Natalia Lafourcade
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Natalia Lafourcade premiered Dew of all fields

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Natalia Lafourcade has become a benchmark of world music thanks to the mystical melodies and songs dedicated to the construction of Latin American identity. His music is a nod to the loves and hates of life and couple of weeks ago premiere single "dew all fields" that will appear on his next album "Muses".

Mexican singer announced the song "Dew all fields" refers to people who have influenced throughout his life and sings to the divine signs and Rocío Sagaón, dancer and Mexican actress.

"Dew was a great friend and teacher of life. I had to fire her 15-August and had never experienced the pain of feeling to someone you love, from physically , "said Natalia, who confessed cried a lot after his death.

The artist said that Rocio appeared in a dream to ask you not to cry, that best to compose a song would be remembered. "From the past, that inexplicable place, Rocío came to compose his song through my voice, my guitar and my pen on paper."

The protagonist of the video that was recorded in Veracruz was the daughter of Rocío, Djahel Vinaver, who has mystical presence and appears to Natalia who lost out in the field. It was directed by Cheche Alara, Gustavo Guerrero and Bruno Bancalari.

"Dew all fields, a track written with the inspiration of Rocío Sagaón, one of my greatest muses. The video was recorded live, with the talent of Elephant (@elefante). I want to enjoy it, " he said in social networks .

The album "Muses" will be released on 5 May, with the collaboration of Cacorinos, guitarists who accompanied Chavela Vargas until his death in 2006.
