DJ Paimon
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Diving Deep with DJ Paimon

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Playing a countless amount of clubs throughout the globe, DJ Paimon is taking center stage with his impressive skills and performances. We had the chance to catch up with DJ Paimon recently for an exclusive interview which you will find below. There's a lot of great things in tow for the artist this year and we're at the edge of our seats for sure!


What is the inspiration behind the upcoming release?


I was inspired by the local talent around me.  I started encountering these singers and rappers and artists that surprised me with their skills and all I could think was “Why are these guys not getting noticed the way they should be?”  Outside of the absence of music industry in our local scene, I knew that one thing our market was missing is unity.  We need a movement.  I wanted to help propel that movement by collaborating with those who I thought would be the best to represent this market, and also those whose sound compliments my production style and vice versa.  This project is all about putting on for my hometown of Iowa City and Iowa in general.


What made you discover your passion for creating an eclectic and unique sound?


It’s funny because music is what made me want to DJ, but DJ’ing is what made me appreciate music even more. My foundation in music is based in hip hop, so thats what got me into DJ’ing.  But after becoming a professional DJ and playing in open format clubs, I noticed how different styles and sounds can affect people.  That is when my palette began to mature and sounds from all sorts of different genre’s began to influence me.  For example, playing in Los Angeles, and playing in venues where I got to play a lot of groove and funk songs, that sound is now one that I associate with that particular setting and feeling, so that inspires me, and influences my sound.  In contrast, playing beach/pool parties in Chicago or Miami and playing more vibey, island type stuff, or playing high energy turn up music at college bars inspires me because of the memories and experiences with those sounds.  I would say thats a big reason that I can’t really be pinned to one particular genre or sound.  


What places in your mind do you channel  to craft your songs?


I would say my memories, experiences, and particular emotion at the time.  Whether its me feeling high on life because of all the good things happening in life, or sad because of a heartbreak, or nostalgic of a time in my life that I enjoyed, those feelings will transpire to the mood and tone of the song.  So when I produce the beat, that beat will be the type of beat that conveys that particular feeling, and then the collaboration process dictates what the song ends up turning into.


What are your favorite venues to perform at? and if you had to choose, do you feel more comfortable in the studio or onstage, and why?


I love playing at my current residency in my hometown, The Union Bar.  The combination of sound & light production, and the energy of the crowd there makes it a real fun place to perform.  Outside of that, I would probably say Castayways on the North Ave Beach in Chicago would be my next favorite spot to perform.  The crowd and vibe was amazing there. To me it’s all about the crowd.  I’m very comfortable on a stage.  When I get on those turntables, and I get that mic in my hand, and I start feeding off the energy of the crowd, and creating more energy for them and creating that experience for them, thats an adrenaline rush I can’t compare to anything else.  I love producing music, and being in the studio, but its a different kind of experience.  Because producing music is more of a creative process, at times it can be frustrating if for example you’re just in a writers block, or not feeling inspired.  Or say you’re making a song that is inspired by feelings that are hard to deal with personally (grief, sadness, anger) although it is therapeutic to put those feelings into art, it still makes you feel vulnerable and can be uncomfortable to share those personal feelings.  But the feeling of a finished song, and hearing peoples reaction, and appreciation to your music, and seeing how it inspires others, that makes it all worth any frustration and vulnerability and is what keeps me inspired.  I guess to make a long story short, what I’m trying to say is I love both equally, but I feel more comfortable on a stage in front of a crowd.


How do you create your songs? What is the process like? Does it take you days, weeks, even longer? How does the perfect DJ Paimon piece come together?


It all starts with an inspiration.  I don’t like to force art.  What am I feeling right then? I may want to make some funky feel good music.  If thats the case, then I start creating that groove with the drums and come up with a chord progression that feels good, then start adding all the elements, bassline, instruments that compliment that sound. Or if i want to make a turn up song, i’ll make a beat with some hard drums, play around with different sounds that bring out the energy of that type of track and go from there. If I have artists or collaborators in the studio with me, we vibe together as I’m making that beat, and we start bouncing ideas, concepts and melodies off each other.  Then the writing just happens organically and collaboratively. A song can come together within a matter of hours or months.  It’s really just how inspired and how smoothly the process goes.  Ive worked with artists who as soon as I’ve laid down the drums, and started working on a melody or chord progression, they come up with a hook right then, and then we make lots of progress immediately.  Other times I may make a beat, and the lyrics, concept and writing may not come to either of us for a while, or even at all.  I’ve definitely scrapped songs, and put some beats on ice because I don’t want to force it.  The perfect DJ Paimon piece comes from organic inspiration and passion, never from trying to force making a song just to release something.


How did you create a sound throughout time that is so uniquely your own? What defines your sound to you?


I would say my sound is heavily influenced by the type of music I enjoy playing out when I DJ. Whenever i’m working on sounds I’m always consciously or subconsciously thinking about sonically what that song would bring out of me if I was listening to it, or how it would sound if i performed it live.  I would say currently my sound is defined by the impact of performance on a stage.  I say “currently” because I feel like my sound and style is always evolving.


This year is already shaping up to be a huge year for you. What do you hope to accomplish in the remainder of the year?


Well I’m already accomplishing one of my goals, which was to play at a festival, and now I’m set to perform at my first festival on Aug 18th at 515 Alive Festival, in Des Moines, IA. In the remainder of this year I hope to get more shows, get these projects finished (music, documentary) and keep creating a catalog of music that will help me establish my legitimacy in the industry, create a buzz, and increase my fanbase.  I’m a firm believer in speaking things into existence, and I know i’m going to make it big. Only a matter of time.
