Kylie Minogue
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Kylie Minogue pro gay marriage,

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Australian singer Kylie Minogue (48 years) and her fiance Joshua Sasse (28) when in Australia want to marry couples of the same sex marriage is allowed. "We will say 'yes I do' when you can also say," the singer wrote today on Twitter. British Sassa had said earlier in a television interview that they were not comfortable with the marriage if the legislation is not changed. "When I heard that in Australia marriages between same sex are not legal, I was shocked," he said.

Minogue and Sasse announced in February its commitment. The singer has already ruled on several occasions in his country for gay couples. Sasse launched a campaign advocating a change of law. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull conservative, plans to convene next February a referendum on gay marriage. The opposition complains that the vote is not binding and wants to submit a bill to be also vote in Parliament. According to surveys, 57 percent of Australians are in favor of marriages between two people of the same sex.
