Nights Amore
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A Beautiful Discovery: Nights Amore

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There is this artist who I just found who is so to-the-heart and the music is so inspiring. It’s Nights Amore. In just discovering their music, the sonics and the beauty are so overwhelming. This music is a blessing to composers and listeners alike. “Afraid to Live”  is so great in its echo depth and pianistic beauty. It has such beauty and such grace. Another track not on the album on Kurrent Music, has this 6/8 pattern on piano followed by breathtaking strings and single vocal notes in a patch. It’s very inspiring and kind of reminds me of “Moonlight Sonata.” There are many other pieces where there is a subtle building technique where you take one section of melody and harmony and it gradually builds to include more instruments, say strings or minor percussion or even synthesizers. The many tracks that Nights Amore has put out are simply beautiful. They take you to a different place. Some make you think about death and the end. Some give you the impression of a future, eternal hope.

Listening to more of the music reveals a life of traveling through a life of open and closed doors. The color I see through most of this is blue. There is a pale blue that radiates throughout the whole collection of music. There is a love somewhat unfound in the pieces of music. There is a sense of loss to a lot of the music. A love or lover is lost.

“Death of God” is a super ambient track that has a rather demonic dimension to it. “Everything Went…Dark” is a fabulous sort of continuation of the previous track. At least, it is in the same key. Throughout the collection of music, there are a bunch of techno and ambient elements, which is fabulous. Go check out this collection. There are many gems in it.
