÷ (Deluxe)
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Ed Sheeran bate records con Divide

Reseña del album hecha por:

No doubt Ed Sheeran is ravaging all records with its new album "Divide" with only 15 days after it is released each holder has captured the music press.

So much it has been the success of the British singer - songwriter who has reached the record that until recently belonged to The Weeknd that could achieve 223 million views on the YouTube platform, while Ed Sheeran has achieved in just 15 days, Billion visits in shower platform.

Strange as it sounds, Ed Sheeran said in an interview he gives thanks to his former girlfriend, because much of these issues were conducted thanks to its breakup, "of any relationship comes something good , " said Ed for Channel E! .

It should be noted that beyond the music, Ed Sheeran has signaled he wants to train as a television actor, so to start this new stage, the public the information that will be involved in an episode of the seventh season of your favorite series, Game thrones.

I leave here couple of songs from his new album "Divide"

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