptian
Venezuelan Ezequiel Bertho aka Cheky has while living in Mexico, from the Aztec city observes the adversities of their native country. Starts the…
Paint It, Black
Ciara's dark side sounds good
Now that I’ve written a few blogs for Kurrent Music, you must have notice that I’m a pretty positive person. I look at Ciara as…
A Sign
New music from my producer and Deyah
With the way my life is right now, I don’t get too much time to focus on my own music. One of the producers, almost painfully reminded me…
Warm On A Cold Night
Keepin' Us Warm
The electronic/smooth duo HONNE have found a way to keep their audience warm on a cold, cold night. When we say smooth, we are talking about that…
I Won’t Complain
Benjamin Clementine Does Not Complain
Some artists are always on your radar as you wait to give their albums the time of day, Benjamin Clementine is a musician who deserves a whole day…
Duets, Chocolate, Love, Covers and Youtube
People likes love stories, she is interested in love, songs that speak of love and also called attention couples in love singing about love. What is…
Don't Forget About Me
Higher Than Heaven
Clove's track 'Don't Forget About Me' starts off as a the sister song to Adele's 'Hello'. Somber, wistful and hopelessly…
High By The Beach
A trippy release for Lana Del Rey
Lana Del Rey's new single, High By The Beach, has officially been released and it's going to be a big player on radio stations…
Sing My Heart Out
Sam Bailey is still singing
I know it’s pretty hard to believe, but even though I’m a singer with aspirations to gain global fame, taking part of The Voice, X…
WTF (Where They From) [feat. Pharrell Williams]
What the F are all these Hip Hop artists doing with all that money. THIS is how you do it! Two words: Missy Elliot. This…
Despacito - Versión Pop
Despacito is on top of the world
After Daddy Yankee and Luis Fonsi published Despacito have not stopped growing even more in the music industry and the fandula. This urban duet has…
Pep Rally
Party music perfection
I wandered into my office on Monday morning feeling pretty tired. Basically, the only thing that got me in the office was that I knew about a few…
Hard Believer
A True Milestone of Modern Blues
I personally prefer listening to albums – it gives me a wider perspective on musicians’ aesthetic visions. I was raised in the era…
The Way I Are (Dance With Somebody) [feat. Lil Wayne]
Bebe wants to dance
I was a little worried when I saw the song title of Bebe Rexha’s new single and the obvious reference to Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance With…
When I Grow Up
Exploring the Theme's of Growing Up
In the year 2009 Fever Ray released a debut album under the same name. 'Fever Ray' debuted as a self imposed idealistic world created by Karin…
Breakin' Up
Breaking Up Never Felt So Good
Breakin' Up, a track from LA alt-rock band Rilo Kiley's (Jenny Lewis, Blake Sennett, Pierre de Reeder, and Dave Rock) fourth album …
Had to Let Me Go
Liquid Cool
Had To Let Me Go is a great introduction to the beguiling, atmospheric blend of 90s R&B and contemporary…
Candy 66 - Yankee Live @ Garage Rock Bar (Garage Media Group)
Garage Rock bar in conjunction with garage media group bring a series of videos called Garage Sessions in this release is the Venezuelan candy nu…
The Distance
San Cisco's Relationship Woes
Aussie indie-pop quartet San Cisco’s (guitarist/vocalist Jordi Davieson, drummer/vocalist Scarlett Stevens, drummer Josh Biondillo and bassist Steve…
Blowin' Smoke
Jeremy Dion Weaves A Tall Tale in His Newest Single Blowin' Smoke
Jeremy Dion has connected with music since he was a toddler. He started with the piano at age seven, and began writing songs when he first picked up a…
Teenage Sensations
15-year-old LA pop singer-songwriter Billie Eilish is swiftly proving to be a precocious and promising talent in the contemporary pop…
Tremaine`s Animal Cut!
With his latest super-adictive product Tremaine, Trey Songz takes over the global music scene once again. His soft and sexy vocal…
She Looks So Perfect
Girls Talk Boys the New 5SOS
Boys Girls Talk is the soundtrack of the new film Ghostbusters, or as we met in childhood Ghostbusters. In this new film we act comedians of the…
Fall Together
Radio-Friendly Grit
Melbourne indie-rockers The Temper Trap (Dougy Mandagi, Jonathon Aherne, Toby Dundas and Joseph Greer) have yet to recreate the inescapable…
On My Mind
Ellie Goulding Debuts New Single
Ellie Goulding has been rather silent ever since her last release, but that changed this morning on UK radio station Capital FM's Breakfast Show…
Thinking Out Loud
Facing Frailties and Realities in June
To look back on life as it was in June 2015 is like thinking about it out loud, particularly so as I am not doing it just for myself this time but…
The Less You Know
Bryan Banks Shares His Most Vulnerable Song Yet
Bryan Banks' newest song The Less You Know is the perfect follow up to his 2017 album The Sudden Sounds of Urgency. It's an emotional…
Come Closer to the She-Devils
This is where Pop should be going. Changing and everlasting effects from the duo She-Devils will have your mind altered within the candy haze ideas…
Billie Jean
Rebirth of a Song
This is one of the best covers in history. Chris Cornell managed to give this song a completely new life and a deeper meaning. The lyrics that talk of…
Let It Ride
Let It Ride
A collaboration between two leading artists on the American music scene, this song from Robert Glasper’s sixth studio album “Black Radio 2” is a real…
Do You Wanna Get High?
Weezer Do You Wanna Get High?
