Volcano Choir
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Volcano Choir - A New Discovery

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I’ve spoken before about the buzz of finding new music. It’s a buzz matched by no other, especially if your new discovery is going to have a lasting impact on your musical tastes. I made such a discovery in late 2015. Well I say I made, maybe it’s better if I rephrase to this: I am forever indebted to my good friend Beth for introducing me to the topic of this post, Volcano Choir. 

First of all, it’s worth saying that Volcano Choir have one of the most epic band names in the history of metal. It’s right up there with Eagles of Death Metal, that’s for sure. Secondly, you should now that Volcano Choir is another project of Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon. Therefore, if you’re not a big fan of Justin’s vocals, then it’s unlikely that you are going to be a fan of Volcano Choir. 

But enough backstory, let’s get down to it. The album that I have recently fallen in love with is Repave, which is Volcano Choirs second studio album. Now where they share a vocalist with Bon Iver, I’d like to say that the overall sound of Volcano Choir is different. In my eyes, or ears I should say, the sound of Volcano Choir is more suited to their name, it’s big, it’s bold and it’s adventurous. Compare that to the sometimes pedestrian sound of Bon Iver, and you’ll find the two in stark contrast to one another. 

Standout tracks for me, are Comrade, simply because of the tension and build up that you can hear within the song, and the opening track Tiderays. Throughout the whole album, the best feature of Bon Iver is ever-present, the raw emotion in the lyrics is what really sets this band apart from the pack. 

Repave was one of my album’s of the year last year, and I’m sure it’s going to feature heavily in my listening as we start a new year of musical discovery. Be sure to add it to your collection sooner rather than later. Trust me, you’re missing out.
