Days of Exile
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Vinyl shows the fangs

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Separated by musical projects, rest and other caraqueños they have become bared teeth and the "hunger" had guardadados for their fourth full length album, which will be next brand at the beginning of next year 2017, incorporating sound more indie, raw rock and roll. This new and very different to the peculiar work of these venezonalos, with letters in English single, surprising the audience and followers, establishing an evolution to their music for their great influences in Anglo-Saxon music.

As added, during the presentation of the single through Periscope, they made public the addition of new guitarist and fifth member Alberto Duhau, who has previously worked with the band on their previous packaging 2012 "Change of Name" in the "Easy song say ". The group also performs as an extra winks the hashtag #VVIV possibly could reference the name of your disc, or is their fourth album.
