Romantic, sentimental and slightly heartbreaking...however, Angus & Julia Stone have radically presented us with their track 'Big Jet Plane'. Angus and Julia Stone are a brother-sister duo from Australia who manipulated Folk/Indie music to their advantage. In 'Big Jet Plane' we hear Julia's almost maudlin lyrics that are paired with Angus's whimiscal Pop way of relating music to the masses.
As the track lays out its cryptic "Big Jet Plane" that for no reason at all except for the build up verse which is about a girl; comes off as completely sympathetic to the narrator's point of view. Angus & Julia Stone have freely constricted an orchestra background as the base of the song, layering drums and their own voices. For some reason the film 'Little Miss Sunshine' flows to mind when this song comes on. That moment in the film where that yellow VW is driving down the highway somehow reflects upon the traveling climax of how this track ends; abrupt yet untroubling.