You don't know me
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Midget Green Perspective on You don't know me

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We are excited to share Midget Green's new track "You don't know me"! Our goal at SongBlog is to highlight outstanding new music and give you a peek at the artist’s world behind the music. In this blog we get a chance to sit down with Midget Green to learn all about the inspiration, concepts, and creative energy that it took to create and produce "You don't know me". We hope you enjoy and please feel free to ask Midget Green anything!
How does your background play into this song?

I wasn't the type of person broadcasted what I did, whatever that may be.  However, this song is reference to a part of my life that people don't know about unless they wouldn't know about unless they were rite there with me.  

What is your earliest memory of listening to music?

I grew up listening to a lot of blues music.  I didn't start listening to rap music until the early 90's, but when I discovered my love for poetry.  I later learned how to apply that talent of writing poetry to instrumentals.

At what moment in your life did you decide to become an artist / performer?

7 years ago

What genres does this release play into?

Rap/Hip hop

How has your sound and style evolved in the last 3 years?


What themes do you explore throughout your music?

Different views and experiences that comes from the lfe I have lived such as:  the street, faith, people and the fictions that are portrayed.

If you could go on tour with any artist, who would it be and why?

J. Cole.  Because he speaks to the people.

How would you describe your music to someone who has never heard it before?

First I would let them know it's nothing like the "crash rap" that's popular, but it's something you can bob your head to.  It's not completely Gangster nor trap rap.  I call it "real rap".

What is your favorite song you have made, and why?

Every one of them I have an extreme connection to because every line is based off my life experiences.  I might have a favorite when I first make a song until the next one is made.

What does your dream performance look like?

Walking out on stage to packed Orion Amphitheater and everyone knowing the words to my music.

What do you want people to feel when they listen to your music?

Connected to reality!

What three words would you want your fanbase to use to describe you?

Humble, genuine, and honest.

What is your favorite way of sharing your music?

Making and publishing the video.

Do you practice? How has your practice changed over time?

I wouldn't call it practice because I'm always listening to my music in some way, which reinforces it in my memory.

What is the most memorable response you've had to your work?

A fan that follows me on Facebook left a voice message on messager and told how much she listened to my music and how she constantly tries to put a other onto it.  She also told me not to stop.

What is your definition of success as an artist? How do you measure this success?

My definition of success is being recognized for my contribution towards music.  My success is measured through the people I'm able to reach.

How do you plan on being a game-changer within your genre?

I believe my overall style is different and much needed.

What role do you believe the artist has in our society?

I feel an artist role is to represent as well as lead the people positively.

Name a song that best represents success to you, and why?

The bigger picture by Lil Baby.  I feel he showed his growth as artist and person.  Understanding that there is a bigger picture is a point of success in its own.

What has been your most embarassing moment while pursuing music?

My first live performance.  I went hoarse before my performance was over.

If you could alter the music industry in any way, what would you change and why?

The "crash rap"!

How have your other passions reinforced your process of making music?


Has being an artist made your life lonely? How do you counteract this?


How would you define having an artistic outlook on life?

Understanding and being able to see more than just your view of life.

Name three artists you’d like to be compared to.

J. Cole, Lil Boosie, and Jay-z.

What is the most significant lesson you've learned through being an artist?


What is your overarching goal as an artist?

To make timeless music!

Do you have a distinct way of making music, how do you work?

The beat selection is the key.  I'd like to think the instrumental talks to me.  Most of the time I go from there if I don't have a subject or topic in mind.  Then I'll search for and Instrumental that fit the mood the song needs to be in.

Walk us through your music creation process, specifically for this song.

The instrumental for this song is 1 of 10 sent by a producer that encountered my music on Instagram,  So it made want to put my "best foot foward"!  The first bar of the chorus is what I heard the beat say and the rest is history.

Do you prefer working alone or collaborating with others? How does this influence your sound?

I would love to work with others, but I don't mind working by myself.  When I do work with other artist.  I feel it highlitghts my versatility.

Do you have any particular methods that help you flush out your creativity while making music?

Submersing myself in the instrumenal.

Which aspect of the writing, production and release process do you enjoy the most?

I enjoy the writing the most.

Which production tools were the most helpful while producing this track?

Pro tools.

What was the biggest drawback when producing this track?

I had none.

What production elements do you believe are necessary to making a great song?

I feel enviroment is the most important

Describe the fastest time in which you completed the writing and production process.

3 or 4 hours.

When did you being using social media from an artist perspective?

7 years ago.

How have you seen platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Youtube etc. influence the music industry today?


In what ways has social media worked for or against your career as an artist?

I feel social media is tools to spark the conversation about you as an artist in areas you couldn't get to regularly.

If you could choose one of your songs to go viral, which one would it be and why?

I would say this one simply because I feel it my latest masterpiece.

Has one of your songs ever gone viral? What was it like?


Do you enjoy posting your work online, why or why not?

Yes.  It's like leaving an everylasting mark on the world.

How do you stay up to date with new trends and/or platforms? Do you find this necessary to keep your music relevant?

I constantly surf Youtube.

What is your favorite type of music related content to watch or follow?

Dance trends.

Would you prefer being an artist and releasing music in the age before social media existed? If so, why?

No and I say because in this social media era it's possible to reach and influence people/fans through more than music.

How have you utilized social media to discover new songs?


Do you believe social media is helping or hurting the role of the artist and their authenticity?

I feel it's a 50/50 give/take type of thing when it comes to social media.

What drives you to continue writing music?

I know that there are people with my same outlook on life that haven't been spoken for.


What inspired this song?

The fact that people think they know you but they don't.

What goal were you trying to achieve while creating this song?

To let me know a part of me that they don't.

Who is your biggest influence, that isn't an artist or musician?

The most high!

What artist influences you the most sonically?

J. Cole

What do you believe are the elements that make up a great song?

The topic and mood.  Timing is small part.

What characteristics of your identity do you most commonly include in your music?

Being laid back and honest.

Would you consider your music an accurate reflection of who you are?


When you get stuck, where do you look for inspiration?

Smokin weed puts me in a state of mind where I'm able to focus on the topic.

Which one comes to you first, lyrics or music?


In what moments do you feel most inspired?

I could be inspired at any moment by any thing.

If you were to be remembered by one song you've created, which one would you choose and why?

The song Irrelevent.  That because there will always be people who are against you in some type of way and you should never let that hender you.

Describe a time an inanimate object has inspired you to write a song.

When I write songs about marijuana.

Which topics do you find yourself consistently drawn to when writing a new song, and why?

Life, because that's what will always be relevent.

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