Jake Monaco
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Interview with Jake Monaco

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One of the hardest working composers in television and film, Jake Monaco is currently providing the score to three different series: Amazon’s The Stinky & Dirty Show, Netflix’s Dinotrux, and Warner Bros. Animation Be Cool, Scooby Doo!. I chatted with Jake to discuss what he’s working on and what he has lined up for the future.


What moment did you know you wanted to be a composer?


I started writing songs almost as soon as I started playing guitar my freshman year of high school. I loved telling a story through lyrics. It wasn’t until one of my professors at the University of Richmond recommended that I look into USC’s film scoring program that I started taking an active interest in film scores. I obviously always knew they were there, but I never really thought too much about them. I visited the program in the fall of 2005 and had the opportunity to attend one of their recording sessions. Watching the incredible process immediately got me hooked. Only then did I start listening to film scores apart from the films themselves. By the time I attended the program in the fall of 2006, I knew this was the career path I wanted to pursue.


What mentors have been most helpful in helping you advance in music?


Working with Christophe Beck for almost eight years was probably the best mentorship I could have asked for. Seeing the process from beginning to end, on nearly 50 projects, was invaluable in preparing me for my own career. There’s only so much you can learn in school, but actually getting hands-on experience is priceless. Not only did it help me become a better composer, but I also learned the intricacies of managing a team.


Do you have a music bucket list? What is next on the list?


I actually still love songwriting, even though the opportunity for its cinematic implication hasn’t come up very often. I would love to write a musical, whether for stage or screen. I think it would be such an exciting experience to work with music in a different way than I do on a daily basis. A Disney musical would be the ultimate!

If you could re-score any old school film, which would it be?


That’s a tough one! Because my favorite old school films have such great scores, I would have a hard time getting away from what I already love about them.  Ghostbusters was above and beyond my favorite film growing up. Not that I’d ever want to take away from what Elmer Bernstein did, but I’d love to be involved in the franchise in some way in the future.

Is the score for Dinotrux more dinosaur or more truck?


Ha! I try to split my devotions equally. :)

There is the “truck” element, which has a heavier rock feel to it, especially in the build montages, but the more epic orchestral material is reminiscent of dinosaurs, at least in the way I imagine them.

What is your next project or premiere that we should be excited about?


Season 4 of Dinotrux is coming out in the spring. I think this season is definitely the best one yet. There were many exciting musical opportunities that I took full advantage of - from a 70’s funk-Mission-Impossible-style break in, to some gorgeously animated flight sequences, this season is shaping up to be my favorite!
