Michael Jackson
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His dances created sensation, symmetrical steps accompanying music, gave the feeling that could float on stage, every movement reached the incredible, like the famous: Moonwalker. None of the subjects had wasted, they were all with one purpose: to send a message that enter into the deepest part of your body and make you dance till you drop or mourn to remember old loves. His compositions have traveled the world, and today still trasmitiéndose radio or are in the ipods of people of different ages.

Few artists have achieved what Michael Jackson could create: letters who lived in our minds and took over part of our memories. Combinations of rhythm that created a new musical harmony as: Earth Song, Black or White, Bad and Smooth Criminal. great shows: full of instruments, unique choreography, astounding colors and effects to your viewers. All this implied work and applied perfection in every detail, no matter how small it might be.

He began his career in 1960 in the group: "The Jackson 5", made by him and his brothers. Then in 1982 he stunned the world with his album Thriller album that has had more sales in history, the order on the TV calanes of the time and one of the most watched Youtube video today.

The King of Pop called him and will remain so. The misunderstood and controversial artist who loved what I did: music.

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