Don't even doubt for a moment, that when The XX hit the scene everyone was taken back. This small band creating sexy, edgy yet intimate and delicate music in their small space. Somehow the music evolved to hold within that small space of complicated emotions, wants, needs, hopes and dreams. However, never in the sort of teenage commerical aspect. The XX tricked all of us into a sort of astral projection of wonderment and allowed our brains to become fuzzy with warm unspoken words.
'Angels' from their second album Co-Exist traditionally sounds off as the continued sibiling to their first album. As expected, yet Co-Exist revolves around a brighter shine than xx album. 'Angels' breaks off on The XX's casual of "being in love" or in the middle of a honeymoon aspect of the relationship. In a similar contexts the album xx is the one-sided unrequited frustration, while Co-Exist is the mature individual actually entering an adult decision.
Nevertheless 'Angels' is remarkable by using the silence of space and casting a glow upon the vocals and minimal beats to assist the track. Essentially the song seems to float and glide as if being sent above and we are simply interrupting the broadcast, listening in to the transmission.