Young extraordinaire Bryson Tiller just keeps blessing us with wonderful suprises... This may just be one of his finest visual works yet... In a smoothly creative story for his R`n`B chilling love vibe "Exchange", Bryson`s creative team gave us, a simple, yet so nicely done music video that will suck you in so fast and deep, you would wish that this was made in a classic Hip Hop love movie clip.

In a typical R`n`Bass sound waves, Bryson clears up the space with his astonishing vocal, mesmerizing lyrics and fine act, made his lovely single in one exellently executed performance. This soulful art will make you wish every video should be done like this. In a passionately creative craft, Bryson turned this simple romantic things to a whole another level, bringing us back to when music really had some sense before fame and money and fansiness came into a spotlight.... A true emotional expression, a blissful cup of soul coffee. Straight ten for this young virtuoso. If you haven`t yet, get this album in your possesion asap! "TRAPSOUL" all the way up...