Glory Days (Expanded Edition)
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Feel Like A Fool In Love With Little Mix

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Little Mix is the hottest girl group in the world. The fact that Little Mix had a bit of a rough start (seemed like you couldn't find their music anywhere outside the U.K.) but eventually discovered their fan base at an international standpoint. Even as band "groups" is slowly going out of style and a more solo approach is breaking more ground, Little Mix still stands strong amongst the crowd offering something special. Since the Spice Girls, a true girl group really hasn't been able to handle the stage or vocally perform at a high level. Little Mix crafted a unique blend of vocal excellent, valleys and peaks, as well as never losing their identity of themselves individually.

F.U. is the track off their latest album Glory Days. F.U. traps a classic riff of the old school girl group songs from the 1960's. There is a slight Supremes feel to the track. While the song describes a person or a type of person one should not date, even if they are a smooth talker. Or how we can become a fool in love even if the other is not good for us. Which, lyrically begs to ask the question should I question myself and why can I not receive enough of your love? A supreme love ballad for the modern person.

What is great about F.U. (besides the name title alone) is the stark contrast between the title and the song itself. The F.U. is a subtle attack to the accused or the one that keeps cheating and lying. Every once in a while you'll fall in love with a player (that seems to be what Little Mix are singing about). And ultimately there is nothing to do about it until you've come to your senses.

So take a note of advice from Little Mix, they seem to know a little bit about the kind of love that allows us to make fools of ourselves.



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