Sometimes, it would be good to start from the beginning, to leave old crew and the baggage of the past behind and move in a completely different direction. It’s easier to do it in music than in real life, so it seems. Lindsay Coco Hames did just that on her first self-titled solo album. Up until now, she was a leader of garage pop trio The Ettes. She wanted to step away from their dear Nuggetts and Pebbles and all that garage sound that she loves so much. At least that’s what she said in a recent interview.
The new record brings new sonic ambient. We are mostly absorbed into the sound of the 60s, with Coco’s cuddly and soft singing resembling Holly Golighty and Dusty Springfield. Theme is predominantly love. Sometimes, the heart is bleeding and we see it as squeezed bleeding hand. When You Said Goodbye is manifestation of it and it comes at the very start of the album. Often, the situation is more comfortable, as we sit in a romantic swing of I Do Love You. She wrote this song for her husband Bob Mehr, notable music critic and biographer of The Replacements.
I Don’t Want To Go sounds like it was ripped off from The Ettes discography. It spoils the atmosphere of the record, so it would find a better place on a B side of a single. It unfolds as The Ramones’ Judy Is Punk and no one can claim that it’s not a good piece of garage pop. There is no joke with Hames. This is not a weak girl with a broken hear. She is also not a girl who is capable of finding peace in stable relationship. Powerful guard and dangerous rhythm represent put a different light on the singer.
Hames writes with candor. The listener does not have an impression she is faking it. Tracks This House Ain’t A Home and Dead River close the album in placid fashion. It is obvious that her husband also contributed to the album, as there is a cover of Tiny Pieces by The Replacements.
We are dealing with things as they are. Hames admitted she wrote most of the record while driving as the ride was good for her mental health. Well, Coco, the result of your ride is also good for our mental health. Thx! Let’s enjoy the ride.