Plácido Domingo
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Placido Domingo does not like that popular music overshadows the opera

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Are the signs of the times, and has for some time: folk music, pop, clothes and embraces and wraps the musical tastes of people.

Recently, the Spanish tenor Placido Domingo said in Mexico that "the genre of pop is a tremendous avalanche opaque to classical music and prevents the public from approaching it."

The point that Domingo interpreted is, on the one hand, how the industry is behind the popular music promotes and supports the talents, facing the musicians who are dedicated to classical or academic genres, aimed not report precisely commercial profits .

Unfortunately, access to classical music and opera requires education, reading, and even extra-musical visions cross on the same musical phenomenon. And this is not easy: enjoy a symphony, an opera, a symphony orchestra concert or enjoy chamber music, music of virtuoso soloists requires a preparation that often the public is not willing to assume.

What is better? Has made very little sense, because certainly enjoy classical or academic music is a matter of taste and disposition. It is a matter of a personal quest. As one who reads poetry, and pretend to ask what is better, read poetry or read comics. Each work of art has its purpose and its public.

We can not forget that the same Placido Domingo and other opera singers have given aside his lyrical repertoire and address popular genres such as bolero, tango or ballads. Without diminishing or bel canto technique, nor scuttle the value that can be pop.
