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Flacko Tarantino Perspective on Melly

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We are excited to share Flacko Tarantino's new track "Melly"! Our goal at SongBlog is to highlight outstanding new music and give you a peek at the artist’s world behind the music. In this blog we get a chance to sit down with Flacko Tarantino to learn all about the inspiration, concepts, and creative energy that it took to create and produce "Melly". We hope you enjoy and please feel free to ask Flacko Tarantino anything!
What is your favorite song you have made, and why?

melly is my second favorite ive made but i have something thats gonna drop soon(my favorite) to promote my new Duo EP with my boy papa with a music video that everyone is going to enjoy its almost done and i love how its coming out  

If you could attend a performance by any artist, dead or alive, who would you choose and why?

micheal jackson no doubt. that was the man.he was that guy. had abunch of women faint just because of him. plus he legendary

If you could go on tour with any artist, who would it be and why?

Probably logic he's a cool guy always doing things behind the scenes 

What themes do you explore throughout your music?

Relateable things. things you probably think in your head but don't say it or things you need to let out

How has your sound and style evolved in the last 3 years?

I feel like its just got better as time past in every aspect 

What genres does this release play into?

in the rap/hip hop genre 

At what moment in your life did you decide to become an artist / performer?

Ive always wanted to make music since i was a kid i just learned everything i want too as i grew older and becoming better i didnt start making music till i was 16. 

Who are you and what do you do?

I set the mic in flames they call me Flacko Tarantino tryna get in touch with all the people in the world to show them my artistic side of thing throughout my music and others things like film production / and acting with the help of my team

If you could only listen to three artists for the rest of your life, who would you choose and why?

Can’t just be anybody. its gotta be someone i can relate and gotta feel the music. so my 3 would be kanye west, Tyler the creator, and logic

If you could only listen to three artists for the rest of your life, who would you choose and why?

Can’t just be anybody. its gotta be someone i can relate and gotta feel the music. so my 3 would be kanye west, Tyler the creator, and logic

What does your dream performance look like?

headlining at the superbowl. that would be amazing 

Who is your dream artist or musician to collaborate with?

dr.dre, the wu tang clan,joey bada$$,kendrick lamar,logic

What is your favorite way of sharing your music?

let it play out, see whos liking the music and connecting with the people individually 

Do you practice? How has your practice changed over time?

My Practicing process depends how good the song turns out to be.i have few song i do need to work on at the side but the songs im willing to put out i listen to them on the daily giving a live performance to whoevers in the room  

What do you want people to feel when they listen to your music?

to listen to it and saying this is very amazing 

Do you have one main reason driving you to continue making music?

i love music, i've always wanted to make music since i was young, this is my playing field, its something im very passionate about and want to continue doing

What is the most significant lesson you've learned through being an artist?

i can be myself no doubt about it, 

Has being an artist made your life lonely? How do you counteract this?

no not at all, in fact it got me in touch with so many people i can work with it

Name three artists you’d like to be compared to.

i don't want to be compared to nobody im tryna stand out and be unique 

What has been your most embarassing moment while pursuing music?

there was nothing to be scared about i just went and did it

What has been your scariest experience while pursuing music?

Nothing to be scared of, i just went and did it

Do you have a distinct way of making music, how do you work?

i mostly listen to alot of stuff. if it doesn’t catch my ear i won't work on it

Walk us through your music creation process, specifically for this song.

i listen to the beat and wrote down whatever comes to mind and my girlfriend popped up. the song is about her

When did you being using social media from an artist perspective?

since day one, I had to find a way to put myself out there somehow 

Which social media platform helps you the most as an artist to reach new listeners?

I believe instagram helped the most

How have you seen platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Youtube etc. influence the music industry today?

yes to promote and brand yourself in this day and age

Do you enjoy posting your work online, why or why not?

of course i am,im comfortable with it so why not put it out?

How do you stay up to date with new trends and/or platforms? Do you find this necessary to keep your music relevant?

yea just to see whats popping also find new people. i love finding new music 

What is your favorite song you have discovered on social media?

family roots by malz monday

Do you prefer working alone or collaborating with others? How does this influence your sound?

it doesn’t really matter i could do either, when i work with people we brainstorm and just bounce ideas back and forth till we are satisfied with what we made 

Which production tools were the most helpful while producing this track?

logic pro

Which aspect of the writing, production and release process do you enjoy the most?

i enjoy every moment 

What is the best advice you've received to improve the production quality of your music?

if you dont like how it sounds do it again till you like it 

Describe the fastest time in which you completed the writing and production process.

7 hours tryna get it to sound right and mixing and mastering it

If you could choose anyone to produce one of your tracks, who would you choose and why?

tyler the creator, his production is out of this world 

What drives you to continue writing music?

the work you put into it

What inspired this song?

My girlfriend

What artist or musician is your biggest influence?

logic, tyler the creator,kanye west,Kendrick lamar,westside boogie

What artist influences you the most sonically?

tyler the creator

What artist influences you the most lyrically?

eminem, westside boogie, Kendrick lamar

In your opinion, what is the most difficult part of writing a new song?

Writers block 

When you get stuck, where do you look for inspiration?

go out, do fun things, hangout with friends, listen to new music 

In what moments do you feel most inspired?

Making the song

Unleash Your Music's Potential! is your all-in-one platform for music promotion. Discover new fans, boost your streams, and engage with your audience like never before.