In Talks with PRAVADA
Pravada is a band that has been on our radar for a number of years. With their catchy hooks, infectious brand of rock n' roll and buzzing instrumentation, the trio are an absolute delight. Their new record "Still the Sea," has been on repeat since it first reached our ears, as the group entices with a swirling blend of indie rock goodness. We had the chance to catch up with Pravada recently, for an exclusive interview below.
1. What is the inspiration behind the latest single release? Let's dive in shall we?
"Hear Me Out" is part of a larger song cycle (along with "Beck and Call" and four or five other songs we have yet to record)that tell one big story. Based on Jesse and my real life experiences. Of course, sometimes we add some imaginative imagery. "Hear Me Out" is a great example of opposite balance. The lyrics are coming from the fight or flight panicked person who's on the run from an unknown (as of now) an perpetrator(s). But, the vocal melodies are performed with a pleasant calm. Also, the guitars are in 3/4 while the drums are 4/4.
2.What made you discover your passion for creating an eclectic blend of indie-pop-rock?
I picked up guitar around thirteen. I was pretty proficient on the drum kit, but the idea that I could learn and play songs that my friends and I loved was so exciting. So Simon & Garfunkel, Motown, and so many other books were devoured. That led to teaching myself songwriting. I can remember playing my first couple of ballads for some friends, the boys were quiet and the girls teared up....I felt amazing. I thought "I can do it too!" "I can make people feel feelings, just like the great musicians who make me feel feelings!" I never looked back. If someone hears our music and it helps them through their day, that means everything. Its holy. The eclecticism of PRAVADA's music comes from us pulling joy from every kind of music we can listen to. Jesse and Hubert were classically trained cello and trumpet respectively. Symphonic ensembles, youth orchestras, and on through college. I studied jazz, funk, R&B and rock. I worry about peoples quality of life when they limit themselves to enjoying only one genre.
3. What places in your mind do you channel to craft your songs?
All of them. Sometimes its color, mood, and/or a string of adjectives. Sometimes we "bacon and eggs" it. (McCartney- ism). Or we have a specific theme in mind. We like to try everything.
4. What are your favorite venues to perform at? and if you had to choose, do you feel more comfortable in the studio or onstage, and why?
Some of our favorite venues... The Troubadour in L.A., The Bowery Ballroom in NYC, The Bottle Tree in Birmingham (RIP), Grimey's in Nashville, The Melody Inn in Indy. They are all great for different reasons. NY is brutal for the newer bands. I like both. Live has an energy that you can't experience any other way. Working in the studio can have magical moments, it's all about setting the vibe.
5. How do you create your songs? What is the process like? Does it take you days, weeks, even longer? How does the perfect piece come together?
More often than not, Jesse or I will come in with a skeleton of an idea. Then we work together to arrange the parts, write a bridge maybe, finish the lyrics. And so on...
6. How did you create a sound throughout time that is so uniquely your own? What defines your sound to you?
F#, the '&' of 4, Yamaha snares, Steely Dan.
7. This new year is already shaping up to be a huge year for you. What do you hope to accomplish in 2018?