Nelly Furtado
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Where Nelly?!

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Last month, just at the end of 2015, word had reached me about a new song that Nelly Furtado was supposed to have done. It wasn’t really clear exactly what it was, because one report stated she covered Phil Collins’ ”Another Day In Paradise” and another said it was a new, original song called “Hadron Collider”.


I am one of those people, who is eagerly awaiting new music from miss Furtado even though, I have to admit, I jump on- and off board when it comes to her.


At the beginning, with her first album, I was right there with her. Needless to say, hence a break through single called “I’m Like A Bird”, she seemed to be a free spirited kind of girl; a bit of a hippie chick, but with a street smartness about her. A nice change to everything else that was going on.


I somehow skipped her second album, even though I got heavily into “Powerless” and “Try”, which are all on “Folklore”. It just didn’t trigger me to hear more.


But then, the hippie chick did what I didn’t expect from her at all. She collaborated with Timbaland, the man who was dominated the music charts at that time (and when isn’t he?!), because Justin Timberlake was already on the rise at the time.


“Loose” was of major impact on me. The hippie was gone, the cool Nelly Furtado was… well amazing! Her, but probably more so, Timabaland’s musical influence became leading to the music I wanted to create and I had spent many hours trying to dissect their songs in order to have bits and pieces of their sound incorporated into mine.


The thing with free spirits is, that they won’t stick to anything, so Nelly wanted to explore her Latin roots further next and that’s where I lost touch with her completely, but now, I had hoped to reconnect and this rumored new song seemed like the perfect opportunity.


So, I would’ve loved to review that, but I can’t. You see, it turns out, she did a mixtape with Dev Hynes, aka Blood Orange, called “Hadron Collider”. It’s released on cassette tape (I didn’t even know they still released cassette tapes these days), which is only for sale at his concerts…


Now, you would think, in this day and age of Internet leaks, those tracks would’ve made it onto Soundcloud or YouTube or anything. After all, it’s already out for almost a month now, come on! But nope, I guess releasing something on cassette turns out to be the best way to avoid illegal downloads. But, that does leave me with nothing to review.


This is the only thing I found on YouTube, which also explains the reports on the two covering “Another Day In Paradise”.




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