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More Than Just An Act

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Band members Dylan Baldi, Jayson Gerycz, TJ Duke and Chris Brown are Cloud Nothings. A new age post punk representation from Cleveland, Ohio. So far that's all you need to know until clicking play on their newest single "Modern Act". Instead of a strange dischord that comes with the new age musical genre, Cloud Nothings add an extra pop of geniune angst. Whether this angst is intended or converges as a natural phenomenon either way it works in an super imposed idyllic way.

As stated on the bands Facebook page "Music is the healing force of the universe". As far as influences vary, one could possibly locate which bands would fit the mold. Arcade Fire, Explosions in the Sky and even some of the more industrious bands that didn't involve a heavy hand withinn the synth technique.

Taking their Lo-fi credibility, tight community based band and timed to perfection raw moments within "Modern Act" we are graced with a soild song foundation, a structre worth remembering and a need to further identify the songs Cloud Nothings has put out into the universe. If this is indie, then maybe jut maybe the genre has a brighter future spinning around waiting for bands like Cloud Nothings to save it from total destruction.
