Juan Luis Guerra 4.40
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Musical Spirit or Muse?

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For connoisseurs of Greek mythology, the "Divine Art" inspired the most beautiful songs, poetry, literary works or as beautiful expression whose name is known today as art.

Something that comes through the senses and moves us emotional fiber.

For some artists the musical inspiration comes from an emotion that staggered us emotionally, a moment or a person. In the case of religious worship songs of inspiration is God, and to his praise.

For believers or not, the music reflects what we are, what we feel or that with which we connect where our thoughts, dreams, desires are.

Popularly "The Muse" is anything that inspires a song, you need an artist to make art.

As for believers, the Spirit who ministers to them all the words that turn into song.

In the Spanish-speaking Juan Luis Guerra he stands out as one of the most famous and important artists in the music world, but also of his popularity, his years of experience has allowed him to not only meet the Muse, but also the musical spirit, inspiration of his songs.

Perhaps, a before and after, but the same sound, talent to perform songs that connect to your audience regardless of language, gender or inspiration of his songs.

Personally, I believe that Juan Luis Guerra marked gender pattern of worship, taking into account that started making music Jazz, then tropical sounds mixed with Bachata, Bachata pure pioneer before the massiveness of the genre.
