Los Amigos Invisibles
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El Paradise, a second debut with a farewell flavor

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The Paradise of Los Amigos Invisibles

Among Latin Americans, talking about a bar is synonymous with many things. Farra, lullabies, loves but also spite, are combined in these enclosures where reign the ethyl, feminine curves and not few stories.

For the Venezuelan band Los Amigos Invisibles their particular nightclub is anything but heartbreak. No guayabo, as popularly said in his native land to the sentimental failures, although they come from a concrete break in 2014 with the departure of keyboardist Armando Figueredo and guitarist José Luis Pardo.

On the contrary, the Paradise of this group formed in Caracas in 1991 pretends to be a refuge for the full enjoyment of musical textures with the already known fusion of acid jazz, electronic and Latin rhythms that has characterized them in a quarter of a century of race.

"Despite the departure of Figueredo and Pardo from the group there is no 'guayabo'. The spite is not enough among us, Paradise is something else, "says the singer and leader of" Los Amigos ", Julio Briceño, referring to the new sound work they have edited for this year, the first without the referred deserters.

Briceño explains that this proposal, launched in virtual form last February , maintains that retro or "vintage" wave, which is not only perceived in what is heard, but also in what is seen. The Paradise is identified with a voluptuous neon logo that includes the image of a girl in an insinuating pose. Good way to travel to the second half of the 70s and the beginning of the 80s of the 20th century.

"That is not on purpose. It is not that we are always thinking of creating that atmosphere of a certain nostalgia, so to speak. I am 46 years old, and it is obvious that I grew up with the influence of disco music, the Fania's salsa of those times and other tendencies. When we get to work it just goes like this, and now ", adds who is also known as" Chulius ", and apart from the vocal chords is responsible for the" minor percussion "of the band.

Briceño, along with his "friends" Juan Manuel Roura (drums and choirs), José Torres (bass and chorus) and Mauricio Arcas (percussion), with the participation of Daniel Saa (guitars and keyboards) and Agustin Espina (keyboards and choirs) As guest musicians, offer the public 17 tracks that surround them in a true loop, an endless story, in this nightclub that, to enjoy it, "you have to 'hesitate' with a good gulp of rum, with the headphones well Posts ", as recommended by its creators.

The presence of the Mexican band of alternative rock Kinky, in the subject "Anestesiada"; Of Elastic Bond in "Wait for me"; Authentic Decadentes that contributes its thing in "Here nobody is healthy" and the personage of greater reputation and trajectory, Oscar D 'Leon, in "Sabrina".

"What Oscar was a great experience, and an honor, because he spoke very well of our trajectory. My mom made the link with her manager. After listening to several models of The Paradise , he decided that he wanted to sing 'Sabrina', but that is, in his own way. No salsa this time, and gave us this spectacular bossa nova, "explains Julio Briceño around the participation of the so-called" Sonero del Mundo "in this musical experience.

Los Amigos Invisibles have been reunited with the recording studios after a two-year hiatus, after they took the Acústico market in 2015, the last time they shared with Figueredo and Pardo. Hence, El Paradise has that aura of "second debut", of a new beginning, of rebirth, but ironically also with the shadow of an early end, because they already resent the uncertainty of a very volatile trade, together with the weight of two Decades and a half of much trajinar.

"We do not know if there will be anything for next year," says Briceño, who at the moment refines the details with the rest of the band for a series of live performances between July and August that will take them to Chicago's Noise Fest (08 / 07), to the Portaferica Festival of Pontevedra (14/07), to then go to the Ifeema Feria de Madrid (15/07) with closing in Miami (19/08) with a touch in the Flamingo Theater.

And if 2017 is decreed as the year of the "end and end" for Los Amigos Invisibles, what would remain to be done? To this concern Julio Briceño does not respond with some artistic longing or with the misfortune of having wanted to try some experiment or musical syncretism that did not materialize. His answer comes as a surprise to say, without hesitation, "to do a live show in Japan, because there we edited our CDs and never traveled to that country."

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