This week, alternative rock legends Weezer released their new single entitled “Do You Want to Get High”. The song was supposedly…
Buckshot (feat. KRS-One & DJ Premier)
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis: Buckshot Review
“Buckshot” by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring KRS-One and DJ Premier is my own choice of hot song at the moment. I…
Used To Love You
Heartbroken Gwen
It Was hard not to notice the whole thing that was happening in Gwen Stefani's life. It was all over media. Local and world's. It was hard to…
Gold Chains
Funkadelic and Slightly Tragic
Goldensuns have popped out their latest track 'Gold Chains' where Funk rhythms are processed through a slight trembling and tragic lyrically…
ILYSB Means More Than You Know To LANY
ILYSB or I Love You So Bad for those of us that prefer to type out each word. LANY confuses Pop for Indie and Hip-Hop sectors for Pop references. But…
24K Magic
Funky Bruno Mars Magic
With his Mark Ronson collaboration, Bruno Mars scored one of the biggest hits of 2015. Even though it had a retro style, it was one of those songs…
Le Hace Falta Un Beso (feat. Mike Bahía)
A? no! there are three versions of He needs a kiss.
Colombian singer Alejandro Gonzalez, former lead singer of the group Bonka, released 3 versions of the same subject with which manages to please…
Allie X Teams Up with VÉRITÉ for Casanova: A Glossy Evocation of Love's Ecstasies and Miseries
Allie X (Toronto singer-songwriter Alexandra Hughes) is simultaneously edgy and reassuringly familiar; her attention-grabbing visuals bring Melanie…
Artist Review - Hailee Steinfeld
Perhaps many see it as more of the same, but I really like their music. I confess that the first time I saw her was in the second installment of…
Drag Us Down and Let Us Live
With a band name like Counterfeit, a mixture of punk and rock should not be a surprise. However, once the music video for Counterfeit's newest…
I'm Into You
Chet Faker's Subgenre Promise
'I'm Into You' by Chet Faker was off of the debut Thinking In Textures. Since the explosion that has become Chet Faker's ever lasting…
Strangers Can Be Friends
Take into account The Gaslight Anthem, Wavves and Girls formed into some sort of super group. The Rebel Light may be the outcome but surely this band…
These Streets Will Never Look the Same
A Meditation on Loneliness
Running for over 8 minutes, These Streets Will Never Look the Same is one of the longest tracks on Chromatics' critically acclaimed fourth album,&…
El Paraiso
Is it the year of Los Mesoneros and their Paradise?
This quintet of exceptional musicians formed by Luis Jimenez (guitar and vocals), Juan Ignacio Sucre (guitar), Andres Belloso (Low), Andrés…
By now the legend of SIA is pretty much apparent to us. She is the powerhouse songwriter behind successful hit numbers of many an artist including the…
Sombre Fayre - Demo
Final Fire
Look at this, a band called Neon Waltz has six people in their group. Yes, Arcade Fire can become a symphony but does that mean other bands can pull…
Hotline Bling
Cool Groove Hotline Bling
Almost all have heard it, and many love it! R&B music is one of the most listened genres especially of today’s pop culture. With its…
On Hold
Disco-Tinged Bittersweetness
In The Key of Awesome's 2010 parody of Lady Gaga's Telephone, there's a line that resonates powerfully in the smartphone and social media…
Chi Chi
Razor-Sharp Braggadocio
'Live from the zoo, this the new 212'. Controversial Harlem rapper Azealia Banks breakout hit 212 is a very tough act…
Night Walk
Mysterious Energy
Little is presently known about London duo Gold Fir, who have only revealed their first names (James and Mabel) and the fact they are long-time…
Sorry Not Sorry
Demi's loudly not sorry
There was another major female pop singer, who had released a single last week other than Selena Gomez. Yes, Demi Lovato, whom I recently blogged…
Maggie Rogers Leaves Us Stuck In Alaska
Maggie Rogers falls somewhere between pop, indie and dance. So properly classifying where the song-writers music should be placed is highly difficult…
#WHERESTHELOVE - Charity Single
#thatpower of #whereisthelove
It’s not often that I get enthusiastic about an artist re-doing one of their songs, and, indeed, when I heard that Black Eyed Peas had made…
Knocked Around
Bait and Switch
“Knocked Around” is the song that provided veteran alternative rock band Dinosaur Jr. with the name of their eleventh studio album…
Disorder - 2007 Remastered Version
Songs that started it all. 1) Disorder, Joy Division
As much as I write about Radiohead, surprisingly, they aren't my favourite band. That spot goes to Joy Division, the Manchester quartet who,…
Orchid Bloom
Tropical Electronica
Orchid Bloom is a single from Brooklyn-via-San Franscisco trio Lemonade's (Callan Clendenin, Ben Steidel and Alex Pasternak) third album&…
Balladic Insecurity
La envidia y la inseguridad son, evidentemente, fuentes potentes de inspiración artística (de ahí la perdurable popularidad del é…
Disco down with Blondie
When I heard that Blondie were about to release a new album, later this year, I had expected it would be a rock album. Last I heard…
White Light
Electro Vintage Shura
Wow! I love electro pop! When I heard first sounds of Shura's newest single White Light, the mix of synth and retro rhythm made me think of Eddie…
Little Dark Age
MGMT Recalibrates With Little Dark Age
'I grieve in stereo/ The stereo sounds strange': once-beloved collegiate electronic pop duo MGMT (Andrew VanWyngarden and Ben…
Generation Why
A Hymn for Modernity
“Generation Why” is the third single and video from Weyes Blood’s (Natalie Mering's stage name) forthcoming album,…
Bounce Back
Big S With L(`s)ive!
With the big controversal visual that blew my mind lyrically, Big Sean announced his big comeback with the latest piece …
Body Say
Demi Lovato strips naked in nets
Sex sells and Demi knows, this time the former Disney girl has posted on his Instagram account, a series of portraits of her completely naked, and…
Twilight Driving
Outback Yearning
I'm definitely adding Perth-based dream pop outfit Methyl Ethyl to my list of promising Australian indie acts (which also…
In Need of an Intervention?
