Ben Frost
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Ben Frost

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The sky is grey and big these days. The rains are healing. The wind is on our side. We see strange things and go through the serious challenges these days. Me and my Special Someone - we are experiencing our own kind of Magick these strange days. Music of anxiety and anticipation is all around. Wedding bells, enveloping pads, beautiful noise, delayed guitars; tribal drums are getting into our souls to tell us we are the ones. All of us are the ones. All. But sometimes we forget it. Sometimes we just fall into some ugly swamps of warm madness. And we lose hope and magic. We lose everything. And it seems like it will never end. We will fade away forever. It’s insanity. A looped eternal fading away. A never-ending decaying. We start hating life. We start talking about dying. Loops of madness and self-destruction. It’s not right and it’s no good.

We all need just to calm down and remember that we are the ones. We need our grey skies, healing rains and friendly winds. To remember everything and celebrate love and Magick.

These skies, rains and winds are Ben Frost. His music is the tool. His music is an electronic key to open a box of magic and memories – magical memories we all have. Ben Frost was born in Australia and lives in Iceland. Perfect geography for creating perfect atmospheric music. Frost’s music is deep, full of sense and wisdom. It makes you remember and not forget anymore. It is not just experimental electronic music. It is Ben Frost’s experimental rain of refreshing sounds upon our tired and mad heads.

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