Supernatural Love
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Sidestepper breaks the silence of a decade

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Sidestepper has spent a decade unedited unreleased album from Continental (2006), a period in which they had little activity. Last year they released the single "Come and see us pla". The good news is that next Feb. 5 will edit a new plate under the name of Supernatural Love (Real World, 2016).

Juan Carlos Puello,'Chongo' Edgardo Garces,'Guajiro' Erika Muñoz,'Eka' Ernesto Ocampo"Teto" and Richard Blair, now comprise Sidestepper. They promise a more organic album, without the beats or settings with which twenty years ago was known mixing. Precursors of the whole movement of the Colombian tropipop, parents so now bands like Bomba Stereo or Choc Quic Town are showing the world. Sidesteppe r put aside his legacy and when they thought they were going to go beyond sound, fell the guard and put out all vestiges of sound technology.

"Come see us play" is the first preview of a dozen topics that use neogranadino folklore roots. The producer and DJ English Richard Blair dared to sing, perhaps as a way to release your instincts and now does not have the help of his friend Ivan Benavides. At a time when the search for Latin American musical identity form questioned highlighting composition, Sidestepper plays it leans by instinct and impulse of its creator.

Possibly Suprnatural Love is one of the most anticipated comebacks of the Latino market, some will say that the world music, still a desired shot, because Richard Blair is so visionary in the Caribbean folklore despite its status as outsider, no doubt can recognize a beat, from the organic, to bring a new musical communication within integration.

Spanglish to the order of songs but with a special flavor that risks going in the opposite sidewalk of your comfort zone.

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