Madonna's recent decision to share her emotional turmoil regarding her custody battle with ex-husband Guy Ritchie over her 15-year old…
Music From My Country: OPM Series (Part 1)
Gilid by Moonstar88 is still probably one of my favorite Filipino songs ever. It talks about loving from a distance. The word “gilid&…
Invasion of Pop
High Tyde entrust the holy grail of guitar with their single 'Gold'. At first when 'Gold' started playing two distinctive thoughts…
Fool's Gold
What's Eating the Wallflower
Music listeners who stumble upon Jack River’s “Fool’s Gold” music video will probably find themselves drawing some comparisons to alt-pop chanteuse…
Sucker for The Big Moon
The Big Moon has a song playfully titled Sucker that...also has a seductive attraction that easily draws in any one within hearing distance. London…
Wasted Days
Zibra Share their Wasted Days
Zibra are a London-based melodo-electronica trio. Consisitng of Sam Battle lead singer and guitar, Russ Harley on keys and Ben Everest on bass they…
Think About It
You think you know but you dont, Think About It by Erich Mrak
Chaos ensues when worlds collide but chaos is not necesserality something bad. In this case, Hip Hop and Electronic music have been…
This time Kiara is bulletproof
Up onto a few years ago, I was an avid user of ReverbNation. It had always amazed me how many unknown artists had some pretty decent songs and how…
Į Venesuelą
Venezuela at the Lithuanian Music Awards MAMA?
Yes !, but not the hand of its most representative artists today as Chino & Nacho or Oscar D'León, but the song I Venesuela…
Stand Up for Something (feat. Common)
Standing up to inspire others
I’ve had a favorite songwriter for a very long time now. She’s Diane Warren. I think she’s slightly strange, now that I follow her on social media and…
Cheers Darlin'
Cheers and Goodbye
'Cheers Darlin' idolizes a subsection of music that stays hidden beneath the floor boards until one night, someone decides to do some digging.…
Talk Baby Talk
Why Can't We Just Talk About It?
There's a rare kind of timeless maturity in Brisbane singer-songwriter Emma Louise's vocals on Talk Baby Talk, a single from her second album&…
That Thing
Cinematic Confessionalism
‘Seems like time has been delayed/ We exist in our own space’. Oakland-via-Sydney singer-songwriter Hazel…
Carry On
Carry On With Norah
Even though there is quite some time left before the soaring temperatures starts to cool down again, I feel like I’m transported to the cozy…
I Feel Everything - From
The girl who can do everything
I was a bit surprised to see a music video by Cara Delevingne appear on my suggestion list for blogs. I mean, can this girl do everything? Really? She…
The Sound of Silence - Overdubbed Version
Sounds of Silence—A Rare Version, A Treat for You All
In awe and surprise I give you all a rare version of a classic sixties folk rock gem, featuring Paul Simon and Bob Dylan. It was said in the title…
A modern twist on James Brown
I could’ve never predicted the trend. When Jason Derulo released “Trumpets” in 2013, he unleashed a sound that…
Chinese New Year
Festive Ambivalence
Florida guitar-based pop duo SALES's (Jordan Shih and Lauren Morgan) charming track Chinese New Year may have been…
Kill Me
Dumbfoundead's Kill Me is a Playful and Witty “Ride or Die” Anthem
Korean-American rapper Dumbfoundead (Jonathan Park) released the third song from his recently released EP Rocket Man (Dec 12, 2017) a few days ago,…
You're in Love With a Psycho
Highs and Lows
It is hardly suprising that English rock band Kasabian music video for their new single You’re In Love With A Psycho (from their…
Youthful Anxiety
Summertime is the first track from Moonguys' (an indie dreampop band from Atlanta, Georgia, led by Greg Gulbranson)…
Songs of Prayer 1 - Solo Piano Music for Prayer
On The Song of Prayer
Chad Lawson is a fabulous, award-winning pianist and composer that is so multi-talented that he earned more awards that most people would even dream…
Holding On
War on Drugs Thrill Me in Half the Time
Thinking of a Place, the first single from The War on Drugs forthcoming album A Deeper Understanding, took over eleven minutes of synth country rock…
Cone of Shame
Faith No More with a new video for Cone Of Shame
I’m proud to present the new video for the song Cone Of Shame by Faith No More. Why would I be proud, someone could ask? Well, it was…
Second Hand Heart
A Second Hand Heart
This is a song by English recording artist Ben Haenow, from his self-titled debut studio album, Ben Haenow …
Anne-Marie Channels Romeo + Juliet With Alarm
If you are or have been a fan of Baz Lurhmann's Romeo + Juliet 1996 film, Alarm by Anne-Marie will be an automatic favorite. Anne-Marie installed…
What Goes Around.../...Comes Around Interlude
From Groups To Soloists And Other Types Of Separations
There are many artists who started with famous groups (and still have relevance) and later solo passage opened. If any of them no longer and wrote a…
Lipstick Stains (feat. Boys Noize)
Glitchy Minimalism
Lipstick Stains is part of Minneapolis synthpop quartet Poliça's double A-side 7” release Lipstick Stains /…
olympic sound
Do you listen to songs to cheer? Do you listen to music while jogging? Do you exercise to the beat of a song? Still the pace with every step you take…
Nancy (With The Laughing Face) - 78rpm Version
JAZZ STANDARDS Vol.6 - Nancy (with a Laughing Face)
I decided to continue the series on jazz standards with a less known composition (in terms of its not-so-frequent use by jazz musicians) called &…
Who Are You
Aquilo's Who Are You Conjures Interpersonal Urgency
“Who are you?/ Forgive me, I'm hopeless with faces/ But you sing with a voice like I know you”: if you were not immediately transfixed by Tom…
