Mother Day Album
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We are excited to share Shiloh Conscious's new track "Dying Lord Inside Trying To Survive."! Our goal at SongBlog is to highlight outstanding new music and give you a peek at the artist’s world behind the music. In this blog we get a chance to sit down with Svnny Singh to learn all about the inspiration, concepts, and creative energy that it took to create and produce "potion.". We hope you enjoy and please feel free to ask Shiloh Conscious anything!
Who are you and what do you do?

Shiloh Conscious, The poet come from the heart of Chicago, living my life, walking in my dreams writing music from my heart and Soul.   To tell the truth and how every body else is feeling in Pandemic chaos but thur prayer and God will can over come this world problem. 

Yours Truly 
Shiloh Chicago Conscious 

How does your background play into this song?

My Background of come from the struggles in Chicago which now Chiraq, hardships, death, life, and enjoy in God Almighty who gives Life, and promise for the future, my pain and hurt comes out of the music to help others who dealing with Covid and fighting for there life and Family. 

What is your earliest memory of listening to music?

Early Music Listen 2pac, Biggie Smalls, Special Ed, Easy E, Snoop Dog, E-40, Spice 1, Wu-Tang Clan, Bone-n-Thug Harmony, Sade, Luther Vandross, Micheal Jackson, Sam Cooke and many more that influence.

At what moment in your life did you decide to become an artist / performer?

One Time in my life, never, but when my Brother was killed by the Police in Maryland it put a fire in my spirited and Soul to speak the true about hate, and Racism, and Police killing blacks and many more, all live Matter and black People need speak openly about the Hate and the Police. 

What genres does this release play into?

Pop and Soul, Talking about the world is so Cold, how can we talk thur the music people that hears the pain and Struggles.    (Pop, Soul, R&B india ) 

How has your sound and style evolved in the last 3 years?

I live in Jamaica 2014 for 6 months, when my Brother Passed I stayin Jamaica for 6 Months on my unemployment finding my self and my sound for Music 

What themes do you explore throughout your music?

Love, PEace, Joy, breaking away from hate, and bring understand and light love everybody because we are all sinner Created by God.  So wahtever side you stand on Shiloh Conscious going to Love you for the person you are. ( Gay, Jew, or White or any other Color Shiloh Going to Love.  )  That my Music to love all talk about Peace and Unity 

If you could go on tour with any artist, who would it be and why?

My Brother Kanye West, because he went to thur a lot in his Career, and he's a Brother from my City Chicago.   

How would you describe your favorite artist's music to someone who has never heard them before?

My Best Artists is Vybz Kartel, and Sizzla and Capleton, They bring understand enlightment to the people. 

How would you describe your music to someone who has never heard it before?

It's powerful talking about true Struggles in Life, pain, hurt, heartbreak, Love, Joy, Sorrow, and blessing, this is my Music. 

If you could attend a performance by any artist, dead or alive, who would you choose and why?

2Pac because he was a Conscious Artost like me, talking about life and are Neighborhood and the struggle being Black in this World and the barriers we have to Cross as Black people,  and still hold the Love and Joy, to Show the World because no body is Perfect.  

What is your favorite song you have made, and why?

My Favorite Song is (Get your Life ) It Talks about worry about yourself and stop hating on other people and get there life is the Topic of the song, people need to stop Gossiping on people and worry about them self.    That when the Song comes in get your life. 

If you could only listen to three artists for the rest of your life, who would you choose and why?

Vybz Kartel, Sizzla and Capleton talk about Life in whole. 

What does your dream performance look like?

my Song Called Drift Away a Song dedicated to people who lost there lives in Las Vegas music Concert.   I just want to drift away from my pains. 

Who is your dream artist or musician to collaborate with?

 Sizzla Kalonji Because he's a up lifting Rasta who show Passion about the Music. 

What is the strangest place where you have discovered a new song?

Utah, Salt Lake City I wrote a lot of Songs for Artists One Post Malone : Sunflower and many others as well.  

What do you want people to feel when they listen to your music?

The Pain is Real in my Music and the Hope is Real in my Life as well.  

What three words would you want your fanbase to use to describe you?

Open minded about Life, peace with in life, and enjoy and Huslte and never give up 

What is your favorite way of sharing your music?

Thur Platfroms Levelmusic, Ditto, Tunecore, Apple Music and many more etc. 

Do you practice? How has your practice changed over time?

I practice every day, with my music and SInging to better my skills 

What is the most memorable response you've had to your work?

Dealing with the pain and rejection then the Music comes and it's more then Music is Art of are heart and Pain. 

What is your definition of success as an artist? How do you measure this success?

Definition of Success is reaching your Fanbase with honest and truth of your life and Music. 

How do you plan on being a game-changer within your genre?

My Art and Craft is different in my Genre is Pop, Soul, R&B, Blues, india, Conscious, and little hip hop.   My Style is Chicago blues, Born araised 

What role do you believe the artist has in our society?

To be a prophet and poet, and most of all be Honest with the Fanbase about Life and Hurt and Pain, And Depression.

Name a song that best represents success to you, and why?

Dying Lord Inside is one of my Best Work, because my heart is in the Music I lost a lot of Family behind Covidk, and it was Really Hard for me to Make this Song because I cried doing the process of this Song.  Lord I'm trying to Survive in this Life. quote Poetry. 

What has been your scariest experience while pursuing music?

Not getting Feedback by Music Labels, of my Art Work, but I am more Confidence then every is about the life and the Music now.    nothing Else 

What has been your most embarassing moment while pursuing music?

Putting out Diss Music because Someone have stolen my Music and Songs 

If you could alter the music industry in any way, what would you change and why?

I would Change the Color Line in the Industry and look at the Art as a Performance artist not The color of the person if he White or Black it don't Matter when you have Talent. 

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

Work at Amazon as unloader, and going to Music School as a Artist. 

How have your other passions reinforced your process of making music?

Yes, Love and heartbreak made my Music come out with poetry and understanding. 

Has being an artist made your life lonely? How do you counteract this?

Yes, and No but sometimes when I focus on my Music and life, I lose a Girlfriend because I am so much in to music and heart soulful music. 

How would you define having an artistic outlook on life?

Love all and Trust few, and do no Harm, that my outlook on life, staying in tune with the Streets. 

What is your favorite work of art?

Law Of Attraction, Talking about Love and how can it be so perfect in Harmony, 

Which mediums of art do you most identify with?

Pop, Reggae, India Pop 

Name three artists you’d like to be compared to.

Common Sense, Sizzla, Elton John 

What is the most significant lesson you've learned through being an artist?

Traveling and experience in life, Love, Romance, heartbreaks, and Joys of life, that bring the Artist best Work of Art.  

Do you have one main reason driving you to continue making music?

Family and Life, and God. 

What is your overarching goal as an artist?

Sitting Down with A&R Showing them my Talent as a Artist and my mistakes as Artist ups and downs but Staying positive and focus. 

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