Kailee Spark
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On the Rise Female Indie Musician Kailee Spark Releases Debut Album “Savor This” on Spotify and YouTube

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Have you guys heard of the female indie musician Kailee Spark? Well, she is making her Spotify Album debut with her newest full album titled “Savor This” on Spotify and YouTube! Take a look at her Spotify channel here to pre-save/save and stream all the tracks from Kailee Spark!


Critics everywhere have been raving over Kailee Spark since the drop of her debut single “Passageways”. This track is one of her best and highlights her singer-songwriter indie talents with her vocals and guitar strumming. Blaine Calhoun of musicexistence.com wrote about the debut single:


 “Spark’s singing is immensely powerful in “Passageways,” but it wouldn’t be right to cover the song without highlighting its Dylan-esque poeticisms, all of which feel like they’ve been sourced directly from the heart and soul of the songwriter. She’s being sensitive enough to indicate a lot of authenticity in the narrative, but never holding herself back from giving the kind of lights-out performance she can – be it a rather delicate one, of course. Supple and smooth as it is, this is clearly a composition that means something to her beyond its cosmetic value.

“Passageways” is unquestionably an incredible listen if you’re a fan of light indie-pop with a misty melodicism driving home its greatest moments, and I’ll be very curious to see where it takes this gifted voice next. Kailee Spark is a singer who doesn’t need to do much with her artistry to have a global appeal with listeners across generations, mostly thanks to her unique spin on retro pop harmonies like those of the climax here, and if she can keep up the pace she’s introduced to us with this track and its video, she’ll be raking in even more accolades as the year goes on. “

To stay up to date with Kailee Spark, check her out on her website Spotify, Facebook, Twitter, and Twitch by clicking on her link tree! https://allmylinks.com/kaileesparkmusic
