Claudio Monteverdi
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The madrigals of Claudio Monteverdi

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Claudio Monteverdi commemorates 450 years of birth on 15 May 2017. That is, more precisely 450 years of his baptism, if we thought it was not common in those early days to register the day of the birth. But that's another story.

Which concerns us, apropos of the event, let's review some of the most important compositions of Monteverdi (certainly one of the fathers of the opera), such as madrigals.

It notes that one thing is the poetry madrigals and madrigals something else in music. In poetry, they are short poems of love theme. Ineresante it is to highlight the etymology or origin of the word. As reported in the "History of Words" madrigal comes from mother. "The word comes from madrigale Italian, formed from the Latin matricalis 'regarding the mother or the parent. " In certain regions of northern Italy, madrigale took the sense of' maternal 'and from there,' natural ',' in vernacular ',' rough and simple '. Some authors claim that matricalis comes from the Virgin Mary. "

Meanwhile, in music, it is a composition of three to six voices on a secular text, often in Italian. Boom peaked in the Renaissance and early Baroque.

But Monteverdi, with its nine music books devoted to the subject, in whom the madrigal has its greatest exponent.

In these books the musical evolution of Monteverdi seen from the polyphonic Renaissance style, to the use of melody with accompaniment, characteristic of baroque and even today we see in our popular songs.

In 2017, surely we appreciate concerts and dedicated to Monteverdi, where our musicians will highlight recitals. In this regard, and Isabel Palacios, director of the famous Camerata de Caracas, teacher announced that for the coming year devoted much of his musical work the exquisite Milanese author.
