In My Rosary
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In My Rosary

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Always Blue

Sometimes love can be blue. And it hurts just like the emptiness inside – that special emptiness which cannot be described as real as the pain it brings. Sometimes love can be weird. And it’s not wrong or right. That’s just the way it happens. Sometimes. But everything can be fixed. Everything. That’s why blue can be beautiful. No goodbyes, no tears, no knives. Life goes on, the beat goes on; you cannot take your time back. And this blue is becoming more real and painful each second of your life which is thawing. The only thing that cannot be fixed is the lost time. And when your time comes what will you do? What will you remember? Unfixed love and blue lines. Not much. Suffering can be useful and ravishing. Suffering can be almost perfect – like drugs, like lies. But the true thing always wins. And one day or another you will have to face your own lies. One day or another you might find yourself at the end of a rope – the last dance, the last breath. I don’t think it is your dream. I’m sure this type of end is not your favorite. Neither is mine. Pain is not real anymore. It cannot be real forever. Blue is not cold anymore. Blue cannot last forever. Only true love lasts forever no matter what you say and do. This beautiful sickness cannot be destroyed or cured.



