Wolf Alice
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The Cool Ones

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A band doesn't become any cooler than using the word coolin their album title. Without becoming a walking clixhe or a one time hit. Wolf Alice surfaced as a grunge garage band over throwing the other talents playing around town. With the video release of 'Moaning Lisa Smile' putting an edge back into garage/indie rock music. 

Wolf Alice possess a whirlwind way with their instruments. Members Joff Oddie, Joel Amey, Theo Ellis and Ellie Rowsell master up enough original go-getting attitude which is shown in their album My Love Is Cool.

London is known as a mecca for bands, coming and going by becoming big names and touring the world. With Wolf Alice compressing a small intimate sound and merging arena rock guitar licks. Here is a band pardoned by nature and a hurricane unleashed on stage. Expect nothing less from this 4 piece.

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