Soda Stereo
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Life after Soda, By Alejandro Fernandes Riera

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Ten years ago the last concert of Soda Stereo took place , it seems like it has happened faster than normal. Perhaps it is that we listen to them so much that it feels as if they have never left the stage.

Many think, mistakenly, that the musicians of the great bands have no life after they separate. The truth is that, since then, Cerati released two albums, gave a stroke that left him in a coma for four years and eventually turned off his life, Charly was more concerned about climate change - although he made a band with his brother- And Zeta has had countless projects, personal and shared. I also allow myself to name Tweety González , who has not moved away from musical production at any time.

But what do the members of Soda do now?

ZETA: Between being a DJ and his new band

From the tour Me Verás Volver , Zeta was reaping a fruitful career as a DJ, which has taken him around the world. When he was not behind the plates, he was encouraged by a radio program and a television program where he was capturing moments in the main festivals around the world. After a brief step of a year as a musician with the group La Ley and as a jury in the The Chilean version of The X Factor , Zeta joined Fernando Monterrumo -ex Los Sueños de Anderson , the band that produced Bosio in the past- to form Shoot The Radio , a rock project with electronic touches with which is currently on tour and with The one that released the album Opera Galaxy (2016). With this training he has performed at the most important festivals in the region, from Vive Latino in Mexico to Lollapalooza Argentina and Cosquín Rock . Curiously, Venezuelan-Argentinean Javier Weyler (formerly Stereophonics and Claroscuro ) was a session drummer on the album, which was also performed by Argentine musician Richard Coleman , collaborator of Charly García , Cerati and Soda Stereo . He has not stopped doing his Live Sessions As a DJ. So surely they run into him at some festival, concert or venue.

CHARLY ALBERTI: Promoting sustainability in Latin America

The Argentine drummer dedicated himself to MOLE , a band he formed with his brother Andrés Alberti , with which they released a single album of the same name in 2007. They were active until 2009, when the vocation of the percussionist changed a little. Al Gore asked for a meeting that year thanks to his concerns about climate change, and for 2010 he became a spokesperson for The Climate Project in Argentina and created the Revolución 21 Latin America Sustentable Foundation (R21), with which he continues to fight for Sustainable development in all nations of the region through conferences. This year also sued Prófugos , a Chilean band tribute to Soda Stereo , for improper use of their songs, but the state of the demand is still unknown.

SEP7IMO DAY: The Soda Circus

In 2015, Cirque Du Soleil revealed that in March of 2017 it would debut a musical spectacle inspired and musicalizado by Soda Stereo . Arriving on the date, and with more than 70 confirmed dates for the remainder of 2017, the event has had its detractors and their defenders. Although the remixes that musicalizer the reckless maneuvers of the members of the most famous circus of the world were cured by Zeta and Charly , Tweety González , considered by all like the fourth Soda Stereo , said that the ex- Soda " yielded much after What the circus needed "and ended up hurting the band's music a little. He also said that he did not like it very much and that he missed Cerati's hand and mind controlling everything. " If Cerati were alive, they would not have done it, " he said. In contrast, Charly said that Cerati would have been the first promoter of the idea, since he liked Cirque Du Soleil and cited them as a reference very often, especially in the tour Me Verás Volver , where they had a high level of production of the stage.

What would have happened if ...?

In the same interview offered to the Mexican media La Pop Life , González stated that if Cerati were still alive, probably this year we would have had a new tour and maybe a new Soda Stereo album. " The idea was to do a tour every five years, was the 2012 and this year. And a new album from Soda because they could not do another round without a record "revealed the live co-producer and keyboardist of the most important band in Argentina.

TWEETY: Eternal Genius

Tweety has an enviable resume of what to brag about, has worked with Fito Páez , Illya Kuryaki and the Valderramas , Shakira, Bersuit Vergarabat , Fabiana Cantilo or Luis Alberto Spinetta , as well as Soda, Cerati's albums and MOLE , Charly Alberti's band. He produced the hit album Mediocre (2008) with Ximena Sariñana , worked with some bands from Argentina's new litter, and produced the Trip Tour (2013) and Alien Head (2016) from Zero Kill , the project of Benito , son of Gustavo Cerati . He is currently working on the new album by the interesting Mexican band Centavrvs , while he owns the label Twitin Records , where he has signed artists such as Hector Castillo's Masa and Didi Gutman , as well as the Argentine group Amel and the Panamanian Carlos Mendez , among others.


BENITO CERATI: The apple did not fall very far from the tree

He had participated as composer in some subjects of Ahí Vamos (2006) and Fuerza Natura l (2009). The son of Gustavo Cerati with Cecilia Amenábar ventured with his musical project with great complicity of colleagues of his father, like the same Tweety González , fundamental piece in the sound of the band, influenced by the music with which it grew: Bowie , Electronics And New Wave . In this way the legacy of Soda and the surname Cerati in rock in Spanish is guaranteed by, hopefully, a good amount of years.
