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Rapskallion - The Modern Troubadours

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You thought that the Middle Ages are over? Well, take a look at the current global politics and trends and you won’t be so sure about that. But, hard times give birth to rebels, truth-seekers and critical thinking. In the Middle Ages, the troubadours had the mission of speaking or, better said, singing the truth, often through humor and riddles. Nowadays, we have bands like “Rapskallion” to make us laugh and broaden our views. They call themselves “inimitable buccaneering troubadours” and their music “marauding musical celebration of the exploits of a buccaneering crow, back alley felines, a badass femme fatale, and the vagabond king himself”. Zappa once asked if humor belonged in music. You don’t have to ask “Rapskallion” that question, because their music is full of it and it sounds really good. With their looks and their vaudevillian sensibilities they are very much reminiscent of 20’s Paris Bohemia. But they wouldn’t be troubadours if they stuck to tradition - their music is full of contemporary expressions: blues, jazz, avant-garde. These pirates from Melbourne, Australia really caught my attention with their modern cabaret music. Check them out on Bandcamp, they are definitely worth a listen!

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