LCD Soundsystem
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The return of LCD Soundsystem

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After five years of separation, dance-punk band rejoins New York. So I confirm its star genius James Murphy, vocalist and leader of the group LCD Soundsystem, through a letter on its website. "I have the opportunity to make new music with people I care about, and who has given much of his life to do this thing together, and wants to do it again, so I've taken." The band will return in the festival Coachella Valley in California, United States.

The news became more exciting when it was announced that the band prepares to release a new album, which would be his fourth album, after "This Is Happening" 2010. "In early 2015, I realized I had more songs he had had in my life ... All we can do now is back in the studio and finish this record, and make it as good fucking as we can. It has to be better than anything we've done better. "Commented Murphy, who first talking to your fellow group Nancy Whang and Pat Mahoney, he had thought out a solo album that saw release a solo album.

With the new album, the group will tour around the world, which will mean a return overhand, noting that "c ada concert has to be better than the best concert we have done so far, so no one can say, "well, it has been fine. Not as much as before but, you know, it has been good. " We all know. And it is healthy, because it means we're back to war, as in the beginning. For us it was always a war, but now is really with ourselves ... It is not a return for money or to make four major festivals; It is a total return. "They were the parting words of the leader of the band.

So for all fans of this important band that formed in 2000, it is a good time to re-listen to your music and if luck helps, to enjoy them in concert.

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