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Shakira asegura ser como Miró

Reseña del artista hecha por:

For the past decade Shakira has been accused of selling herself to the basics of the music industry. With the explosion of the reggaeton, the Colombian was one of the first to penetrate in those wanderings of hips and sounds monotonous but sticky.

He then began to leave behind the nostalgic and romantic songs, and at the same time defaced, that so many caught, to consolidate more and more a simple and direct sound, with lyrics without much elaboration, as shown in his most recent production: El dorado.

It is a dance record, without many surprises. With tweezers you can save some songs, such as "Amarillo" that will surely rejoice those who miss the singer 15 years ago, but the rest, nothing memorable.

In a recent interview published by the Bogota newspaper El Tiempo , the composer asked her again about this radical turn in her style. Let's see a part of the conversation.

"His letters in the past had many more sentences and puns. How do you see your evolution?

"I've been simplifying myself in so many ways. My voice is also simpler. I do not know if you notice it, but before it had many inflections. I do not know how I still have so many fans, because I listen to some recordings from before and I say: Uff, what happened to me? I go simplifying, I go decanting, like wine. I think my music is also becoming more minimalist.

-For example ... -A song like "Blackmail" is the hymn of minimalism in my career: the same chords from beginning to end. That was almost forbidden in my musical vocabulary. And then, very few sounds. It is like a picture of Miro: red, yellow, blue, suddenly a brushstroke of green and it's over.

We will see if that simplicity, or minimalism as she calls it, will give that to speak in the next years.

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