Jean-Michel Jarre
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Edward Snowden defends right to privacy

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The figure of Edward Snowden came to light after revealing, in June 2013, documents that were part of classified US information on various spyware and mass surveillance belonging to the intelligence agency of the North American country, such as PRISM and xkeyscore.

After public make these statements through the journals recognized The Guardian and The Washington Post, to then flee to Moscow, the United States Department of Justice classified the action of the US technology as a criminal matter, reason it is not yet defined their fate if arrested by US state.

The truth is that his exile in Russia has not prevented the former CIA offer interviews and go to light on several occasions to urge the global community to defend your privacy as a fundamental right. This time, Snowden decided to collaborate with Jean-Michel Jarre, French composer of electronic music, in her latest music video titled Exit.

" To say that your right should not you care to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than you care say that should not your right to free speech because you have nothing to say. It is a deeply antisocial principle that rights are not individual, are collective. What perhaps has no value to you today, they may have value for a whole population tomorrow. And if you do not defend them [your rights], then who will? ". These words are part of the fragment the same Snowden exposed in this audiovisual material, then displayed a series of images showing the various technological and state tools with which actions have been performed espionage.

Once published the launch of Electronica Album Vol . 2: The Heart of Noise, the French interpreter asked the Guardian contact Snowden to invite him to collaborate on his new musical project, which, in the words of Jarre own "explores the relationship ambiguous we have with technology. On the one hand we have the world in our pocket and on the other we feel spied upon. "

Likewise, the artist confessed to feeling admiration for former analyst at the NSA, because their actions will remember the courage of his mother, who during World War II was part of the French Resistance, "Edward is an absolute hero of our times. The first time I read about it, made ​​me think of my mother. She joined the French Resistance in 1941, when people in France still thought they were just troublemakers. She always told me that when society is creating things that can not stand, what you need to do is to go against that. "

Enjoy videclip Exit, then:
