Violenta Josefina
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The calm of Violenta Josefina

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Valeria Hernandez left behind the shrillness of Skin, who led the group as Valery Knox, to function in more sedate sounds that are now part of his solo project called Nonviolent Josefina.

Since last year the composer and bassist part of a group of musicians impeached in other countries. From Argentina presented in March his first album entitled The Air Force, made ​​up of 10 songs that increasingly distant from what he did with the rock band with which he won the Festival New Bands 2004 steps noticeable.

In the chords and lyrics still some anger note, but with the serenity prevails reflection of who starts stages. That contrast of feelings, which causes fear and seek to convince, it shows throughout the album. Distortions parentheses are necessary in a job that gives voice to allow stressed that amid the nostalgia, desire and remembrances starring much of the work.

The singer does not get bored with rants, however, achieved even sticky issues rather influenced by groups shoegaze, a fairly obvious point, but sometimes there are certain visits to the premises of surf rock.

The Air Force is an album that is heard quickly, which you want a little more. It is entertaining and one is left with the expectation of a second job that exceeds this debut authored and began to defend Argentine stages.

Violent Josefina - The Air Force