Imagining My Man
Spells Will Be Cast While Listening To Aldous Harding's Imagining My Man
This New Zeland singer has all the right moves planned out. A gothic remorse emotional track such as 'Imagining My Man' brings Aldous Harding…
Lodged Love
One man band Day Wave's single Stuck has soothing musical undertones in relation to its subject matter, a persona who is stuck…
Buzzcut Season
Buzzcut Season Was The Beginning For Lorde's Newest Album
As Lorde's newest single 'Green Light' and 'Liability' hit the radio airwaves, it only seems natural to revisit Lorde's first…
1st (Remix)
Dilated Peoples with Torii Wolf at the Rmx of ''1st''
Christopher Martin, musically known as DJ Premier (Houston, March 21, 1966), legendary producer, has co-signed Torii Wolf, supporting the acquisition…
In and Out
Loves Me, Loves Me Not
Honest confession: I've listened to this at least 50 times this whole week and it's currently playing on repeat as I type this review. &…
Voodoo Doll
So Above As Below
A part of me wants to write about the sinister qualitues administered on this track...however the other outstanding qualities need to be heard or read…
My Body
Anthem For Those Young At Heart
An anthem for thr right reasons. 'My Body' by Young The Giant is a complete masterpiece by a long defintion. Not only was Young The Giant able…
Breezy Introspection
Sugar follows Saint Ivy and Down the Line as the third track from Brooklyn indie lo-fi band Beach Fossils' critically acclaimed third…
An Air of Mystery
Rangleklods is an electronic music duo (Esben Nørskov Andersen & Pernille Smith-Sivertsen) from Denmark who spend a lot of…
“Birds” Coldplay brings us their new video
Just a day of its release and the video for the British group has over half a million hits on youtube, this new single comes as the second single…
Breakin' Point
Gaining Perspective
Swedish indie pop/rock trio Peter Bjorn and John (Peter Morén, Björn Yttling and John Eriksson) are best known for their 2016…
God Is Dead?
God is Dead?
Black Sabbath… legends… cult. Iconic band… fathers of heavy metal… a lot of things can be attributed to…
You're So Vain
Frankly Speaking
Ever thinking about a former lover and wanting to dedicate a song to him or her without really sounding bitter but would sum up all your experiences…
Foo Fighters
Foo Fighters release EP Saint Cecilia Free to celebrate life and music.
Rock band led by Dave Grohl, Foo Fighters, has released a five - song EP titled Saint Cecilia to be downloaded for free. Grohl through a letter…
The Most Influential Band of The 70's
The seventies created some amazing art for the world including great movies and timeless music. The Eagles were arguably the most popular and biggest…
Sevendust 'Kill the Flaw' Album Review
Long time alternative metal rockers Sevendust released their new album on October 2nd, 2015. Some might say Sevendust is on fire with their 3rd album…
Electric Light Orchestra
Electric Light Orchestra: Greatest Hits
Regarded as influential and as significant as The Beatles, Electric Light Orchestra – fuelled by Jeff Lynne’s esteemed songwriting and musicianship –…
Clean Bandit
Clean Bandit remixes Flume's theme
Flume issues are a work of art, his latest album Skin is a museum of amazing sounds and blends, and to have collected so many beautiful voices like…
Scotty McCreery
Christmas With Scotty McCreery – Review
Christmas With Scotty McCreery, Scotty’s first Christmas album, is adding to a very successful couple of years for the young North Carolina native.…
Bob Marley & The Wailers
Bob Marley: His Legacy Remains In The World
Bob Marley- an individual who is passionate in music, a brave man of his own beliefs and a faithful citizen of his own country. What makes…
Elton John
Elton John denies harassment of former bodyguard.
British singer Elton John denied that would harass sexually a US policeman who worked for him as a bodyguard, said the British agency PA citing his…
One Republic prepares new album
One Republic is characterized by the great touch of rock-pop they have in their music; With which they have triumphed over the years. The American…
Halsey: The New Colour of Indie Pop
La música pop ya no es exclusivamente una celebración del ayuno en vivo, mueren estilo de vida joven. Con Lorde como el precursor, una…
Lollapalooza comes with everything
On 28 September, they published the posters of Lollapalooza Chile, Argentina and Brazil, 2017. The first will be in Santiago on 1 and 2 April; the…
Sofia Karlberg
Gangsta Sofia!
The Super Massive Golden Hole, a Godly mesmerising vocal Sofia Karlberg is back with another great cover, showing…
Lin-Manuel Miranda
JLo and the Star of the Musical Hamilton prepare a surprise for the LGBT Community
So as you read JLo in their eagerness to demonstrate their commitment and support to the LGBT community, it has decided to prepare a kind of homage…
Calle 13
Residente will release a solo album
The Puerto Rican rapper Rene Perez, aka Residente, shook networks with a video posted from your Facebook account, in which he admitted he was working…
Major Lazer
Major Lazer Drops New Single Featuring Justin Bieber
Today, the Canadian singer Justin Bieber joined Major Lazer electronics to release a new single, entitled Cold Water. The lyrics of Cold Water is to…
Calle 13
Resident: soloist and director
René Pérez Joglar, popularly known as Residente, shocked everyone with his departure from the hit group Calle 13. Having won 22 Grammys and…
Theo Kandel
Fresh Faces: Theo Kandel
Theo Kandel, 18, is a singer/songwriter hailing from New York City. A recent high school graduate, Kandel has been a hot new addition to the…
Reynaldo Armas
How much do you know about Venezuelan music?
