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Until it happens to you, you don't understand it

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They say we should put ourselves in the other's shoes to understand, and this happens a lot with music. Until we feel a song, we do not understand.

When this happens, the sound, the lyrics, the elements that make up a song, make sense to us, music is so powerful and so much weight that speaks for itself. The video only becomes a supplement that not only offers but a reference sensations of reality, and this makes it more forceful and terrifying, the latter unintentionally, it is only because the nature of the song asks.

This song in particular, beyond the letter, the first thing that catches my attention is how the melody does take you to another place and give you the feeling that you are there, at that time, with all that implies.

It's like a movie you're going to arming the head, and gradually get to feel the anguish, indignation, anger, that state of constant alert. Especially that insertidumbre about the future.

For the more creative the guitar sound reminds you of the d uelo between two cowboys -Which movie- and that battery which makes you feel in the midst of a confrontation, and if you concentrate well, listening with headphones, you can come to feel that a bullet you can pierce.

I have always said, music has the ability to reflect humanity, but today also reminds us of our humanity, we have, we lost, we need, what we what, where, musicians should do thing, and that is music.

Maybe that's what sucuede with some musical genres or songs, we fail to connect because we do not feel it, and if we do not pass ...

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