How can we tell a heartbreaker from another? Alabama Shakes came out with 'Heartbreaker' on their first album 'Boys & Girls' giving the rest of known universe access to their utopian raw breed of flair. From April 2012 the Alabama Shakes have found themselves winning Rock Album of the Year at the Grammy's and continue on to adjust the expose of Rock n' Roll Soul music that penetrates as hard as a hurricane.
Why did I choose 'Heartbreaker' to write about? This is the only song that can be classified as a love, heartbreak, wanting, needing and dealing with life...kind of song. Brittany Howard shows us the ache, crash and burn meaning of what happens after a break up. And that doesn't necessarily mean between lovers, that break up can also happen between life long friends. The betrayal felt on this track exceeds any expectations...emotionally, physically and mentally. What else more could we possibly ask for, because here is a band that is gravitating around their own orbit shelling out music that will only surprise us for years to come.