The question is not only directed at non-Venezuelans. Many Venezuelans know little of his music, and often circumscribe their meeting llanera music.…
Los Mesoneros
Los Mesoneros announce date and name of their new album
Innkeepers is an important Venezuelan band is doing things right. Make good songs, they have a consistent harmony with their melodies, ie, sound good…
Kygo's Cloud 9
Whenever lack least to hear the first full studio album of DJ and producer Norwegian KYGO. Cloud Nine is expected to be released next May 13 with a…
Jamie Lynn Spears
Jamie Lynn Spears ‘The Journey’ – EP Review
Jamie Lynn Spears surprised us all at the end of last year when, devoid of record contract, she launched her debut single ‘How Could I Want More’ on…
Genevieve Pasquier
Genevieve Pasquier
It’s about time to meet a gorgeous, sophisticated woman with sharp teeth and a glassy electro. She’s got to be “handled…
Black Zone Myth Chant
Black Zone Myth Chant
Ok. Turn off the lights, find your candles, light them, sit back, drink something and turn this music on. Make it louder, yeah. What do you feel?…
Mermelada Bunch
Jam Bunch celebrates with new album
Jam band Zulia Bunch published his new album, a CD and a DVD entitled Mermelada Bunch, 15: The concert, which was recorded during the celebration of…
Dirty Snowman Society
Dirty Snowman Society Go Snowblind
Dirty Snowman Society has finally released their first official EP, “Snowblind.” They’re off to a strong start, with powerful rock music and strong…
Where It All Started
Now signed to one of the largest Christian labels in the country, Switchfoothad reach out to a wid er audience. Their first two albums, The…
Mumford & Sons
My love for Mumford and Sons lay dormant for a few years. As I diversified my tastes and started to include electronic style and Hip Hop tracks in my…
Ariana Grande
Ari, it was just bad luck
Just like the rest of the world, I woke up this week to the shocking news of the attack after the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK. When more…
The invasion of K-Pop
Since the incursion of Korean rapper PSY (the stage name of Park Sae-Yang), the trend of K-Pop or Korean Popular Music, has been gaining momentum in…
The powerful girl collabo is back! Tweet this!
This amazing soulful R`n`B vocal and one of the most talented female singers out there, once again doubled up the power with fam&…
Presidents: Pellah + Foyone
The Malaga - born rapper Foyone news again by the publication of a new audiovisual, this time the subject is titled '' Presidents &…
The Cranberries
In Memoriam: Dolores O' Riordan
I am sorry that I will start with a bit of disgraceful question, but who would have thought that Sinead O' Connor would live longer than Dolores O…
Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer López premiered Neither you nor I with Gente de Zona
Jennifer Lopez premiered her music video of Ni tú ni yo next to the duet of People Zone, after Marc Anthony put them to work together, since the…
The Rolling Stones
Announced launch of 'Havana Moon', The Rolling Stones concert in Cuba
If there is a concert that can be considered historic in the times in which we live, the incredible first presentation of The Rolling Stones in…
Céline Dion
René Angélil, husband and former manager of Celine Dion, dies
Rene Angelil, 73, died this morning at his home in Las Vegas after a long and courageous battle with cancer. His family asked that the family privacy…
Eric Clapton
Still Got It At 70
I had to think long and hard about writing this short post. I feel like the majority of my posts to date have been…
Noel Gallagher
Noel Gallagher back at Luna Park in Buenos Aires
As if it were a commemoration, just one on March 16, but eighteen years later, Noel Gallagher returns to which was the first stage in which debuted…
Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats
Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats - a trip back in time
“Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats” is another one of those retro-sounding bands that know how to rock. Drawing influences from…
Miguel Bosé
Miguel Bosé: Have a good trip, Bimba
Singer-songwriter Miguel Bosé said through his account on the social network Twitter (@BosseOficial) his grief over the death of the model and…
Glen Mitchell
Glen Mitchell On His New EP & Coming Home With SaraBeth – Interview
Glen Mitchell wanted to be the first British country star to make it on the American charts. It didn’t happen for him before he moved to…
Dave Wesley
Want Some New Music From Michael Brook? Try Dave Wesley's New Single
I listen to a lot of electronica but only recently learned of the term 'ambient dub'. It turns out that numerous artists who I love actually…
New video of JenCarlos Canela “Pa Que Me Invitan”
This time the singer of Cuban origin JenCarlos presents the video of its new production which is accompanied by Charly Black, the video was directed…
Special concert for fans in Los Angeles will give Adele
Adele is preparing for his next musical tour with a special concert for fans in Los Angeles. The singer announced on Wednesday, to be presented…
Line Up for Electric Zoo 2016
Again the New York City enjoy three days of pure electronic music. The Electric Zoo Festival will return the first days of September, as usual since…
The Memorials
Add The Memorials to your long-term memory
When I first heard the Mars Volta, I was blown away immediately. When, after several months, I listened again to the first video by them I saw on…
The English rapper Skepta could not stop joining the Halloween party with a new reference in EP format. One of the maximum representatives of the…
Fire new single by Juanes.
Fire is the first single from her seventh studio album which will be called: My plans are to love. This new production promises because we see a…
Queens of the Stone Age
Queens of the Stone Age reveal teaser video of what could be a new single
It has been quite a few days for fans of Queens of the Stone Age because at the end of last week they reactivated their official website with an…
Birdman Spazzes Out on the Breakfast Club
Recently few things have made me laugh more than the sight of Birdman’s spazzing out on the Breakfast Club. The hip hop mogul was scheduled…
Shovels & Rope
Botched Execution
We are just two weeks away from the release of the new album, Little Seeds, from Shovels & Rope and earlier today the duo premiered their…
Erykah Badu
A fan perspective of Erykah Badu
For almost two decades, Erykah Badu is known as one of the most unique and influential artists in the popular music. She started her career with her…
Reik joins a great reggaeton duo
Reik is betting on a new production of one of his latest hits. The song What Gano Forgetting will hand the duo Zion & Lennox for a remixed to…
Mandy Moore
Cry by Mandy Moore
Though Mandy Moore's record sales were not up in the ranks with Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera, she has proved to…
What does a mother sound like?
