John Lennon
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Record that John Lennon signed to his murderer to be auctioned

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The record that the British musician signed to his murderer Mark Chapman, who hid it in a matera shortly before killing him, will be auctioned for almost two million dollars.

Despite the painful memories that John Lennon signed for the man who would end up snatching his life, a copy of the legendary Double Fantasy that Mark Chapman had in his hands only a few hours before he shot him at the door of the building Dakota, where the musician resided, the aforementioned object will be released soon for a price of around two million dollars.

It was precisely the president of the company 'Moments in Time', Gary Zimet, one of the main figures in the United States with regard to the marketing of relics for music lovers and fans of the seventh art, which has announced the news And the person in charge to share more details on the scabrous history that hides behind such interesting object.

"Mark Chapman went to the record company and made sure his own had Lennon's autograph, but in order to shoot him when he returned home, he had to hide the copy in one of the large pots that preside the entrance Of the apartment building.A person walking the place later noticed the presence of the disk and handed it to the police, who used it as evidence [contained fingerprints of the murderer] and returned it a year later With a thank-you letter from the district attorney, "the antiquarian said in a statement.

As Zimet asserts in the aforementioned note, the holder of such a relevant document kept him zealously for the next 18 years until he decided to sell it on the market. It was its current owner, who acquired it in 1999, who has now encouraged to shed it in exchange for a large sum that, yes, will have to share with the company in charge of organizing the sale.

"This is probably the most important object in the history of rock 'n' roll, although the story it contains is a bit morbid." The man who found him was a big fan of the Beatles and that was why he stayed for almost two decades. Current owner has decided to sell it now because it is in his right to do so, "has justified Gary Zimet.

After shooting the British idol five times in December 1980 - four of those shots directly hit his back - and, as a result, being sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment and life imprisonment reviewable, Mark David Chapman remains imprisoned in a jail Of the state of New York. During his time in prison, he has been denied probation up to nine times, a dynamic that Yoko Ono's efforts have greatly contributed to ensuring that he spends the rest of his life behind bars.

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