Space Diaries
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Flying High with Space Diaries

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Space Diaries are a phenomenal band making waves in the current music scene. The group has released an enticing new record this year that has made our heads literally explode with Rock-stardom goodness. We had the absolute pleasure of speaking with frontman Eddie Olgun to see what makes Space Diaries tick...let's get acquainted shall well?


What is the inspiration behind the new album?


Everything from listening to The Velvet Underground and fantasizing about Niko to people's fascination with guns and killing to a short stint I had in a psych-ward in Mexico City.    


What made you discover your passion for creating an eclectic sound of indie meets Rock?


Our sound is simply a sum of our influences I suppose.  I simply write the kind of stuff that I would like if I were to hear it on the radio.  Or more like, the radio is so lame that I write stuff I wish I heard on the radio.  Then the band, as a whole,  ads their own touch to the songs and it ends being who we are.  


What places in your mind do you channel  to craft your songs?


 One thing I've learned is that it's harder to write uplifting songs than negative songs.  Oddly enough, I feel the most inspired after dark or turbulent periods in my life which is when I seem to be the most creative.  But I usually try to put a positive spin on the songs or some sort of positive feeling behind them.  As a whole, we are a happy go lucky bunch of guys when we're together; so even-though there is a bit of darkness to the songs, the sum of our positive energy  balances them out.  So I guess the answer is, a hopeful place in my mind.  


What are your favorite venues to perform at? and if you had to choose, do you feel more comfortable in the studio or onstage, and why?


Buwi, by far, has had the most touring experience of all of us.  So I'm sure he has a long list of venues to choose from.  Personally, I really enjoyed playing at The Bowery Ballroom in New York and at The Troubador in LA.   As far as where I feel more comfortable, that easy: on stage.  It is incredibly therapeutic to leave it all, including your soul, up on the stage for people to see.


How do you write your songs? What is the process like? Does it take you days, weeks, even longer? How does the perfect Space Diaries  piece come together?


It usually happens in spurts of inspiration.  The basic idea can be quick and can sometimes only take a few minutes.  Fine tuning it, however, can take days.  And that's just the basic chord changes and melodies/lyrics (the skeleton).  Then it moves on to "the band" process and that can sometimes take several rehearsals to get it the point we feel the song is ready to be performed/recorded.  


How did you create a sound throughout time that is so uniquely your own? What defines your sound to you?


I'm always writing songs.  I've written hundreds of songs.  But most of them are relegated to the archives of my mind, or a recording on a dictaphone (or my cell) or a notepad.  The few that actually make it to the band and to the stage are the ones I feel people will be more likely to connect with.  What defines our sound?  I think our vast backgrounds.  We have a pretty eclectic mix of guys in this band.  That, and our need to play music that both transports us and makes us want to dance while being transported.  


This year is already shaping up to be a huge year for you. What do you hope to accomplish in the remainder of the year?


Well, I guess it's all relative.  But it comes down to getting the word out that Space Diaries is here and that we simply want to expand your souls and blow your minds.