After three years, Shakira launches this eleventh album, El Dorado, a golden cover and a huge photograph of the singer as emerging from a lake.…
10 String Symphony
10 String Symphony ‘Weight Of The World’ - Album Review
For those of you who aren’t familiar with 10 String Symphony, they’re a duo consisting of two seasoned Nashville- based fiddle players, Rachel Baiman…
Manuel Carrasco
Manuel Carrasco visiting Argentina
The Spanish pop idol, Manuel Carrasco, was visiting the Argentina capital with the intention to promote his upcoming show in Buenos Aires in November…
Calvin Harris
The most popular songs of 2017
2017 has been good for the music world. These months have had good movement and we are only in the middle of the year. For this reason the Billboard…
The Relic a concept based metal album by SkullWinx
German EPIC SPEED METAL newcomers SKULLWINX hit hard with their second album The Relic.The band is faster, stronger and more epic than ever before.…
When Music Talks About Gender Violence
Violence, is in itself, is something qeu casus lot of damage, both of whom the cause, or the person who is assaulted. Violence continues to be…
Maroon 5
Maroon 5 releases psychedelic video
During this week, the American band released through their official Youtube channel, and social networks the video for her latest single Cold which…
Lil Uzi Vert
You Was Right already has an audiovisual
This time, it is the rapper from Philadelphia, Symere Woods, better known by his stage name as Lil Uzi Vert, which brings the audiovisual of the song…
Dusty Wright
Taking Off and Landing with Dusty Wright
Dusty Wright is a prominent singer-songwriter who is creating music on his own terms. His recent releaseCaterwauling Towards the Light, , has…
Feature : Helios
If you’re looking for something really refreshing to listen to, you should definitely check out Helios. Take atmospheric classical piano…
Laura Guevara
Could it be that Laura is happy?
Woman powerful and refined voice, Firehair, music full of love. Always present in cultural events in the country, composer, artist, director of…
Céline Dion
Celine Dion goes on
With the Billboard awards taking place today, Celine Dion is officially back on the scene. After the loss of her husband and brother, in January 2016,…
Enrique Iglesias
Enrique Iglesias released a new version of: The heart hurts
In recent years, Enrique Iglesias has reinvented itself in all possible ways to stay on top of the music charts. The mixture of Latin sounds, hip hop…
Gorillaz: Back
In 2012, English musician Damon Albarn, also a singer of the group Blur, said the rock band virtual Gorillaz, would take a break indefinitely, as he…
Rock, politics and the Malvinas: Fierce Morrissey in Argentina
Steven Patrick Morrissey, known worldwide by his surname Morrissey, appeared twice in Argentina and did nothing to make clear that it is more…
Lynne Revo-Cohen
Lynne Revo-Cohen Takes on the World with We're on Fire in Georgia
Today is the day that will determine the future of the US Senate. “We’re On Fire In Georgia” is a call to get out the vote. Sung by 3…
Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen
THE LOW END Vol.4: Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen
Orsted Pedersen is a name that might not sound familiar to the more amateur jazz fans, especially to the American audience. His full name is Niels-…
Andrea Bocelli
Andrea Bocelli’s Christmas and Other Tracks Create a Benchmark for Vocalists
Andrei Bocelli is one of the most prominent modern opera singers in today’s repertoire. He sings right up there with the angels. He is in…
Dave Holland
The Magical Jazz Unit
If you want to be a jazz musician in the big league, then you’d have to be a superb instrumentalist, but also a good teammate and a…
Harry Styles
Harry Styles premiered his first solo video
The former member of One Direction debuted as a soloist to launch the video clip through the social network Youtube, his first single of his album…
The Beatles
Ringo ''The-Drum'' Starr
Do you want to know how classic The Beatles are?''Strawberry Fields forever, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, We all live in a yellow…
All Saints
Second Innings for 90s Girl Band Culture
2016 ya está en plena marcha por delante, y por el aspecto de la misma ... que va a ser de un año interesante para la música. De todas…
Jenn Vix
Jenn Vix Teams Up With Psychedelic Furs' John Ashton on New LP
Alternative singer-singwriter Jenn Vix has announced she will release her new EP ‘Unlocked’ on October 20, preceded by the first…
Jamiroquai Debuts Song Cloud 9
Jamiroquai is back and 2017 will be a great year for English. The band has 25 years in the music scene, they have been dancing since its inception…
Slum Village
Slum Village's T3 Set To Release Solo Projects
Slum Village’s T3 Set to Release Solo Project One can’t talk about influential Detroit rap groups without mentioning Slum Village.…
Ricardo Arjona
The problem of the poet Arjona
Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg will have cooking show on TV
Snoop Dogg, one of the best known leaders of the rap world just released their new studio album but now the news again to join Martha Stewart,…
Calvin Harris
Calvin Harris released the video for his song Faking It
DJ Calvin Harris premiered the official video of his theme Faking It featuring the voices of Kehlani and rapper Lil Yachty and will be part of his…
The Rolling Stones
More than a rock concert in Cuba
And finally they played the Rolling Stones in Havana, as they had planned, especially Mick Jagger, when a few weeks ago had announced: free and the…
Radiohead releases music video for I Promise
As a prelude to what will be the launch of the reissue for the 20th anniversary of one of the most emblematic albums of Radiohead's 90&#…
The Rolling Stones
#tbt The Rolling Stones - Beggars Banquet
This is the album that ruined the old Stones and created the new Stones, stronger than ever. According to the band's members, founder Brian Jones…
Coldplay will celebrate the SuperBowl 50 Halftime
the 50th edition of the famous Super Bowl or Super Bowl that is holding the championship game of the NFL (American Professional Football Championship…
