Absolutely nothing.
Really, with that there is no problem. Musical notation, the score, which gives a graphic record of music. Today, thanks to recording devices are available to all, through recorders, cell phones, etc., it is very easy to have at your fingertips music.
For guitarists, since time immemorial, there tablature. This system consists in locating on a line (as many as strings have the instrument) fret or division of the mast. Thus, the interpreters could easily locate the chords or melody, or whatever you want to remember. He puts down the letter, if he had; and above, some symbols like the figures of notes, to give an idea of the duration or rhythm. Only if needed. In fact, we can find very simple tablature, which guide the guitarist easily if, and only if, the musician rhythm known.
On the staff and other figures, it is exactly the same, with the difference that these symbols can be read by any instrumentalist. That is, any musician who play any instrument; even anyone without instruments interpreter can translate what is stated there, it is able to decipher the music written in the score. And that is, both tablature as pentagrams same phenomenon occurs: if you can decipher, you can feel the music in the brain, in the same way as language written in letters and words sound within ourselves.