It is said here in Venezuela, but precisely when someone is in love, the name of this Italian artist brings us to the memories of the heart the God of love, for the Greeks, EROS, is a God of romantic love, love between a Man and woman, for Christians refer to God, Jehovah, Santisima Trinidad; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Precisely that quality of uniting a man and a woman under the Eros, refers to the similar union of a family, this is not to exalt the artist as a God, for nothing, but if as a person, a mere mortal Pays tribute in the purest form to the creator of life, and this is love.
Love has created us, saves us, makes us immortal and there is only one, there can be no other kind of love.
It simply reminds us that the absence of light is darkness, without one can not exist the other.
Just as hatred is the absence of love, or probably not absence, but the imbalance of these two things.
The two must coexist because that is the most perfect way to live at least on planet earth.