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Chili Town with Hinds

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Hinds, a female group you wish you where a part of. This Spanish band has collectively created a sound that uses 1960's girl groups, indie, smooth R&B and that flicker of hope that originality can co-exist in a world full of reproduced music. 

Chili Town shows the band being comforatble in their own skin, having fun, smoking cigarette, having a few drink...why does it feel that nothing has come this close to being the truth to youths growing up in a town? Ana García Perrote, Amber Grimbergen, Carlotta Cosials and Ade Martín give us a modern day 'Stand By Me' but for the future and for the female generation. Realism is a handheld potential and Chili Town gives us the story-telling that we all grew up with thinking about or living. 