Gerry Weil
Relaunch aid campaign for Gerry Weil
Gerry Weil can be cataloged as the master of Venezuelan jazz thanks to the more than sixty years he has dedicated to music. Born in Austria in 1939,…
Faith & Harry
Faith and Harry Just Be There
Sibling duo Faith and Harry are taking the music world by storm, at ages 13 and 11, they have a grown up sound, and are filled with talent, poise and…
Chucho Valdes
Musicians celebrated International Jazz Day in Havana
Actor and singer Will Smith as master of ceremony, held on Sunday the celebration of International Jazz Day in Cuba. The event was held at the Gran…
50 Cent
Collaboration between 50 Cent and Chris Brown
Queens rapper is back. Curtis Jackson, better known as 50 Cent, returns to the music and start creating good expectation about what will be his new…
The Boy C premieres the summer theme
The Boy C is ahead of the summer and brings us a warm single that has already involved many. It is Como Lo Menea, theme with which promises a high…
The Psychedelic Furs
AC Church
I swim through if I can say so. Or I swim over. I try to get over and move on, but blue water of memories holds me back; it won’t let me…
No Malice
No Malice's Follow Up to “Hear Ye Him” Arrives on the 18th of August
Ever since Pusha T and No Malice (formerly known as Malice) went their separate ways some years ago the career trajectory of the individual members of…
Kendrick Lamar
Kendrick Lamar premiered God is Gangsta
The native of California, USA, was the most prominent rapper of the year, having an excellent 2015 with its latest album, To Pimp A Butterfly. The…
Rxnde Akozta
''Uan ver'' by Rxndee Akozta
Randee Akozta is one of the most important Mc's that emerged from the Cuban underground scene and was unveiled at the festivals conducted in…
Plácido Domingo
Placido Domingo does not like that popular music overshadows the opera
Are the signs of the times, and has for some time: folk music, pop, clothes and embraces and wraps the musical tastes of people. Recently, the…
Forte Femme & Liz Fohl
Liz forte presents 'Again'
The Spanish emcee, Liz Forte is one of the striking mPas represnetantes of the new wave of rappers in Spain, the young concerning demostradi certain…
Hazel English
Contemplative Escapism
Bay Area-via-Sydney singer-songwriter Hazel English is poised to release a double EP, Just Give In / Never Going Home (May 12,…
Simply Red
A simply red symphonica
This last week held a surprise. It was announced that Simply Red would be next year’s main act to perform at the Symphonica In Rosso concert series in…
Justice travels with Susan Sarandon through the desert in the video for “Fire”
The French Justice launched mid-month her third album 'Woman', which presented the promotional singles Safe and Sound, Randy and…
Partyboy Drake
I seriously can’t imagine what Drake fans must have gone through this week. After Drake postponed his Amsterdam shows, at the beginning of the year,…
Adele continues to impress us
It is no secret that this artist of British origin 28, unveiled on May 22 at the Billboard Music Awards the third single from her album 25 which is…
This is true love, don’t be afraid This is true love, you can’t resist Dreamy soundscapes change their colors every time I look…
Mirtha Pérez
A second best
In the month of love they have given and continue giving concerts, recitals. These days, one of those concerts he gives the Venezuelan Mirtha Perez.…
Lilly Hiatt
Lilly Hiatt Interview
Lilly Hiatt released Royal Blue, to the surprise of fans of her singer-songwriter styled debut a couple years ago. For those who have seen her live…
No Doubt
An Easy Story To Tell
Through music stories that allow other people, an audience can identify counts, the songs themselves are little stories of everyday life, or mostly…
Montserrat Caballé
Almost 30 years after Barcelona with Freddy and Montserrat
The next year, 2017, will be held 30 years after the famous song Barcelona, composed by Freddie Mercury and Mike Moran. I stumbled on this topic…
Guaco and a song that does not convince
Guaco has been giving news in recent weeks. In late September , the band began rehearsals with the Simon Bolivar Symphony Orchestra, with whom he…
Paul Baloche
Baloche's Song Heals
Paul Baloche is one of the foremost Christian music artists ever to grace the landscape. He has written so many worship songs that are forever a part…
Thalía returns to the fight against Lyme
Consecrated singer Thalía, is going through a hard time again for health. So was announced by his thousands of followers around the world…
Bruno Mars
Everybody Loves Bruno Mars
Todo el mundo quiere un poco de música agradable y lento, pero también un poco de locura. Bruno Mars puede darle a ambos. Es un artista muy…
Matt Goss
Matt Goss returning home in style
With the Doc Martens lying in every shoe store again, I can’t help but think back to my first celebrity crush. With his blue jeans, white T-…
Natalia Jiménez
Natalia Jimenez is already a mom!
The Spanish Natalia Jimenez, has become a new mother, after announcing she was pregnant a few months ago, we shared through social networks the…
Walk the Moon
Headed To Space: Walk The Moon and Their Fans
Back in the summer of 2012, when Spotify was a technology of the future for me, an ad suddenly appeared for a new Indie rock band called Walk the Moon…
Bombardier Jones
Expect The Best From Bombardier Jones
Bombardier Jones breathes new life into the soft rock genre, combining frontrunner Ian Jone’s love for British rock and post-punk into something…
Julieta Venegas
Awarded with The Muse Elena Casals Julieta Venegas
Julieta Venegas receive the La Musa Elena Casals Award Hall of Fame Latino Composers. Mexican singer-songwriter will be recognized on October 13 at…
Brandon Flowers
The Emotion: Brandon Flowers
“Well I always associate him with Frank Sinatra because when I saw him live he sang a Sinatra song. But now he’s similar to…
Sin Bandera
Come back without a flag
It's been 8 years since the duo formed by Leonel García and Noel Shajris left the stage to focus on their solo careers. 8 long years for…
Snow Tha Product
It`s Snow-In Again!
