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Latin Thought

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The sound attracts you, the melody becomes sticky, and gradually you convince yourself that the story behind that song, it has happened to you. Without realizing it, you've enough time listening to that topic.

Then you understand its meaning. Thus the letter and sound becomes your favorite song.

And yes, it is. Now, I think of the title of the song would be happy remember a class when I was in the last year of the race, it was called Latin American Thought.

This song has a lot to do with that kind I saw several years ago. She reflects elements of Latin thought, beyond leguaje in Spanish:

- Focuses on the past and the future. The Latin always seeks happiness in the past or in the future, but never in the present, and really want the best happen.

- Is Utopian. The idea of ​​the independence of Latin American countries, when they were under the control of foreign powers, emerges from the literature that had previously inspired political and social movements, including the French Revolution.

The most important and decisive document was the Utopia of Plato, which referred to the ideal of a perfect and ideal Polis. A city where life would be perfect and descubirla would be a new opportunity for those who would like to start again, but we know what happened after the discovery of America, however still looking Latino in the past and the future that happiness.

- Is romantic. It is not a song that focuses on love but like the Latin American Thought feelings and thoughts have the same weight.

Music, thought, politics and society, everything that encompasses the Latin thought shows us how we were, what we are and what we want to be.

Art especially music not only unites us. We also identifies such own way, that we do not realize until we think and feel the same way.

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