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Cheers and Goodbye

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'Cheers Darlin' idolizes a subsection of music that stays hidden beneath the floor boards until one night, someone decides to do some digging. Call if affliction, salvation or a subtle letter from Damien Rice to another. Either way 'Cheers Darlin' is this dramatic (without overly flooding the watergate with tears) Rice demonstrates a resistant to fully name names. Instead Rice staggers through the verse as broken, grieving and slightly vengeful. Vocally 'Cheers Darlin' closes in on whispers, wrongfully down and oddly hopefully for one more reunion. This track is not at all a happy one but more on the loathsome side.

Damien Rice sets the bar high for saying goodbye and trying to walk away from a love. In this case, with the Parisan influenced background music playing at the beginning of the track fulfills the just attitude. All the while ending the song with a singular piano, trailing off as if walking away into the night. Distancing himself from the heartache and the adrenaline fueling the possible rage festering inside. Given that some words are flicked off the tongue at a lips snarl, ready to drunk the nearest truth.

Sadly this pass week was the first time 'Cheers Darlin' popped up on my radar, nevertheless at least it happened now. 'Cheers Darlin' may not be for the faint of heart, in the since of being able to deal with a recent separation.
