Public Disorder returns with optimism and Dancing on Ruins
Public disorder had shown signs of a new album from the launch of its theme "Everything is normal , " a satire on political speech of the Venezuelan ruling. After the celebration of his 30 - year career showed, inspired by reggae, another single with the name "Those who stay, those who leave , " a track that tells air farewell that live in the country for these days. After launching the DP Box 30, it was time to drop a plate studio for his followers.
Horacio Blanco (vocals), Caplís Chacin (bass), Dan-El Sarmiento (drums), Oscarello The Magnificent (drums), William Magú Guzman (guitar), Hector Hernandez (Saxo), Noel Mijares (Trumpet), Terry Bonilla (trombone ) and Francisco Diaz Coco (keyboards) also engineer and producer of the album, released Dancing On the Ruins (2016); Allegorical a dozen hold the feeling of a nation that no longer seems songs there's more where steal or destroy.
Once again sniffs Public Disorder and builds a picture of Venezuela hit, making an optimistic statement construction and endurance. Perhaps that is why they decide to re-record a song like "I'm looking for something in the Caribbean , " a reminder that now more than ever the inquiry of our culture should be part of personal discourse. The same track that gives name to the album "Dancing on the ruins", is a contrast of what it meant ten years ago the album Stars of Chaos (2006), where although critical stage of bewilderment was coming, so now it is presented as a survival manual or training to cope with the current cataclysm.
We should celebrate or enjoy despite the tragedy, there is a humanitarian shell to the rhythm of ska with distorted guitars such as "I like the mess" along with "Ska World Ska", a piece that triggers the essence of Public Disorder . Combative, dark, detective and immersed in the most sincere of violent stories in the songs of the band, appears "the beast was released" with a vindictive sign and everything.
"Temperature" a classic sauce, original seventies Los Hermanos Lebron, is re-versioned for public disorder in this album. The mood salsero, construction and maintenance of latinoso seasoning magnifies the band and metaphorically connects to the boiling state of a volatile nation. "Es ist kalt in Berlin" (It 's cold in Berlin), entirely in German and half rock steady, is a tribute band to a city that has welcomed them in their various tours and where took the opportunity to invite the German Dr Ring Ding (Richie Jung).
The experiment mestizo "powerful hand", a musical level, it triggers the sounds own search for Public Disorder. A stadium intro led by a guitar riff alternative, along with the presence of a keyboard from a low funk, highlights the excellence of Venezuelan personalities. A sly reference who have also decided to synchronize their steps to dance on the ruins of a country from prosperity and chaos, gives his last breaths to a new generation of enthusiasts.
Dancing On The Ruins is a kind of connection and Chaos tour with Stars in the sense of vision and critical country. Before they warned what we live and now presented as a sign that their social and prophetic thesis has been fulfilled. It has a particular smell and successful in the implicit message.
This new work is full of goodbyes, political overtones, announces the joy of those who choose to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hope Prevails, searching, internal reconciliation. Cultural pride deepens between satire, humor and rant, acclimated within the ska area, reggae, fusion, Latin rock and development of distorted sounds that, at this point is the trademark and characteristic language of Public Disorder as an institution active in contemporary music of Venezuela.