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Generationals' Carpe Diem Song

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"Carpe Diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary."


Gen Y and Gen Z-ers may not be too familiar with this iconic quote from Robin Williams’ ‘inspiring teacher’ character in Dead Poets Society (1989), but the message shouldn’t be too hard to relate to, especially in the context of a new year and all the ‘new year resolutions’ that tend to come along with it. (Although this musical tribute to Robin Williams' performance by MelodySheep might help keep Mr. John Keating alive in the popular imagination). 


‘Put a Light On’, a track of New Orleans-based new wave duo Generationals’ third studio album Heza (2013) – who are probably best known for the track ‘When They Fight They Fight’ – treads in the same vein, capturing that optimistic, energetic ‘you can do it’ compulsion with its opening verse:

‘It's one wicked road,

You gonna make it right

You found your way to go

You gonna take that right!’


The lyrics hint at the challenges and obstacles on the ‘wicked road’ ahead, but the cheery upbeat melody suggests a confidence in charging ahead regardless. If anything, it seems like the moment to ‘go ahead and just do it’ has been eagerly anticipated for some time now:

‘The miles are way too long

The stars are way too bright

You know the way too long

To run away tonight!’


While Heza as a whole did not garner notably good reviews from music critics, ‘Put a Light On’ does stand out on the album, exemplifying Generationals’ brand of understatedly appealing guitar-driven indie pop:

“While this underrated duo’s past entries into its discography conjure breezy guitars and killer pop hooks, Heza subdues itself, managing to remain just as catchy while weaving refreshing soft percussion and engaging instrumental and vocal textures throughout the album’s 10 tracks”

-Amanda Koellner, Consequence of Sound, 2013