The baddest female Rapper alive. Mixican-American street sculped MC Snow Tha Product, decided to fire up and rocket away her street…
Zoé shows the official trailer for Panoramas
Zoé takes 22 years being one of the best groups of Latin American rock. The Mexican band already accumulated in its musical productions be five,…
10 tragedies that occurred in concerts
On May 22, one of the most shocking mortal attacks in musical history was perpetuated. While the artist Ariana Grande finished performing her concert…
Awna Teixeira
Awna Teixeira ‘Wild One’ - Album Review
Awna Teixeira might have been critically acclaimed for her debut album ‘Where The Darkness Goes’ (2012) and the follow-up EP ‘Thunderbird’ (2013),…
Sinking into a swamp of vicious and dark sounds seems so easy and not painful. This mirage wraps you; it hugs you with iron tenderness. You’…
Disbatch Reunited
Disbatch! The quintessential college band from New England, known as The biggest band nobody's ever heard of. The original…
I Will Always Love You covered by Beyonce
The little Blue Ivy Carter was fortunate to boast the talents of his mother, at a charity event at his school, The Center for Early Education in West…
Chick Corea Elektric Band
The classic Elektric Band - They are back!
For the last year or so, the jazz fans have been blessed with the reunion of the original lineup of the Chick Corea Elektric Band. Although the group…
Suyoen Kim
A Stradivarius of more than one million euros
An extraordinary Stradivarius violin, known as Ex-Croall, will be auctioned on 28 March. Such objects combine the artistic with the value itself, and…
Violadores Del Verso
Gold record for Kase O
A couple of months after the presentation of the album 'The Circle' Kase O, solo debut of Spanish artist and member of the leading…
Billion One
Billion One // OST
Billion One also known as Sven Strohschneider is an experimental musician and producer. He carefully structures abstract beats, reflective melodies…
Marianne Mali
Kurrent Live Sessions // Marianne Mali
In Kurrent Music we are proud to bring our entire Latin American public and exclusive video interview with Marianne Mali and his song Just Because…
Mandolin Orange
Mandolin Orange @ The Borderline, London, UK | November 17, 2015 – Review
It was a very windy night in London when Mandolin Orange were due to grace the city, but that didn’t stop the flurry of people that filled…
Los Nuevos Ilegales
Illegales wants to return to the top with Ta Made
The grouping of the Dominican Republic Illegals, that has put us to dance at parties and that is never absent, just to publicize their new song with…
They publish unpublished material from Canserbero
On January 20, 2015, Tyrone Jose Gonzalez, better known as canserbero, was found dead outside his home. It is presumed that the rapper was released…
6 String Drag
6 String Drag Interview
Kenny Roby (previously featured here) and Rob Keller disbanded 6 String Drag at the top of their game, nearly 15 years ago. The first new album from 6…
David Bowie
A new fan is born
I never listened to David Bowie, never got time for that, it is a common situation for me. I have a list of bands that never reached my auditory…
Kendrick Lamar
First collaboration between Rihanna and Kendrick Lamar
As you could see in the title, Kendrick's first song with Rihanna is already here. The song is titled LOYALTY, which was released on April 14…
Marius Billgobenson
Splendid New Release Tribes in Mind from Marius Billgobenson
The track “Tribes In Mind” is Marius Billgobenson’s latest release. Billgobenson, clearly a man of many passions and skills, is a Swedish musician and…
Maren Morris
Maren Morris ‘My Church’ – Single Review
Maren Morris has been making quite a lot of waves lately, with her self-titled debut EP and album 'Hero' receiving a great deal of praise from…
Shark Inferno
Enlightenment in Nightmareland
BRILLIANT ALBUM. Shark Inferno is the world's greatest unknown band. It's probably better that way because popularity is the kiss of death. ha…
Enrique Morente
Flamenco, between purists and rebels
In these days is the Spanish pianist Alberto Raya presenting a show where he wants to satiate his enormous need for flamenco. With the title Caminos…
Jon Campos & the Incurables
Jon Campos and the Incurables New Music Crushes Reverbnation Alt Rock Charts
Jon Campos and the Incurables recently released a music video for their song “Tragic Tales & Lullabies” and it is…
Jimi Hendrix
The Guitar Legend – James Marshall Jimi Hendrix
Man with a short life on earth, but а significant musician with big career and visions. For me and I am sure for many of you Hendrix is the king of…
Tyga releases his first single under his new record label: GOOD Music
This time, it is the rapper from Compton, California, Michael Ray Nguyen-Stevenson, better known as Tyga, which last September 9 sack new topic under…
The Rolling Stones
Let it Bleed
The Rolling Stones are the antithesis to most music of the 60’s. When majority of acts were avoiding controversy, the Rolling Stones were…
Bruno Mars
Coldplay Introduces, Bruno Slides, Beyoncé Slams
In light of the amazing halftime show performances during the Superbowl, this year’s Superbowl 50 Halftime Show was just awesome! Not even…
Interview: Arswain Hypnotizes Us with New Album, Partitioning
Arswain Hypnotizes Us with New Album, Partitioning Arswain has created a truly memorable album (LISTEN HERE) that we are excited to feature today at…
Train and his tribute album to Led Zeppelin
The fabulous American band that stunned you with its Hey, Soul Sister revealed by vocalist Pat Monahan who are currently in the studio recording an…
Paul Desenne
Paul Desenne's Butterfly Hypnosis
Composer and Venezuelan cellist Paul Desenne (Caracas, 1959) is one of the authors whose work, Hypnosis Butterfly symphonic glosses based on the song…
Tech N9ne
Tech N9ne Geared Up To Release ‘The Storm’
Tech N9ne, one of the most diligent men in hip hop recently announced that he’s geared up to release a new album later this year. This will…
Major Lazer
Cold Water already has a video
Another hit trio Major Lazer has videoclip. Cold Water, one of the themes of the summer, it has added a new music video to accompany such a great…
Flume features Beck's collaboration on the song Tiny Cities
The short wagon Australian musician and producer Edward Harley Streten, better known as Flume has been a real revelation. With 21 years of age, the…